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Joined: 2004/6/15
Posts: 1924

 Re: i dreamed a dream...

Greetings in Jesus' Name by Whose Blood we are Saved.AMEN.

Brethren i believe God gave me a piece of the puzzle yesterday concerning this dream. There was something about the lions which came out of the thickets to chase away my pursuers which i felt led to investigate. i believe this scripture in Micah has much to do with the lions i saw. from Micah 5:

[b][color=0000FF]8 Yea, the remnant of Jacob hath been among nations, In the midst of many peoples, As a lion among beasts of a forest, As a young lion among ranks of a flock, Which if it hath passed through, Hath both trodden down and hath torn, And there is no deliverer. 9 High is thy hand above thine adversaries, And all thine enemies are cut off.[/color][/b]

i saw these same lions in a vision, a continuation of the dream i was given and they were tearing to pieces those who had been pursuing me. these lions are invincible...

Grace and Peace are ours in Jesus.AMEN.

Farai Bamu

 2007/12/16 21:40Profile

Joined: 2007/11/19
Posts: 159


Hey there Ironman! I'm a woman but you can call me bro...I've been called dude! by male teenagers when they were excited to tell me something....I'd jokingly correct them I'm a dudess and the younger girls around us here, they are dudettes.. Gotta keep up with those kids if you're gonna get through to them...humor helps.

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah(Jesus) came to mind when I first read your dream....How He and His people/tribe which would make up a pride of lions...not false pride or spiritual pride but as in proud to stand up for you /stand with you against the meanspirited attacks of this previous school (place of learning or school of thought)regardless of how touted it was purported to be. Also as a parent is proud of their child (a healthy thing)when the child is kind and obediant,or will go the extra mile for others unselfishly without having to be prompted.

In Christ, we are invincible! Death has no sting...Jesus has caused us to triumph over both sin and death (hallelujah!)and we don't leave the planet till He says so...we belong to Him...He said it, I believe it, and that settles it! He is very protective of us! Thanks be to God! The angelic host aren't exactly lying down on the job either for that matter! yahwhooo

oh! yea! I almost forgot what I was supposed to give you by way of encouragement(you wrote on my post ,about exposing the falseness I became aware of...I was trying to figure it out...I'd appreciate it if you would go back and read what I said when I got back from moving...I don't know why it's important to me...It's that you wrote your concerns thereand I considered them..the falseness i am dealing with is not the same type of thing you were so concerned about...much more slippery and I was very glad you did leave your concerns,but I was wondering if you all would take alittle more time praying about what i seemed as though without me being allowed to respond someone was trying ti shut me up already and had missed the entire essense of my heart wrenching cry...So maybe I'm a bit dramatic...comes with the territory..but I took a chance and it wasn't done in a throw stones was in concern for the way she was teaching others to (right there on her website)

Gosh this can be so difficult...I'm not too used to writing what I have to say and I don't desire to be misunderstood but am used to it. Back to you...Ok? because the things you prophesied and were seeing I have heard myself and seen mentioned on other sites as well...So it is what the Spirit is saying to God's secret there...This is what I felt to say...If you are looking for only one cataclysmic and unavoidably dramatic slam dunk event you will not be noticing the smaller evidences of many different areas being hit...the mortgage crises...the drought in Georgia...there is alot that we aren't being told to reduce panic...the dollar's value dropping...also corruption is being exposed and dealt with...there is a domino effect rippling waves rolling across the surface that you can see but the larger fall comes from what is being shaken underneath the surface it is in the very foundation of all that man has make way for His kingdom come, I believe God will tear down this kingdom first...He is merciful and wants to avoid large scale panic...selfish people do not behave well in a panicked or riotious state...Jesus may be mighty but He is the gentlest being I know. I believe I have even seen portions of the great end times cleansing that leaves only the remnant left to inherit the earth..ugly cities swallowed whole...tsunami's on the coast( oh how I've wept for those who will go in an instant...begging Him to at least make it happen at night while they are sleeping so the little children do not have to be terrified...I hate for little ones to suffer...(actually many of these events are coinciding with brutal a straw that breaks the camels back sort of thing..I don't like dwelling in this subject..I've seen way too much..I've seen angels reaping ..Talk about sobering... scary...a real but very unwanted to see kind of thing ,believe me..the gathering of these lost souls to remove them from the earth...who is tired of housing them on her surface...The earth has a voice too ...all creation has been waiting for this time. God says it is necessary...a must do operation. easy there bro, if something gargantuan gi-normous on the crisis-o-meter hits America before the 1st of Jan we will be seeing alot more of the the same level tho varied types of crisis's in waves...Some places God has been mercifully warning them to leave the area..but they stubbornly hang on to their homes and the comfort of their is still hard to watch...One major thing does..or may not grab hold of the people's attention nearly the way many varied and diverse birth pangs will..It has been in motion for a while now as far as I can see. Remember America has mighty intercessors (doesn't take that many)who are grounded in love and live and abide in Christ's mercy...Grace walks hand and hand with mercy.Jesus taught us about the kingdom of heaven in His recorded word...He has never ceased speaking of this reality in my life. It helps to have a clearer picture of what God's end time plan is when you haven't been bamboozled by the pre/mid tribulation theories..He makes it simple when you have eyes to see and ears to hear...the challenge is getting the people to listen..and being able to let go when they won't. be well my friend

