During my prayer time I thought of adjectives to describe who Jesus is to me. Below are the things I thought of. Can you think of more? Please share them and exalt His name for He is worthy to be praised. JESUS IS: AWESOME- Awestruck WonderBEAUTIFUL to meCAREFUL-marked by attentive concernDUTIFUL(loyal) He gives His angels charge over meEXCITES or calls us to serviceFAITHFUL-stedfast in allegiance or affectionGOOD all the days of my lifeHOLY- exalted and worthy of complete devotionI AM- He is everything we will ever needJOYFUL- shows joy over His children like a proud papaKING OF THE JEWSLIFTER OF MY HEADMINDFUL OF MENEED SUPPLYING- He supplies all my needs according to His riches in Christ JesusOUTSTANDING- class of His ownPLENTIFUL- abundant in His meansQUENCHED MY THIRSTRESOURCEFUL- able to meet situations SUCCESSFUL- He provides a positive outcomeTRUE- Jesus is faithful!USEFUL- valuable, esteemed highlyVIGILANT- alert especially to avoid danger WATCHFUL- wide awake, alert, on the lookout concerning me- dangers and opportunitiesXTRA SPECIAL TO ME- He provided my salvationYEARNS- feels compassion towards usZEALOUS- eagerness and ardent interest in pursuit of something, passionate towards His people. My meditation of Him shall be sweet because I love Him. I will give my heart in celebration. Make a joyful noise. These are words to a song I like.