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Joined: 2007/10/30
Posts: 172

 What matters is that I am HIS...HIServant

Devotional: ...and HE is mine! The straight and narrow path of the LORD is forward. Ahead. No turning away nor deviation to either side. Do not others see our walk? Isn’t this such a common topic and shouldn’t we be farther along in our walk that to be reminded to “just walk straight ahead?” Would that no reminder were necessary! Let us view then, with constant attention that our path is indeed a Cross Road, as in a type of road. Not as though it is simply an intersection. Rather, it is a road where we will face the demonic attacks as well as the failure of our choices…which alone are to blame for a wayward direction. Praise the LORD with your entire soul and voice…with volume since whether you wake or sleep, whether you endure or stumble…”I am HIS…and HE is mine!” Amen and amen.

Spiritual Navigation

The attack of the devil conjoins with our flesh.
Yet the error we choose…and the blame.
Our will then, as such, is both author and actor
without any other to carry our stain.

No demon nor devil controls our selection.
Yet often enticing, they linger.
Then once one has stumbled, their presence continues
whilst scheming – the path of another -- to hinder.

When one views the sins on display by those fallen,
then, likewise – a crossroad – confronts them.
To turn t’wards the suffering those foolish have chosen
or walk with the LORD…for HIS path brings blessing.

Thus, HIS cross forms that road which is always ahead
as HE calls us to ne’er turn aside.
Carry on then with vigor…pursuing our GOD
so others are led to join with you…for CHRIST!

As HIS servant in your service,
W.V.W. Jasnoch (12/2/07)


 2007/12/2 7:10Profile

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