hi this is a vision from a friend but no one knows what it means not even the person who got it who doesnt want to be named but anonymous in things like these to stay away from pride.does anyone have an interpretation to this
"Given On November 23rd, 2007-11-23
Today as I sat in front of my computer I saw in a vision the following scene:
The place that I saw in this vision is Moncton, NB, as I perceived the area around me as being Main Street in this city.
As I watched I saw two men slowly walking, and their appearance was that of Authority and their Office was that of Prophet.
These men were wearing what appeared to be dark greenish long garments with hoods; their faces were not covered but I could not see their faces as I was seeing them from the back and from the side. It looked as though their heads were facing the ground as they slowly made their way, walking on the side of the curb, on the road.
Their Message was not one of Prosperity nor Blessing, but was one of soon coming Judgement.
As I watched, I saw these men holding banners with wording on the banners for the passer-bys to read.
It also appeared as though very few individuals were truly interested in these men as they walked; it appeared as though they almost did not exist, so to speak, with only a scattered handful of individuals looking at these Prophets.
I perceived in my spirit as I was watching this vision that Judgement on the city of Moncton is coming if there is not corporate repentance.
I believe that this Judgement will be unmistakeable in its coming and I perceive that many will know that when Judgement comes it will be a direct result of the hand of God.
I also perceive that this vision will soon come to pass if there is not genuine repentance and a crying out for the Mercy of God.
I believe that the church must arise from its great slumber and turn now to the Lord in Sackcloth and Ashes, seeking God for His Grace.
I am persuaded as well that the two men in my vision will physically walk slowly on Main Street in Moncton, NB, and warn of coming calamity on this city.
The tide can certainly be reversed, and yet its flood no man will delay when the sins of this city, on the part of Gods People, reach to the Heavens.
Oh Beloved, let us exhort one another now to seek the Lord for a City Wide revival of repentance among the people of God in all places wheresoever they may be found!
Our God desires Mercy and Grace and Compassion and seeks a People called out by His Name in every place!
Let us come boldly now and call upon the Name of the Lord and God Himself will grant that His Hand be stayed from sending Judgement to a city whose people call themselves by the Name of Christ and yet are turned from Christ unto sin and fables and all manner of idolatry!
Beloved, let us no longer play games and turn our hearts from the Lord unto strange idols who we know not, but let us worship Him in spirit and in truth, believing that His Heart for His People is in Blessing and not in cursing.
I pray that those with ears to hear will hear the word of the Lord to His People.
The Love of God, the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you,
A Weeping Prophet." _________________ Ryan