Greetings I was thinking this morning about all the wonderful things that God has been opening my eyes to over the past few months. About putting Him first in all that I do, about spending time in Him and listening to hear His voice. The truths He has shown me about loving and caring for others on His terms and not my own. So many wonderful truths! He has also been showing me the sin in my life that I might repent and draw closer to Him. One of the sins that I seem to find myself getting caught up in is chasing after distractions, time spent in chasing after or following after things that do not bring Him honor or glory. Things that take my eyes off of Him and keep me focused on self or worldly distractions. I had spent time just a few weeks ago praying and asking God not to let me go,to hold me and keep me close to Him. I prayed that all I wanted and desired was to sit at His feet and spend time with Him...and yet this morning I realized that it was not Father that let me go but rather it was I that stepped away from Him. To busy worrying about all the fleshly distraction to be satisfied with sitting at His feet and being near to Him. I began chasing after the things of this world once again. It grieves me so deeply to see how easily my heart becomes divided and my eyes are taken off of my beloved Saviour for the filthy things of this world and self. So this morning I am repenting and crying out before Father to forgive me. I pray this lesson will not soon be forgotten but rather linger in my heart, mind and thoughts for along while to come so that I will not be tempted to run from my Lord but instead I will follow His footsteps and cling to Him alone no matter what.My prayer for all of you who read this is that you will have time to sit at the Lord's feet and spend time with Him today, and tomorrow, and forever!God Bless you brothers and sistersMJ
Dear MaryJane,Thank you for sharing your heart again. You touched a chord with me, as there is a change I am making in my life in honour of my Saviour, which also requires my devotion and commitment. Nothing that He asks of us is too hard, even if we find it taxing to be faithful as we should. I know that as we allow ourselves to repeat the acts of love He requires, we are being changed into His likeness and being strengthened in godliness.