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Joined: 2005/4/19
Posts: 772

 Andrew Strom-Revival List email

I was curious if anyone received the latest email from Andrew Strom's Revival list? It had a vision from a lady. I wasnt sure if I could post it, but it was interesting and wondered what others thought.

The main theme of the vision was if you aren't on your face before God and interceeding you will be destroyed by the Judgement that is coming.


 2007/12/17 10:58Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: Andrew Strom-Revival List email

I think its fine to post for discussion sister.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/12/17 11:03Profile

Joined: 2005/4/19
Posts: 772



sermonindex wrote:
I think its fine to post for discussion sister.

With Greg's permission, this is the text of the email.

-by Rosie Lovejoy.

"This is the vision I had during Praise and Worship on January 4th, 2003, the evening we were praying for a Pastor and his wife's departure to Israel...

It began with a vision of a huge lion, about ten to fifteen feet high.
He was suspended about two to three feet off the ground. He was not a "cute" lion, rather His mane was large and shaggy, and He looked very viral and powerful. During the entire vision He was walking levitated two to three feet above the earth. The lion turned to me and thundered: "DO NOT MY PEOPLE KNOW THAT the TIME and the SEASON HAS CHANGED?" (I remember thinking that His grammar was odd, and that is not how we usually say
things.) After thundering the question to me, He breathed, and
flames of fire came out of His mouth. I heard the words "LION OF ZION" reverberate through my Spirit. The lion began to walk, suspended above the ground, breathing fire. The fire that was coming out of His mouth was not the refining fire we have been taught about, rather a fire that destroyed and burnt up all in its path. I knew in my spirit that it was a fire of judgment.

I next saw a view of a downtown business district of a large city.
I think it was New York City, but I cannot be sure. I saw a building that resembled the Empire State Building, and a few buildings that surrounded it, collapse. The image was similar to the collapse of the Twin Towers. I screamed in my spirit, "No LORD!! NO!!!!!"
As I was screaming, I saw the rubble and smoke from the collapsing buildings arise into a cloud that resembled a mushroom cloud. I do not know for sure if it was a nuclear mushroom cloud or a cloud of debris from the building. I was horrified and weeping in my spirit.

The lion reappeared and again turned His head and spoke to me.
In a mournful voice He asked: "HOW ELSE am I GOING TO BRING IN the HARVEST?" (I instinctively knew that as a nation and people we are totally pre-occupied with our little lives and situations, and nothing short of calamity was going to bring us to question our existence and purpose for being. I knew it would take something of this magnitude to bring us to repentance.) The lion then spoke again: "I HAVE USED BABYLON IN the PAST to JUDGE MY PEOPLE, and I WILL USE BABYLON AGAIN to JUDGE MY PEOPLE."

The lion began to walk, and I saw groups of people standing and talking, some were joking with each other. Others were buying new cars and houses. Others were plotting financial gains and what to do with their assets during these uncertain times. I knew that this was the Church in America. Most were erect and oblivious to the approaching lion. A few were face down on the ground weeping and interceding. They were each covered with a coarse, brown cloak. There were very few on their faces.

THE LION THEN ROARED, and flames came out of His mouth, and burnt up the Christians who were standing. They became ashes and were no more. Horrified, I realized that I was standing to watch the unfolding scene, and I dove towards the dirt, skinning my chin as I landed. I was immediately covered from head to foot with the same coarse, brown cloak the intercessors on the ground were covered with. I raised my head to look out, and witnessed more and more erect Christians being burnt to a crisp.
It was clear to me that the only safe pace to be was on my face, in the dirt, interceding.

The Lion of Zion then turned to me again, and spoke. "DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE THAT I will KEEP MY HAND of PROTECTION OVER YOUR NATION, WHEN it is WILLING TO DIVIDE MY HOLY CITY, JERUSALEM?" I knew in that moment that YAHWEH was lifting His hand of protection from our nation, and that judgment had begun. I clung to the ground, as the lion walked over me, and those of us who were prostrate on the ground, still breathing fire. By this time, the worship music had concluded and the Pastor's wife was speaking about the offering, and how giving our tithes and offerings was a joyful act of worship. Again the Lion thundered: "ARE my WAREHOUSES FULL? NO!!!!

