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Joined: 2003/10/15
Posts: 1632


We feel we don’t want to be odd. We don’t want to be different from all the other “worshipers” around us who have entered into a church “service” in which "religious manipulation is described as “the moving of the Spirit” and amplified noise as “worship”

“Everybody’s ‘ooh’ing and ‘aah’ing. Lots of ‘Amen’s and ‘Halleleula’s and loud choruses and exclamations and ecstatic references until you feel, ‘Gee, maybe there’s something wrong with me. I better enter into this,’ and you do -- by the flesh.”

I have only been exposed to this type of thing one time- at a small prophetic conferance. I had no problem getting up and walking out. I knew right away just from the focus of the lyrics (which were all about our blessings and taking up our territory- not about His glory or greatness). I probably was the only one there who left and went home. I don't understand why people don't have this discernment. It is so very clear what it from Him and what is not. If your foundation is right and not built on men's teachings, etc... and Christ is your only foundation- it should be simple enough. I could care less what everyone else is doing. Of course the people from my church that went to it said "this is the way the prophetic works". I simply said "it is not how it works for me!" :-)

Simplicity, simplicity. where there is complexity- things get weird. Paul pleads with us not to be led away from the simplicity that is in Christ. - and "conduct ourselves in the world in simplicity and godly sincerity, not with fleshly wisdom but by the grace of God."

in Him, chanin


 2004/5/30 23:42Profile

Joined: 2003/11/30
Posts: 78


Have you read the book: "Power of the Latent Soul" by Watchman Nee? Art Katz actually mentions it as a MUST read to understand the primary truths about this topic. Here is the audio piece that part way through he touches on this subject, its a MUST listen:The Love of the Truth (video) .

Actually, I haven't read Nee's book yet, but I definitely will. Thanks for reminding me! :-) Art Katz on the other hand has been a great help to me - I love his writings. They never seem to fail to challenge me and stir my spirit and I thank God for what they have meant to me.

Yes, this is an interesting discussion. My wife is an accomplished pianist and sometimes I can sense when the Holy Spirit annoints her playing. As much as I enjoy that, I think the lyrics are much more important than the music itself and I see much contemporary Christian music that is lacking in lyrics.

I know what you mean, Gideons. But, how should I say this, my experience is that often there is nothing wrong with the lyrics while at the same time I feel totally unmoved or even uncomfortable in my spirit. In those cases there seems to be a disagreement between the song itself and the spirit in which it is sung. Or, there is a disagreement between the life of the singers/musicians and the words they sing. (The latter applies of course to when you are familiar with the artists or the context from which they come.) Sadly enough, I have bad experiences when it comes to Christian records... :-( To be honest, that is why I have quite few Christian records at all (including praise/worship records). So, if someone has any really good stuff to recommend, please go ahead! I would be most greatful to find some truly anointed music.

Rikard Eriksson

 2004/5/31 6:16Profile

Joined: 2004/5/17
Posts: 235

 Re: Music Reccomendation

So, if someone has any really good stuff to recommend, please go ahead! I would be most greatful to find some truly anointed music.

Try Michael Card.
[url=]Michael Card[/url]

Both his music and lyrics are Biblically sound. He could probaly be described as "folk" music. He plays a lot of acoustic guitar and a whole assortment of stringed instruments. Then again, some of his songs have choral and symphonic accompanyment. He is really diverse.

Mr. Card is also a very spiritual Bible scholar, going beyond the mere academics to application. His lyrics really touch your heart and challenge your walk with God.

His albums usualy follow a Biblical theme. His newest album, A Fragile Stone, is about Simon Peter. The album before was on the book of Hebrews. Some of the other albums have been about, Paul's letter (Present Reality), the book of Revelation (Unveiled Hope), there is a trilogy about the Gospels. He even has an album about the prophets (The Word). He has also written an album of lyllabyes and children's songs.

His most "famous" song is probale, El Shaddai. This song was popularized by Amy Grant in the 80's.

He and his wife have 4 children and they home school.

I could go on and on. . .


 2004/5/31 10:35Profile

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