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 Share your Christmas memories

First off... this thread is NOT for those who want to let us all know that you're against Christmas. There are plenty of people who are willing to debate this with you, so please start another thread. Dont post it here. If someone does, I just ask that every one else just not respond to it.

What this thread IS about is your favorite Christmas memories, or funny things that happened at Christmas, or anything like that. Touching moments, hysterical moments... whatever you want to post that might warm someone else's heart or make us all laugh.

I'll kick it off...

I remember when I was real young, probably 8, we went over to my grandparents Christmas afternoon. We did this every year. That particular Christmas my brothers and I all got exceptionally "noisy" battery operated toys. Dont remember what they were, just that they made a lot of noise. It drove my grandpa crazy. And my cousins who were all there had gotten several battery operated toys as well.

Well, every once in awhile my grandpa would disappear for a few minutes... and a couple minutes after he would return to where everyone was, one of us kids would discover that the toy didnt work. This happened all night long...

Well, came time to leave, and as we all filed out the door... there was grandpa... reaching into his pocket and handing back to each kid the batteries he had removed from their toys.

Dont ask me why most of us kids assumed the toys were broke, and didnt bother to check to see if the batteries were missing. I was 8 or so, and one of the oldest. Little kids dont think that deeply.

Anyway... the year grandpa stole the batteries.


 2007/12/10 11:45

 Re: Share your Christmas memories


 2007/12/10 12:56

Joined: 2005/4/19
Posts: 772

 Re: Share your Christmas memories

My best Christmas memory is that every Christmas Eve my family would turn off the lights and sit in the living room with the Christmas tree lights on and listen to The Walton's Christmas album. It was the original one that came out in 1975 that told the Christmas Story out of the book of Luke and they sang Christmas carols in between the Scripture readings. I'd love to get a copy of that record for my family.


 2007/12/10 13:01Profile


The Waltons? As in Jim Bob and John Boy?

Google it... bet you can find it. Check Ebay too.


 2007/12/10 13:28


Is this it?

Walmart also has it for about $10.


 2007/12/10 13:35

Joined: 2005/4/19
Posts: 772


Yep, those Waltons. I did bid on it at ebay, but didn't win it. and it is only available on record, and I don't have a player...bummer.


 2007/12/10 14:34Profile

Joined: 2005/4/19
Posts: 772


Nope, that isn't the one. but I do have that one and it is a good one...not the same though. and I got it for $4 at Big Lots.



 2007/12/10 14:35Profile


I dont even have a record player any more.


 2007/12/10 14:39

Joined: 2005/4/19
Posts: 772


yeah, me neither. that's why its a bummer. :-D


 2007/12/10 14:45Profile


No one else wants to share? If a thread isnt confrontational, controversial or about a church scandal it gets shuffled to the bottom pretty fast.

C'mon folks... lets share some things from the heart and make each other smile a little. It's called "encouragement".


 2007/12/10 16:38

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