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Joined: 2007/10/30
Posts: 172

 How to be the Better Blessing...

Devotional: 1 Peter 4:10 “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.” The trials are for our training. We cannot wait till the storm clouds pass in order to stand in the gap for others. Rather than anticipating the end of the trial before praying for the tribulations and challenges of others…we are commanded to press in presently. To stand in the gap for those whose attacks are – in comparison to our own – far greater and more dire. Regardless of the urgency of the day and all the worries of tragedies, wars, and peril….GOD’s outpouring IN THIS HOUR is far greater! Therefore, look only at HIS work and not the devil’s! Yes, serve others selflessly and intentionally with humility for that, Beloved…is the Better Blessing! Amen and amen!

[u][b]The Better Blessing[/b][/u]

Think of the one who stands in the gap
and cries, “GOD! Replenish those souls which taste Lack!”
Think of the one who prays though attacked…
for those people – now bent to the ground.

Envision that servant…thus purposed
whose core deep commitment lifts Heavenly worship
to HIS throne with their hands full of service
for those people – now bent to the ground.

What price then pays for intercession
where the heart of such servants – none question –
because they embrace Godly lessons…
to learn better to bless those bowed down.

As HIS servant in your service,
WVW Jasnoch 12/27/07


 2007/12/27 8:56Profile

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