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Joined: 2006/4/26
Posts: 37
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

 Revival Conference 2007

Yes I am still around, and yes, I still download and listen.
The Revival Conference 2007 archive has loads of Video files. This is good if one has the time to download. Unfortunately I don't. Also one must be able to view them, which I can't. I listen to sermons at work and can't watch the videos. This is a special request from a me. Could we please have the videos as mp3 sound files please. This would be a huge advantage to me at least, and many others I suspect. Like I said, a video file at typically 80+megabytes is just too big and takes too long to download.
Thanks in advance for your kind consideration of my request.
In Christ,

Stanley Mitchell

 2007/12/4 18:17Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795

 Re: Revival Conference 2007

The Revival Conference 2007 archive has loads of Video files. This is good if one has the time to download. Unfortunately I don't. Also one must be able to view them, which I can't. I listen to sermons at work and can't watch the videos. This is a special request from a me. Could we please have the videos as mp3 sound files please. This would be a huge advantage to me at least,


thank you for your comments, yes we are working to get "all" of the sessions in audio format. I am sorry about the backlog of tasks to be done. We will also have DVD format videos for base cost for people to order in a few weeks God willing.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/12/4 18:45Profile

Joined: 2006/4/26
Posts: 37
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


Thank's Greg. I have listened to some of the audio files. The video files I leave alone. As I said they are too big and at my work, whilst I can listen, I really do need to keep my eyes on what I am doing.
I will look forward to the audio files when they arrive. In the mean time I will enjoy Chuck Misler on Jude.

Stanley Mitchell

 2007/12/7 3:54Profile

Joined: 2006/4/26
Posts: 37
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


Just a personal word to say thank you for uploading the mp3 files of the 2007 conference. I have been listening to Chuck Misler recently but will stop to listen to the audio on the conference. Thanks again from all of out here to you.

Stanley Mitchell

 2007/12/13 4:36Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


Just a personal word to say thank you for uploading the mp3 files of the 2007 conference. I have been listening to Chuck Misler recently but will stop to listen to the audio on the conference. Thanks again from all of out here to you.

You welcome brother, for those that want to access these files too, the mp3 files from the revival conference are here:

I will be getting up the audio and video podcast soon also too.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/12/13 10:19Profile

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