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Joined: 2005/8/27
Posts: 12

 Re: Book of life

Dear Sister, if christmas is carnal it is death. Take this issue to the Lord he will show you to His ways. If you have ears to hear you will hear...Rob

 2007/12/14 10:34Profile


So what you are saying is that if I celebrate Christmas with my family that I am not a Christian. That my name is not in the Lamb's Book of Life.

Yea... "sister"... lol...(somehow missed that your name is Melissa! Thought you were a dude this whole time!) thats the impression I got from that too.

There seems to be an assumption going on that if a believer celebrates Christmas that they do so by paying homage to Santa Claus, and all the "pagan" things that have to do with Winter Solstice, etc etc...

I think most everyone here realizes that Santa isnt real. If you do believe in Santa, I'm sorry to burst your bubble. Only Christians have an amazing ability to get their shorts in a knot over a fictional character. Anyway, most of us here celebrate the birth of the Savior, and not Santa. Most of us here give gifts because we love the ones we're giving them to. We do it because we want to follow the example of our Father above, who gave us the most precious gift of all... His Son, and the salvation that came to us freely as a result of His suffering, crucifixion and resurrection.

Most of us love to sing the Carols of Christmas, many of which have some amazing theology and straight forwardness. We dont believe in Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer, and recognize it for the silly song that it is.

And we dont believe that your salvation teeters on whether or not you observe the birth of the Saviour on December 25th or not. If you believe that, then you do not believe in Biblical salvation.

This whole topic reminds me of a thread I started a little while ago concerning the recent influx of people on this forum accusing other brethren of not being Christians if they dont agree with them on various doctrines or practices. No one here has even hinted that one is not saved if they dont observe Christmas, but there has been plenty of intimations that you're not saved or a "true Christian" if you DO celebrate it.

This type of foolish, childish reasoning has no place here. It's another example of how people who are supposed to "love one another" can fight and bicker over anything and everything. I'm not perfect at this either, and at times I have acted foolish and childish on this forum as well. But judging people who choose to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour? That takes the cake.

This type of judgementalism is down right scarey.

When people throw down the "You're not a true Christian if you dont agree with me" card, it tells me that they are not able to intelligently argue their point. (especially when they copy/paste someone else's writings more than they write their own thoughts and beliefs!) It's much like throwing down the "race" card... someone questions Al Sharpton's policies, and they call you a "racist" instead of debating the issues... because they cant. That happens on this forum a lot, and especially this topic of Christmas.


 2007/12/14 10:37


If you have ears to hear you will hear...Rob

...and if we end up disagreeing with you then we dont have ears to hear?


 2007/12/14 10:38


This isnt meant as sarcasm... I genuinely interested in knowing... should we not celebrate birthdays either? Or the 4th of July? Or Thanksgiving?

Just curious...


 2007/12/14 10:54

Joined: 2006/7/31
Posts: 3057



What will be your story Christian? We will be with brothers and sisters who gave up everything and their lives to walk in the light as He is in the light, forever. When the subject of christmas and it's obvious dark origins comes up again this year please think of eternity. Please consider the serious matter of leaving your pagan family traditions to follow and serve the Living God Jesus Christ of Nazareth. For him who has ears to hear let him hear.....Rob

What you wrote here Rob has really opened my eyes this morning. I had not ever considered it this way before. I have been reading all the different things posted in favor of the holiday and everything opposed but I had not looked at it from this point of view. You have given me something to think and pray on this morning. No matter how painful to my flesh it may be I want to be in His will, I want to hear His voice on this matter. Thank you brother for sharing this with me.

God bless

 2007/12/14 10:54Profile

 Re: Give me liberty and give me my christ-mass too

Is a Christian's Decision to Celebrate Christmas a Part of Christian Liberty?

A. Romans 14:1-13 -- This passage is speaking of Jews who were observing the Old Testament Jewish holy days/festivals and dietary laws even though they were now believers in Christ; but they were also judging their Gentile brothers-in-the-Lord who did not observe the Jewish customs. Likewise, the Gentile Christians were judging their Jewish brothers who were seemingly caught-up in ceremonial law. Paul was thusly saying, "To you Gentile Christians -- leave the Jewish Christians alone, because they are not violating any Scriptural commands by their actions (i.e., it's a "disputable" matter [doubtful or gray area] and not a moral issue). To you Jewish Christians -- it's okay for you to observe the Jewish festivals and dietary laws because they were given by God in the Old Testament, and thereby, are considered to be previously approved worship forms, but don't judge your Gentile brothers, because there is no Biblical command for either of you to continue to observe these things." (Actually, it wasn't "okay" , but Paul allowed it as an act of an immature/weaker brother . If a moral issue is involved (i.e., a practice that is covered in Scripture), then this passage and its application to Christian liberty (i.e., the freedom to engage in practices not prohibited by Scripture) would obviously not apply. And the celebration of Christmas appears to be such a moral issue, because its celebration is not only not from God, but is from ancient paganism itself!

