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Joined: 2007/1/21
Posts: 797

 Do Six Ordinary Days Limit God?

Q: Do six ordinary days limit God?

A. Since God is omnipotent, He could have created everything in six seconds, six minutes, six days, or any time period He chose. But the point is that it’s not what God could have done, it’s what He said He did.

There are many, even in the church, who justify their acceptance of evolutionary time periods by saying, “You literal six-day creationists are limiting God! I allow God billions of years to create—I don’t limit Him to six days!”

However, believing that God created everything in six literal days is not limiting Him. Rather, we are limiting ourselves by letting God tell us what He did. We don’t tell God what He did. After all, only He was there.

Many Christians don’t seem to understand that the reason we believe God created in six days is because we are letting God speak to us through the language of the Bible. We can’t impose our ideas on God’s Word—we must let God’s Word speak to us.

When we take this approach, it’s obvious from the language of Genesis that God created in six literal days. Relying on the Bible alone, there’s really no debate.

If you instruct the brethren in these things, you will be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished in the words of faith and of the good doctrine which you have carefully followed. (1 Timothy 4:6)

Taken from AIG e-mail.


 2007/12/9 17:04Profile

 Re: Do Six Ordinary Days Limit God?

A day is the period of the earth's rotation on its axis. it seems God used this rotation period to mark out the successive stages of His work. The earth was already in existence when the Creation account begins, so this seems a reasonable conclusion. So six days means six days, though they wouldn't have been divided into 24 hours then!

The only possibility that I can see for the six days not to be six days (or not exactly) as we know them, is if the rate of rotation has changed since Creation.

The forces unleashed during the Flood for example could have resulted in a change in rotation speed, as well as the tilt on its axis. Especially if the Lord caused something like a huge meteorite strike or near miss by another planet, to trigger the Flood? This could probably cause the earth to wobble violently and maybe slow or speed up.
However, the Biblical record doesn't mention any such phenomenon, so God probably didn't do it that way.

This is mere speculation of course, but, given the starting assumption that God exists, (as most evolutionists start from the less likely assumption that He doesn't), there's no [i]scientific[/i] reason why the 6 days couldn't have been six literal periods of earth's rotation.

Neither is there any reason why the rotation should have been greatly different from the present. A "day" of millions of years would have been impossible anyway. What living things could have survived the darkness of an eons-long night?


 2007/12/11 20:17

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