We feel we dont want to be odd. We dont want to be different from all the other worshipers around us who have entered into a church service in which "religious manipulation is described as the moving of the Spirit and amplified noise as worship Everybodys oohing and aahing. Lots of Amens and Halleleulas and loud choruses and exclamations and ecstatic references until you feel, Gee, maybe theres something wrong with me. I better enter into this, and you do -- by the flesh.
Have you read the book: "Power of the Latent Soul" by Watchman Nee? Art Katz actually mentions it as a MUST read to understand the primary truths about this topic. Here is the audio piece that part way through he touches on this subject, its a MUST listen:The Love of the Truth (video) .
Yes, this is an interesting discussion. My wife is an accomplished pianist and sometimes I can sense when the Holy Spirit annoints her playing. As much as I enjoy that, I think the lyrics are much more important than the music itself and I see much contemporary Christian music that is lacking in lyrics.
_________________Rikard Eriksson
So, if someone has any really good stuff to recommend, please go ahead! I would be most greatful to find some truly anointed music.