B. 1 Corinthians 8:4-13 -- The Gentile Christians, who had been raised in an idolatrous system, were having a problem with the their Jewish brothers who were eating meat that had been sacrificed to idols. (Apparently, this was the only "healthy" meat available.) Similar to the Romans 14 passage above, Paul says that eating meat that had been sacrificed to idols is not a moral issue, and thereby, is not prohibited. However, Paul does not say that it is okay to go into the pagan temple itself; in fact, in other passages (1 Cor 10:14, 18-21), Paul specifically prohibits getting involved with the pagan feasts. In other words, it's not a moral issue to partake in the byproducts of a pagan religious system (note, however, that there is no indication here that the Jewish Christians were using the "idol meat" as part of their worship), but it is not okay to partake in the religious system itself (because the corrupt character of the participants would be harmful for believers). Rather, we must be separate from the worldly system (2 Cor 6:14-7:1). Therefore, when items (byproducts) associated with a pagan religious system not only develop religious associations of their own, but have been integrated into what would otherwise be true Christian worship (as the celebration of Christmas has clearly become in our culture), then we should pull away from them so that there is no confusion over our allegiances.

C. Galatians 4:9-10; Colossians 2:16-17 -- Both these passages of Scripture refer to the Jewish holy days under Old Testament law. If Christians were not even to observe the Old Testament holy days -- days which did have divine sanction, for a time -- they certainly don't have the liberty to observe pagan holy days!

D. James 4:11 -- James is saying that Christians may only judge a brother on matters determined in God's Word (i.e., moral issues). If a matter is not covered in the Word, then these are matters of Christian liberty (á la Rom. 14:1-13 and 1 Cor 8:4-13), and he who judges in these areas of Christian liberty is, in effect, judging and condemning the Word of God as being an imperfect standard to which the judge, thereby, refuses to submit. On the other hand, since we have clear Scriptural precept that condemns the things that go on around December 25th in the name of Christ, the celebration of Christmas does not appear to be a matter of liberty, but one of moral conduct.

 2007/12/14 11:02

Joined: 2005/4/19
Posts: 772


I love it. People who don't even know me in RL are saying that I am unsaved and carnal and immoral all because I enjoy Christmas.

It must be nice to be the only ones going to the Lamb's Supper..along with the people in Foxe's Book of Martyrs.

Well, Krispy, looks like we'll be on the outside looking in...


 2007/12/14 11:18Profile


Well, Krispy, looks like we'll be on the outside looking in...

I'll bring the ice scraper so we can see thru the windows...

The key, Melissa is this... do you celebrate Christmas unto the Lord? Or your flesh? If you keep Christmas in honor of the One who saved you and created you a-new... then God is honored. If you're like me, Christmas isnt about Santa and cookies and lights etc... It is a wonderful time of worship and honor and thanksgiving. It's a time of love and peace and family.

There are those who want to turn it upside down and make folks like you and I bend to their legalistic ways. Paul dealt with this in scripture when he wrote several churches concerning the Judaizers. Back the the Jewish Christians insisted the gentiles be circumcised and live by the Mosaic Law. Paul came along and said "No! The circumcision is of the heart!"

Fast forward to today... Christians are telling us we must ignore Christmas, we must believe in hyper-Calvinism, we must tithe, we must ... whatever, or we're not saved. It's modern day Judaizers. This IS legalism.


 2007/12/14 11:34

 Re: Unsaved or Untaught?

Rather than answering in sarcasm to hide your ignorance of this issue you ought to consider the Truth as it is in Jesus as it pertains to this abominable idolatry. When the dentist pulls a tooth it is not a pleasant experience. Nor is it a pleasant experience when our traditions are pulled up by their roots and discovered for what they truly are. I am thankful to many brothers in my past who loved me enough to confront me with the truth regarding my doctrines and practices. This(christ-mass)being just one of those I had erroneously and ignorantly held to. I don't remember letting go of any of these with so much ease as I did when I grabbed a hot iron one time. My pride still raises its ugly head at times and thankfully God has appointed me with some persons in my life who place the mirror before me. If I ever succeed at keeping the First Commandment it certainly won't be anything I can boast of. It is He who keeps me. Is there anything I desire to keep from Him? He knows! Worship God

 2007/12/14 11:44

Joined: 2007/9/13
Posts: 1752


Merry Christmas everyone. Have I said this before?


 2007/12/14 11:48Profile

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