I would appreciate your prayers for our church...this morning there was a fire in the ceiling...alot of damage. We have about 1,000 people who attend so we have alot of help to clean up.I've been praying for fire but not this kind.
Brother, we'll pray for you guys down there.
_________________Mike Compton
Hello Brentw,I am sad to hear that and I will pray.Allow me to make some comments here.It seems so obvious to just clean up, repair and get on with it. However, I believe God could have prevented the fire but he choose not to. Satan cannot just randomly and at will damage Christians property or take their lives because he puts a hegde of protection around us.I see 2 possibilities:1)Satan has been given permission by God to use his proxies to cause the fire. I refer to Job's story. In this case this is not jugdement but for the sake of furhter purification.2) Your church operates outside of God's protection and will and God is not obliged to by his word to protect your church. I refer this to the destruction of the temple when the Jews disobeyed God's law. Israel had trangressed so much that they stepped outside God's circle and walked on unsave and hostile territory.The old testment stories should instruct the church and enable us to learn from their mistakes.My suggestion is that you should all seek the Lord and ask Him to show you why this happened and what you should do about it. God is always merciful and will answer sincere prayers. His intention is always to turn bad things into blessings.Do not just gloss over it or "Rebuke Satan" narrowpath
http://www.whiotv.com/news/14822770/detail.htmlThis is the adress of the news video was taken this morning.
Will be praying for yall brother. Good news though. The church did not burn, the building where the church meets did.