Devotional: As I drove home this evening, I encountered a lot of traffic. A recent gift of a portable navigation unit showed that I was only 3.9 miles from my destination and projecting my average speed over the last 10 minutes my estimated time of arrival was to be in 4 minutes. But I sat in that traffic for 8 minutes and it was another 6 minutes before I reached my destination. When Paul encouraged Timothy, he told him not to let others despise his youth. So I am encouraged by countless of the children I see today.,. who are serving GOD with far greater zeal than I did when I was their age. In fact, some are exceeding my own zeal. As these Timothys do so, HE reminds me as I post this to remind you to encourage the youth who are showing their zealot natures to bring HIM all the Glory and praise!!! Amen and amen.Timothys ZealTime elapsed is oft the gaugeon depth of servicefor the LORD as though the older servantalways greater showsHIS passion.But the hour glass is flawedbecause those ferventrange throughout for blessed by youthful teachershave I been whilst theysurpass my zeal.As HIS servant in your service,W.V.W. Jasnoch (11/30/07)