I then saw men I knew were pastors and priests, standing tall and erect. Some were standing in front of Mercedes, others in front of large, expensive churches. The Lion spoke again: "MOST OF My PRIESTS DON'T CARE ABOUT My WIDOWS AND ORPHANS. THEY CARE About THEMSELVES, THEIR CARS AND HOUSES, and the CHURCHES THEY ARE BUILDING.
I thought. "These ministers are goners…" The Lion then opened His mouth and roared. Fire came out and consumed the "priests"
who were standing beside their new cars and large, expensive churches. They became a pile of ashes on the ground next to their possessions. Many, many were consumed.

The Lion continued to walk, breathing fire. Anywhere Christians were standing, rather than prostrate on the ground in sackcloth, they were consumed and turned to ashes....."

{-PROSTRATE, INTERCEEDING - the only safe place to be amid the coming judgments....}


 2007/12/17 13:35Profile

Joined: 2004/3/24
Posts: 1374

 Re: Andrew Strom-Revival List email

The lion reappeared and again turned His head and spoke to me. In a mournful voice He asked: "HOW ELSE am I GOING TO BRING IN the HARVEST?" (I instinctively knew that as a nation and people we are totally pre-occupied with our little lives and situations, and nothing short of calamity was going to bring us to question our existence and purpose for being. I knew it would take something of this magnitude to bring us to repentance.)

The lion began to walk, and I saw groups of people standing and talking, some were joking with each other. Others were buying new cars and houses. Others were plotting financial gains and what to do with their assets during these uncertain times. I knew that this was the Church in America. Most were erect and oblivious to the approaching lion. A few were face down on the ground weeping and interceding. They were each covered with a coarse, brown cloak. There were very few on their faces. THE LION THEN ROARED, and flames came out of His mouth, and burnt up the Christians who were standing. They became ashes and were no more.

Horrified, I realized that I was standing to watch the unfolding scene, and I dove towards the dirt, skinning my chin as I landed. I was immediately covered from head to foot with the same coarse, brown cloak the intercessors on the ground were covered with. I raised my head to look out, and witnessed more and more erect Christians being burnt to a crisp. It was clear to me that the only safe pace to be was on my face, in the dirt, interceding.

By this time, the worship music had concluded and the Pastor's wife was speaking about the offering, and how giving our tithes and offerings was a joyful act of worship. Again the Lion thundered: "ARE my WAREHOUSES FULL? NO!!!!ARE MY PRIESTS TAKING CARE of MY WIDOWS and ORPHANS? NO!!!" I then saw men I knew were pastors and priests, standing tall and erect. Some were standing in front of Mercedes, others in front of large, expensive churches. The Lion spoke again: "MOST OF My PRIESTS DON'T CARE ABOUT My WIDOWS AND ORPHANS. THEY CARE About THEMSELVES, THEIR CARS AND HOUSES, and the CHURCHES THEY ARE BUILDING. THEY CARE About THEIR MINISTRY, NOT MINE." "Oh no!" I thought. "These ministers are goners…" The Lion then opened His mouth and roared. Fire came out and consumed the "priests"who were standing beside their new cars and large, expensive churches. They became a pile of ashes on the ground next to their possessions. Many, many were consumed.

The Lion continued to walk, breathing fire. Anywhere Christians were standing, rather than prostrate on the ground in sackcloth, they were consumed and turned to ashes....."

--- When i first got this from Strom and read it it sent shudders thru me because it is so close to what i believe our Lord has been speaking to me for so long also, the quotes about "the harvest" , "correction", "the reasons for corrections regarding the sins of the priests", and also because if the majority of saints could read this it would be percieved as a joke, the rantings of a self deluded legalist reacting in the name of God to her own dislikes of what is occuring in the Body and the leadership ...

If that's the case then there's nothing to worry about for sure, but on the flip side if it is the case ... Jesus help those who will to already be prostrate before You begin to ROAR! ... At this present time i've never been this sad in my faith, or cogitated of spirit, nor been in such trepidation for the masses in America (both saved and unsaved) as i am right now, it's like i'm waiting for a huge explosion to go off and everyone else around me is wondering why i'm on the ground with my hands over my head ... God knows i'll be so relieved to have Him bring me past the remainder of this year into whatever aspect of His will being done because whether my peculiar faith is of Him, or not,this anticipation is almost unbearable at this point :-? ---

 2007/12/18 9:08Profile

Joined: 2004/6/15
Posts: 1924

 uh oh...

