Hi every one may i request for any who lead to pray please if you can bring up this friend i have at work, just to give you a bit of insight of what is happening since i sign back again here in SI from years back, fire in my spirit builts up again and with out holding back and just continually being open to the Holy Spirit leading in my every day work/living. Other christian at work now spoke more open about the grace of Jesus in their life ... Jesus is now become a center of our discussion during our breaktime at work ... this friend start sharing her thought of soul search and the infirmity of her father suffering i share to her a bit of Jesus and let her deside what step to take she open up to me and wanting to be involve of what i believe in i have invited her to come to the church or even to my home to have a listen in bible study ...i don't know what will be the result of this but please pray what ever work the Lord Jesus Christ is doing will not be hinder and i'll be more obiedient in his calling pray for her (Maxine is her name) and for her father through this she will she that God is real and He means business :-)
Father I join in this request for Maxine to know you Jesus. For the Holy Spirit to minister to her heart salvation and reveal to her the need to repent and come to you Jesus for all her needs and desires. Open her eyes and ears to the truth and pierce her heart with your love you have for her. Amen!