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Joined: 2007/2/28
Posts: 86

 Rap song about angels

Angelz by Shai Linne

Yo, I just got off from work, once again my boss is trippin'
He has no idea how often I've thought of quittin'
Wanna tell him what he could do with his job
But I got bills to pay, plus it's stupid to rob
Not to mention i'm a Christian! (I laughed when I heard this)
Been saved 10 years
Yeah, I've had my ups and downs but all in all i'm still here
Yet something's not clear
I need the ear of my Creator
Cause reading the Bible got me asking "why?" like Jada (hiphop reference)
In my mouth is the worst taste
Cause i'm part of this cursed race
Why did God create Adam & Eve in the first place?
And omnipotent God is not dependent at all
So nobody tell me He couldn't have prevented the fall!
The word, I read it and saw
That God, from the foundation of the earth had already chose some for salvation
What's up with the rest? I guess they're going to hell...
I want to file a complaint, but got no one to tell
Cause the Christians I know smile like everything's 'gravy'
But deep down inside i'm angry at the God who made me
The word of God is cutting me like a poison sword
I'm not sure how much longer ill be avoiding girls
I got too much of the world in me to enjoy the Lord
And too much of the Lord in me to enjoy the world...
At that moment I weeped
My thoughts were growing too deep
I said "whatever," i'm smoking some weed and i'm going to sleep


As I tossed and turned in my slumber
I was lost in fervent wonder
Because I saw a furnace and heard thunder!
I couldn't believe it...
In front of me now I was seein'
Not one, but two mighty powerful beings!
And nothing that man could tell in pictures
Could ever prepare my eyes to behold these angelic figures!
A angel and a demon
I thought I was dead...
But then the demon opened his mouth and this is what he said

We wanna have your faith disturbed
Get you mad to serve your boss
Behind the scenes we agitate your nerves with demonic schemes
We put holes, till we took sole control of your good soul or gained the foothold
You know the likes of this, hells angels
Demons, and not the motorcyclists
We want to bring you down like detox
I've been around for epoch's
Please stop asking "why?" like that cat from "D-Block" (Hiphop reference)
We learned our lesson, we sinned in His sight
So now we're living in fright becase we have spurned His blessins'
It's absurd to question, up in it it's like
Now our fight is against infinite might with a third of heaven (???)
We assembled, read the memo
We also believe and tremble
Although, we'll all go to a place for the unlawful
Justly confined with the devil where its custom designed for his rebels
For some are called 'Christian"
They're on a lost mission
Cause faith without works needs a mortician
A facade, cause i'm from a squad
That sees Christ as the Son of God
But we still dont receive life
We were tossed from the heavenlies
A place calm and beautiful
Ecstacy without the street pharmaceuticals
But through God's imputable
Righteousness, man gets a life of bliss
Thanks to the price of Christ's crucible
While you know the story, we'll get the crucial
Judgment that's useful, for Jehovas' glory
So while you want to claim faith
And trust Jesus' name sake
Make it genuine, or you'll get the same fate..


I was gripped with fear when his words hit my ears
I never thought a vision could be this severe
But is this a vision here?
I was more surprised when right before my eyes the demon dissapeared
I peeped the angel, I thought his holiness would bite my head off
Instead he tossed me a bright red cloth to wipe the sweat off
I never been so afraid, my heart it was weak
He came close and looked me in my eyes and started to speak

Since man is seldom seeing, the truth he can't tell
So hear from this angelic being...
A divine messenger
And I don't resemble chubby babies with wings
That's a lying replica
I'm a ministering spirit who serves Christ
In those who will inherit eternal life
I've seen all the days of history
Yet i'm still gazing into this amazing mystery!
That God would make humans from dirt
And after removing the curse,
Would make 'em into a beautiful church
Have you seen in the heavens to behold His Son
In the immediate presence of the Holy One?! be thankful, kid
Cause sinful humans aren't able to see His glorious face and live
And if you're in terror when seeing me
How much more would you be scared of Deity who created me
That's why cherubim and seraphim wouldn't dare to sin!
Cause we're scared of him
After appearing at His face
And no angel has experienced grace!
And if I sinned He wouldnt have saved me
Consider His goodness, you shouldn't be angry!
You lived violently, with pride and greed
I've lived entirely with piety
In compliancy to His dynasty
Yet no Messiah has ever died for me!
See, i'm right with God cause i'm sinless
Men are right with God from forgiveness
I've been shouting His praises for thousands of ages
I bow in amazement at his power and patience
Yet, I've encountered He's gracious!
Instead of Him devouring pagans, he bowing to save 'em!
Italians and Asians, bountiful nations will worship with me
Though I never doubted His cadence!
And don't be mad at Him
Cause Adam sinned
Us angels bugged out, He didn't smash 'em then
Yeah, it's true He allowed the fall of man
But He used it now to exalt the Lamb!
The Lord, who's wise
Permits existence of sins
To be glorified, in His forgiveness to men
So listen my friend, your complaints are many!
If anything, be amazed that He's saving any!
Yeah, you confess the law
But those who truly profess are pure
Make your election sure!
Are you saved or not? You're faced with a choice
So please repent to make us angels rejoice
Are you saved or not?! You're faced with a choice!
So please repent to make us angels rejoice!