G.M. (Destiny) Sweet

 2007/12/17 19:01Profile

Joined: 2004/6/15
Posts: 1924


sis Destiny
Greetings in Jesus' Name by Whose Blood we are Saved.AMEN.

i discovered you were a sister upon reading a couple more of your posts after you got back.

you said:

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah(Jesus) came to mind when I first read your dream....How He and His people/tribe which would make up a pride of lions...not false pride or spiritual pride but as in proud to stand up for you /stand with you against the meanspirited attacks of this previous school (place of learning or school of thought)regardless of how touted it was purported to be. Also as a parent is proud of their child (a healthy thing)when the child is kind and obediant,or will go the extra mile for others unselfishly without having to be prompted.

indeed that was my first impression that the Lion atop the rocks was the Lion of Judah and that somehow the other lions which came out were linked to Him somehow and it had to do with what it means for Him to be the Lion of Judah. So then when i found that scripture in Micah i wondered and asked God "what sort of situation would elicit such a strong response from Him on my behalf?" i haven't gotten an answer but i believe it to be speaking of a future event/series of events. God knows. May God's Will be done as He has Purposed.AMEN.

bless God that He has His angelic host working for Him to our benefit in many ways even though sometimes we are unaware.

you said:

Gosh this can be so difficult...I'm not too used to writing what I have to say and I don't desire to be misunderstood but am used to it. Back to you...Ok? because the things you prophesied and were seeing I have heard myself and seen mentioned on other sites as well...So it is what the Spirit is saying to God's secret there...This is what I felt to say...If you are looking for only one cataclysmic and unavoidably dramatic slam dunk event you will not be noticing the smaller evidences of many different areas being hit...the mortgage crises...the drought in Georgia...there is alot that we aren't being told to reduce panic...the dollar's value dropping...also corruption is being exposed and dealt with...there is a domino effect rippling waves rolling across the surface that you can see but the larger fall comes from what is being shaken underneath the surface it is in the very foundation of all that man has make way for His kingdom come, I believe God will tear down this kingdom first...

i came to the conclusion that either i was nuts of God was indeed communicating something to me and through me about what He is planning to time i found others bearing the same message, so then it became either we're nuts/deceived or God is trying to communicate something to/through us. Mostly people think i'm nuts, and i get the same sort of testimony from those who see the same thing. it seems to me like we're no different from Israel who largely missed the warnings of the Prophets of God...yet somehow today we think we're not capable of such...yet we're guilty of much the same stuff... :-?

i have observed the little events leading up to the precipitation of a calamity which is beyond what we could conceive, the subprime thing, the dollar, the drought etc and to me, something is afoot. many people write it off as nothing but i have this sense which won't quit that something is about to go down...and i find i'm not the only of the visions which i believe was of our Lord had Lady Liberty being severely beaten by an angel of our Lord as Judgment. She was then thrown into a goblet of what appeared to be blood and this represented all the iniquities of which we are guilty, murders, rapes, violence, theft etc and she drowned in them, that is, our nation shall be filled with them when the economy collapses...people trying to get by...

i used to get really sad and try and convince people that something was about to happen, i still get sad but i pray more now...coz if God don't convince them, i know i can't...