sis Melissa et al Greetings in Jesus' Name by Whose Blood we are Saved.AMEN.

i read with interest this account, much interest as it is something i believe our Lord has spoken to me about. at first i thought i was alone but i came to find many more people who seemed to have been shown the same thing...So unless the enemy has somehow managed to trick a bunch (well more than 1 or 2) of us into believeing this same thing without any prior connections to one another, then God is trying to get something across here...

the themes of the message have been shown to me in differing images/ways and others also. the bottom line is REPENT, REPENT, REPENT OR DIE!!!

from the vision:

I next saw a view of a downtown business district of a large city.I think it was New York City, but I cannot be sure. I saw a building that resembled the Empire State Building, and a few buildings that surrounded it, collapse. The image was similar to the collapse of the Twin Towers. I screamed in my spirit, "No LORD!! NO!!!!!"
As I was screaming, I saw the rubble and smoke from the collapsing buildings arise into a cloud that resembled a mushroom cloud. I do not know for sure if it was a nuclear mushroom cloud or a cloud of debris from the building. I was horrified and weeping in my spirit.

i saw a similar thing in which a ball of fire fell upon New York and the cloud which arose from it was like a mushroom cloud. Now i saw the same thing in Washington D.C. also. i don't know the extent of the damage but what little i saw in the aftermath was incredibly horrific, not so much the destruction but seeing the agony of those who didn't repent and perished...i began to consider that it is possible that millions could perish in an instant...

indeed it seems that nothing short of calamity at this point will bring the majority about...i have been asking God that as many as would, should be quickened before, during and after this happens. i have asked people if they sense anything about to happen and most don't...many of us are preoccupied with the day to day grind...

indeed there are some pastors/priests who haven't watched over His flocks diligently and yet others have been faithful at great cost to themselves.

if these things are all vain imaginings, there is nothing to worry about, but if this is the Heart of God...

God Help us.AMEN.

Grace and PEace are ours in JEsus.AMEN.

Farai Bamu

 2007/12/18 11:05Profile

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779

 Re: uh oh...


indeed it seems that nothing short of calamity at this point will bring the majority about...

I am not sure that even a major calamity will truly bring people to Christ. Look at the events of 9/11. The church buildings on Sunday, September 16th, 2001 were FILLED to capacity. But could we make a claim that these people "[i]turned to God[/i]?" Perhaps they turned to where they thought they could find God (to the Church) and still found [u]nothing[/u]?

I've been studying the book of Revelation again. I am amazed at the terrible judgments poured out by God upon the Earth. Yet even after such great and terrible events (including miraculous, unexplainable phenomenon), the people will STILL continue in their sin.

I'm not sure the effect that disaster actually has on a person's eternal condition. Many people turn to God during times of fear and crisis. Prisons are filled with "believers" who forget to bring their Bibles (and their Christianity) with them upon release. While I praise God for those testimonies of individuals who turned to God (and continue in Him) after a calamity, I have noticed a trend in this world. People turn to God like a child turns to a parent during a storm. Once the storm passes and the thunder is silent, they go back to their own beds.

We need true conversions. We need people who do not turn to God out of mere fear -- but out of longing to be with Him and to know Him. As a child and a teen, I was always afraid of spending an eternity in a lake of fire. However, it wasn't until I feared an eternity WITHOUT KNOWING CHRIST that I turned to the Lord with all of my heart. While there may be some who get to know Him out of fear during calamity, the vast majority seem to reflect the nature of the world during the time of God's wrath in the book of Revelation -- still unrepentant for their lifestyles and lusts.



 2007/12/18 11:38Profile

Joined: 2004/6/15
Posts: 1924


bro Chris Greetings in Jesus' Name by Whose Blood we are Saved.AMEN.

you said:

I am not sure that even a major calamity will truly bring people to Christ. Look at the events of 9/11. The church buildings on Sunday, September 16th, 2001 were FILLED to capacity. But could we make a claim that these people "turned to God?" Perhaps they turned to where they thought they could find God (to the Church) and still found nothing?

if i may, i'd like to look at the last line of this paragraph.

that's pretty chilling bro because that then is an indictment against us as the body...bro Katz liked to say "crisis reveals and absolute crisis reveals absolutely" so i had a thought. perhaps the degree to which people turned to God after 9-11 is reflective of the severity of the calamity in the minds of people. most of us saw it from a distance, on tv, online, on print etc but not many (relative to the total population) saw it upfront. i am curious to see how [i][b]those[/b][/i] ones turned to/away from God. for them it may well have been an ultimate crisis. now if something were to happen which would affect us all in an ultimate way, that would probably bring many to repentance in my estimation. i think of how Israel turned to God in the aftermath of the various invasions.

