Devotional: Building HIS kingdom versus building your own. Stating a Christian gathering is to seek CHRIST versus displaying a sign to come to the W.V.W. Jasnoch Ministry to learn the true 7 step method on seeking GOD and so on and so forth. We are told is HIS WORD to seek first THE KINGDOM OF GOD! Not to put our shingle out and market it till it becomes a neon sign on a big building. It is time to return to a very basic, sacrificially motivated worship and teaching/preaching approach. Many of the ministries existing today are wonderful. Little mention of themselves even in large organizations. But a rapidly growing number is now exceeding those faithful with a message of apostasy and compromising tolerance. This ADD mentality isnt new but it is expanding exponentially. Many of our fathers and forefathers thought the same but the increase draws the breath from my lungs at present. It is beyond repulsiveness and disgust. The pride of Self is alive and woefully well in this world. Hence, my warning to self and then all. Lift only CHRIST! Praise only HIM! Be not found lacking in HIS service and give the KING all credit for HE is worthy!! Amen and amen!Ascension Deficit DisorderWhen one seeks their ownmeaning, self recognitionthen is their attention on CHRIST, the lack known.As such do they err,craving only position uplifting themselves to the seat of HIS throne.With these disorders,Discovery suddenly shows that their focus exceeds thoughts repulsive!Ergo and as suchshall the LORD apprehend them till no view remains of their name raised above HIS!As HIS servant in your service,W.V.W. Jasnoch (12/2/07)