The angel bounced, I immediately fell on my face
Because I knew God had sent him to me to tell of His grace
I was swelling with praise
I said "Lord, have mercy on me!"
He said, "Your elect angel, then one that you cursed upon me?" (????)
My murmurs were persitent
The nerve of this Christian
Served with this vision even though Your word is sufficient
I deserve to be loathed, for my sinful distrust
And like Your servant Job I repent in the dust
Forgive me for whats occurred in the dark!
My doubt and my sin go hand in hand like love birds in the park
What I was speaking was hazardous
And equally blasphemous
Your glory's more important than creaturely happiness!
Jesus you're fabulous!
I cling to Your cross, to have my sin tossed
Like that fallen angel, I should have been lost
The alarm clock went off
It's just a dream
Ten to the dot
I looked on my pillow and saw a bright red cloth

There's two times the rappers use a reference to a rapper named Jadakiss. He took out a song named "Why?" now you can understand the simile

When I put (???) next to the lyric, it was hard for me to understand what the rapper was saying.


 2007/12/18 14:16Profile

 Re: Rap song. Good or bad?

On second thought... I can see this turning ugly, and this is not a battle I'm willing to fight in.

Nevermind... :-)


 2007/12/18 14:23

Joined: 2007/2/28
Posts: 86


had to change topic title, too controversial and detracts from the point of the song. But anyways, my favorite lyrics come from the angels verse.

I know how most feel about rap music. But i felt that if its just the lyrics that youre reading, then its more like a poem than a rap song. And most importantly it glorifies Christ.


 2007/12/18 14:36Profile

Joined: 2007/2/28
Posts: 86


oh and the reason I posted the lyrics was cause when I first heard this song and many others, it impacted me in a big way. I had this urge to share it with people @ my church. Yeah so this is just sharing. hehe


 2007/12/18 14:40Profile

Joined: 2006/1/31
Posts: 4994

 Re: Rap song about angels

I think it was Don Currin at revival Conference who said this quote from Fanny Crosby; It just made me think much about this.....

“It is never right to take the lyrics of Zion and put them to the tune of Babylon”

worth thinking about; I used to listen a lot to rap and hip hop, but i acnt any more, even if it is Christian rap, it gets my feelings and flesh going, remembrance of old things. I still have much of those satanic lyrics in my head, go figure i have some difficulty memorizing scriptures, yet i have such dark lyrics stored in my mind. As for these lyrics i think he has some good lines in it. But as for poems you could try a wesley or Isaac watts hymn ;-) there is poetry right there!

God bless you all

Christian ex rapper gone hymnal


 2007/12/18 14:49Profile

Joined: 2006/11/10
Posts: 279
North Carolina, US



hmmhmm wrote:
Christian ex rapper gone hymnal

Amen Brother,, or should I say Bro.. :-P
Also Greg Locke rapper turned Ol' School Evangelist
has a few of his messages with a little insight into the subject,
I think his AUDIO testimony can be found on SI

[url=]What in the World Happend to You - Greg Locke[/url]

 2007/12/18 16:02Profile

Joined: 2007/2/28
Posts: 86




 2007/12/18 18:58Profile

Joined: 2006/6/19
Posts: 927


Not only are shai linne's songs convicting and Biblically sound, he has demonstrated himself to be a godly man who shows such humility towards his enemies it would make us ashamed.

Taylor Otwell

 2007/12/18 21:35Profile

Joined: 2004/1/17
Posts: 219


Where do you think the tunes for hymns came from? Did an angel come from heaven with sheet music which the earth had never seen before and give it to the writers of every hymn in the book? No! Most likely the melodies, styles, etc... were borrowed/modified versions of what existed in the secular culture. We are never given instructions in scripture as to what makes sacred and what makes secular music. If that is NOT the case - then what would our advice be to the member of an african tribe who has grown up knowing only the beat of djembes (african drum) and the like, who is born again? Does God then demand that his cultural expression must change and now he must worship only to the tune of acoustic guitars and/or organs? Certainly this would be stupidity of the highest order to suggest such a thing.
Lyrical content is one thing, but to wax religious and condemn a song with powerful lyrics because of it's "demonic beat" or whatnot is a demonstration of a lack of revelation concerning the nature and character of God. God desires the worship of all nations, and he doesn't demand that their sound becomes that of the hymnists. Can you imagine the wild beats that David danced to? (since the word for "timbrel" in Hebrews is actually a hand drum) We would probably have thought it as being "demonic tribal music".
These are just my thoughts.


 2007/12/18 22:04Profile

Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 2732

 Re: Rap song about angels

Welcome Wordizlife,

You mentioned,

When I put (???) next to the lyric, it was hard for me to understand what the rapper was saying.

And I caught this one...

When Now our fight is against infinite might with a third of heaven (???)

I believe it's a reference to the third of the angels that were cast out of heaven with Lucifer. Rev. 12. 4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

The other one wasn't clear to me...
...then one that you cursed upon me

Perhaps a reference to the serpent in the garden?

Gen 3. And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed...

Or perhaps it is a reference to Christ carrying our sins on the cross...

Gal 3. Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:



Mike Compton

 2007/12/18 23:20Profile

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