[b]Pharaohs or Fathers? Spiritual Authority - It's Uses and Abuses[/b][i]by David Ravenhill[/i]PHARAOHSPharaohs have slavesPharaohs commandPharaohs dominatePharaohs dictatePharaohs destroy and demeanPharaohs removePharaohs restrainPharaohs manipulatePharaohs emasculatePharaohs whipPharaohs want resultsPharaohs build great citiesPharaohs are hardheartedPharaohs fear successPharaohs want servantsPharaohs prey on slavesSlaves die for pharaohsSlaves work out of fearSlaves work out of dutySlaves remain slavesSlaves loathe pharaohsSlaves are discouragedSlaves receive reprovalSlaves grow to hate & hurtSlaves have numbersSlaves celebrate pharaohs deathSlaves escapeSlaves sighFATHERSFathers have sonsFathers counselFathers liberateFathers communicateFathers disciplineFathers restoreFathers releaseFathers motivateFathers propagateFathers weepFathers want relationshipFathers build great sonsFathers are tenderheartedFathers foster successFathers are servantsFathers prey for sonsFathers die for sonsSons work out of faithSons work out of devotionSons develop into fathersSons love fathersSons are encouragedSons receive approvalSons grow to heal & helpSons have namesSons commiserate a fathers deathSons returnSons sing
_________________SI Moderator - Greg Gordon