I've been studying the book of Revelation again. I am amazed at the terrible judgments poured out by God upon the Earth. Yet even after such great and terrible events (including miraculous, unexplainable phenomenon), the people will STILL continue in their sin.

indeed, however some if not most or even all of these at that point have taken the mark and there isn't any turning back from that...then again it also underscores the depravity of our hearts and bent toward sin. if you think that's bad, after the Millenial Reign of Christ, we have Gog and Magog part Deux...

I'm not sure the effect that disaster actually has on a person's eternal condition. Many people turn to God during times of fear and crisis. Prisons are filled with "believers" who forget to bring their Bibles (and their Christianity) with them upon release. While I praise God for those testimonies of individuals who turned to God (and continue in Him) after a calamity, I have noticed a trend in this world. People turn to God like a child turns to a parent during a storm. Once the storm passes and the thunder is silent, they go back to their own beds.

yes there is this trend indeed which is disturbing but it has been my prayer that as many as would should come to Him before during and after this. adversity however does tend to reveal the truth of one's heart, those who hate God will be plain to see, just as those who Love Him will be.

We need true conversions. We need people who do not turn to God out of mere fear -- but out of longing to be with Him and to know Him. As a child and a teen, I was always afraid of spending an eternity in a lake of fire. However, it wasn't until I feared an eternity WITHOUT KNOWING CHRIST that I turned to the Lord with all of my heart. While there may be some who get to know Him out of fear during calamity, the vast majority seem to reflect the nature of the world during the time of God's wrath in the book of Revelation -- still unrepentant for their lifestyles and lusts.

bro the first line of this paragraph says it all. May God be so Gracious to Grant us all true Conversion and Repentance.AMEN.

Grace and Peace are ours in Jesus.AMEN.

Farai Bamu

 2007/12/18 12:29Profile

 Re: Andrew Strom-Revival List email

From the vision

I next saw a view of a downtown business district of a large city.
I think it was New York City, but I cannot be sure. I saw a building that resembled the Empire State Building, and a few buildings that surrounded it, collapse. The image was similar to the collapse of the Twin Towers.

Does this mention of a named city, change the way you read this?

If it said 'I think it was Dallas', or, 'I think it was San Francisco', or 'I think it was Kansas City'... or 'I think it was London, UK' or, 'I think it was Toronto' .... you get my meaning .... does it strike home differently?

 2007/12/18 12:54

Joined: 2004/3/24
Posts: 1374

 Re: uh oh...

Bro Chris you wrote;
"I've been studying the book of Revelation again. I am amazed at the terrible judgments poured out by God upon the Earth. Yet even after such great and terrible events (including miraculous, unexplainable phenomenon), the people will STILL continue in their sin."

---Amen - but within your reasoning it makes one wonder why God would even bother with such miraculous, tho very explainable phenomena of mass destructions to those converted to the faith during the Tribulation periods ... See you said, "the people will STILL continue in their sin", when in actuality you should say "some people", or even "most of the people", but the folk God knows is coming to Him in such horrible times are His harvest, those He's interested in, His additional chosen vessels of mercy, while such times also do a duty for Him by casting millions of vessels of wrath into their inescably awaiting of the Great White Throne Judgment and their being cast into Hell ...

