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Discussion Forum : Devotional Thoughts : The battle field and warfare

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Joined: 2007/11/6
Posts: 191

 The battle field and warfare

I hope this is ok to post this thread to have some discussion in spiritual warfare. But to still keep in mind before any one submit any responce the [u][b]rules [/b][/u] been place in this site.

I have been thinking and observing for awhile now the awareness of the spiritual warfare and the battlefield we believers walk trough or avoiding to know of it in some point of our walk in Christ.
This becoming less and less, and hearing more of the prosperity or love teaching. I believe if we could share some knowledge on this will help and benefit us in our growth in Christ.
Any thought that will give an edifying encouragement to some?


 2007/12/26 10:00Profile

Joined: 2007/11/6
Posts: 191

 Re: The battle field and warfare

Sorry people in SI i post this in wrong thread :-( my deep apology. This is supposed to be in general topics. I'm sorry


 2007/12/26 10:06Profile

Joined: 2006/6/28
Posts: 3405
Dallas, Texas


This is supposed to be in general topics. I'm sorry

No worries! Topics such as these have a neat tendency to turn into devotions. Are you familiar with the book "The Christian in Complete Armor" by William Gurnall?

Paul Frederick West

 2007/12/26 10:19Profile

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