[i]For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father... That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend...And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge[/i](Eph 3:14-19)These mediations make us feel how sadly lacking in love we are towards God. More than one will be earnestly seeking to know how such a state may be overcome. God alone, the God who works wonders, can help us. He will help all who ask in faith. To gain that love we have to go to the Throne of Grace, from whence all love comes.The gift of love is not bestowed seperately. It comes to us when our hearts are filled with Christ. Our love for God will be sustained if we daily seek communion with Him. The Apostle Paul, in our text above, refers to his bended knees: "I bow my knees." When in all humility we bow before the Throne of Grace and humbly wait and worship there, it is then that we shall receive the indwelling Spirit and the knowledge of the love of Christ will be bestowed.It is not alone the forgiveness of sin that we must seek; we must seek also for that abundant grace that would help us to be continually victorious over sin and enable us to be fited for the continual indwelling of the Spirit. We must earnestly pray that we may so live that "the love of Christ which passeth understanding" shall be in the foremost place of our life. [i]It is at the Throne of Grace that we shall be rooted and grounded in love[/i]. And, having come to love God, we will radiate that love to those around us and it will even reach and enrich the hearts of those who do not themselves as yet love Him.Such a state of blessedness will be obtained only in answer to such faith and prayer poured out at the Throne of Grace. Pray that "the Father, according to the riches of His glory, may strengthen us by faith." It is only as we see the wonderful power of God and learn to know the love of Christ that we shall be able to love the brethren as we ought.-from [i]The Secret of the Throne of Grace[/i] by Andrew Murray
_________________Ron Halverson