Devotional: What is great about the gift of eternal life in CHRIST our LORD is simple. No matter how many times it is shared, given away, or spoken or written about .the message of HIS free gift is as bright and as joyous as the hour He was appointed by the FATHER to die for our sins. Thankfully, HE arose! So, none can eer tarnish the brilliance of CHRIST! Amen and amen![b]Sovereignly Re-gifted[/b]The gift always givenwhose blessing neer fades though frequently sharedis the one without age.Yea, timeless in natureand endless in SPIRITis JESUS our LORD to whom we lift worship!No matter the frequencethen which we share CHRIST;every instance births Joyand regenerates Life!As HIS servant in your service,W.V.W. Jasnoch