Jesus told the Laodiceans as many as He loves He rebukes and chastens, within your line of reasoning why should Jesus even bother to warn us, let alone bring us to a point of correction, if the only reason any of us would repent and get right is out of fear of the correcting? ... Tell you the truth in my own simple reasoning i don't understand why He even bothered at all in the creation of us in the first place, let alone the providing of His Son toward our salvation, and any subsequent pleadings and/or warnings that He's trying not to have to discipline us ... To be perfectly honest here Lord knows i've kinda had a beef in that i ain't never wanted to be put in any position to try to warn anyone of any supernatural consequences, i certainly didn't like it when i was raised a JW, and even far less after my intial experience within God's true house, especially to leadership ... Truth be told i find it far easier to be used in warning the unsaved than the saved, because i know from first hand experience, dealing with myself first, that no one is as slippery at attempting to get past what God's wants and desires as a self willed and satisfied with the status quo saint, and it's another reason that i'm as glad to be as close to the end of this thing as i am ... God knows that if i find that this has somehow been of me all along, as i've said before i'm just gonna apologize, sit down, shut up, and will be wasting no additional time in trying to psycho-analyze the why's, wherefores, etc., because i will be to busy being ecstatic that at least it's over, and i'll no longer have any validity left whatsoever to ever feel like i'm called of God to prophetically have to warn another saint, or meddle in some pastor's business, as it will be obvious that i haven't the slightest inkling of the Lord's voice in my life, and i will be most appreciative of finally being sat down, freed from such gross error of using our Lord's name in what would so rightly actually be what Ron Bailey has called "my nonsense", and will have to come to grips with the fact that i apparently have more freedom in my walk with Him than i've believed ...

But while i'm still on this side of my capture, and i do feel captured of Him, let me say that 9/11 was a firecracker that affected a handful in comparrison to what bro Ironman and i believe is nigh, as we also believe those whom of which God wishes to get their attention (believers) our attentions will be gained
because whether we can even begin to reason an understanding of why God continually seems to use
tactics that so many saints as yourself believe to be unproductive to His will being done here on earth in the getting of the attention of folk, His own already saved folk in particular, He still continues to use them ---

Bro Chris you wrote;
"While there may be some who get to know Him out of fear during calamity, the vast majority seem to reflect the nature of the world during the time of God's wrath in the book of Revelation -- still unrepentant for their lifestyles and lusts."

---Amen ... but it's for those "some" that are His that all this that makes no reasonable sense is about anyway ... He already told us;

[13] Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
[14] Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

His tactics surely may seem unreasonable and/or unprofitable to His created, but He's also told us that His ways are so far above our own that our attempting to wrap our small minds around His plan and will is a sure excercise in futility ...

i praise God for bro Ironman, myself, and all who've been affected by our peculiar faith it's outcome one way or the other is not much longer ... In all things may HE get all the praise and the glory ---

 2007/12/18 13:04Profile

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779


Hi Brother Rahman…

I think that you may have misunderstood the essence of my post. I didn’t mean to say that God [u]doesn’t[/u] use the terrible situations in this world to bring people unto Himself. Rather, I meant to convey that disaster and calamity often brings about a temporary “conversion.” Once the storm dies down, people turn back to their old ways. It makes one question the validity of such a “conversion” that is motivated solely by fear or pain.

I didn’t post my comment with your prophecy in mind. Imagine if the prophecy that you and Ironman have made public actually came to pass. Will people stand and wonder what “sin” has caused the event (John 9)? I think that we often fail to realize that even God’s JUDGMENT is meant to bring about the work of God and lead people back unto Him. If God always gave men what we deserved, then who could stand? Even the most “holy” of saints would be destroyed by the letter of the Law. Yet the grace and mercy of God prevents this wrath.

I am concerned for both of you in regards to this prophecy. I have faith that you both have an honest walk with the Lord that will withstand any calamity. However, if such a calamity doesn’t occur? Yes, you will be obligated to confess that you were wrong (at least, by naming a particular Gregorian calendar [u]year[/u]). Yet we know that some dark days still lay ahead for this world. We should ALWAYS be prepared for the persecution and tribulation that exists throughout the world. We should ALWAYS learn to be content with the provisions that the Lord provides. Even though we may not truly know the day and hour (or calendar year) for a particular event beforehand – we can still be prepared for such an event.

You are in my prayers. If the Lord wills, I hope to begin traveling at the end of the week. I will be in Tennessee for the Christmas holiday, and will return near the first. As I’ve said before, I am praying that the things that you’ve “seen” do NOT come to pass. I do this for the sake of my family, my neighbors, my countrymen and this world. I pray that God gives us more time to bring His message of redemption to mankind. Yes, America is filled with much hypocrisy. But God is able to perform a great work even before the times grow dark. How do I know? He reached me during the “best” time of my life. Besides, as dark as the days will grow, they are not nearly as bad as the ETERNAL "wrath to come."

“But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.” – Luke 22:32



 2007/12/18 14:20Profile

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