Grace and Peace are ours in Jesus.AMEN.

Farai Bamu

 2007/12/18 1:35Profile

Joined: 2007/11/19
Posts: 159


Wow...Lady Liberty being beaten by an angel of the Lord as Judgement for the evil deeds of a nation...this hits close to you mind if I look it over,with you..kinda out loud? I will be transparent.

Paul the apostle said that the highest law of heaven was the law of love and liberty.I have been guilty of allowing myself to go overboard liberty-wise in unconditional love..or my version of be able to really see and understand my need for repentance in this took alot of determination on my part...praise God for the ability to stay focused on a willingness to be know the truth and be made right and to desire the pure word of God..purified in His fire,instead of a mixed cup.

God's judgment of America can be traced back to the so called spiritual leaders..and the flocks who follow them and their/our inability to move in power to love and woo the lost for God...people are so hungry and they know they are lost...they just don't want to become as ugly or meanspirited,judgemental and insanely religiously bound as so many of us have been and many still are...fact...perhaps because there is so little mercy even in the hearts of Christians who spend more time pointing out where others are wrong,mocking them..gloating..laughing when others fall and virtually no time praying for them that Judgement beats up a woman,women have been beat up and abused ,brutalized and raped..murdered more than you can about an oppressed gender..does God not see He not fed up? He does not love His daughters less than His sons...He has been speaking justice for all women and so we pray always for these matters that effect the weaker of the genders.

I know, I'm expressing what occurs to me as I would in a conversation...back to the Lady Liberty...have you ever read the poem that Emma Lazarus wrote that is at the base of the statue on a plaque at the statue..prophetic and is helpful to know the history and there is interesting commentary on the web site..sorry i don't know how to leave here and look it up for you(make it so you can just bling over to it) ...I just looked up her Emmanuel and Lazarus...a friend of Jesus who became sick unto death and died...yet was Resurrected...Hospitality and generosity has been replaced by a spirit of suspicion and fear of our enemies.I see the present 'no amnesty' hard line attitude of Americans towards these working families who broke the law,and crossed the borders to come to the 'promised land'..they say coldly,go back compromise..go get in the end of the line.. as a huge departure from what the Statue of Liberty has represented for all immigrants...hope of a new life..hope for freedom...I understand that the buildings where all those forlorn and desperate ,yet hopeful peoples names were taken...the extent of passing muster...Such gridlock now ..such a stiff and unyeilding drawing of lines that I believe is born out of many things that are not of faith,love or hope...the only things that endure,remain...why all this fervor and the placing of trust in man made walls to protect them..I see the loss of homes due to the fires and floods etc.the taking of homes upon homes away from those who were secure in their comfort zone...A judgement begun upon a country of people who walk past the homeless scornfully.It was not hard for the foreigner to find refuge here if they could get here...In times past..and this is one of the things that made America great..lose hospitality,refuse to share and care for the helpless,yet hopeful..does anyone even know how many refugees there are in the world right now?...Don't bring 'em here they vote..we want this land for ourselves...this is not good!America still has plenty of room but when you adopt an 'us 4 and no more'mentality/ attitude..take care of # 1 first then you are less likely to find time or the inclination to take care of others less fortunate and don't forget the angels who protect the most vulnerable will not be very inclined to protect you.The mighty host of heaven is not amused nor entertained by selfishness.

Here I would like to speak of selfishness...I know selfishness,we all is human nature to be selfish.I saw that in my children when they were so little still. No one had to teach them to put themselves was uncanny...but inescapably true. When we say my house,my car,my stuff mine mine mine!and fill our garages with stuff we got bored with while others have no is not good...we who claim to walk with God..know that nothing belongs to us...It is all God's or we have not given our lives to Him as we say...give to them who have nothing if you have two...give them your shirt too!..And if they want to steal from you give it to is only stuff..God will provide what you need ...but many confuse want w/ need.Prosper...spirit soul and that order seems to bear the best fruit spiritually in our lives.

As a young teen,my Dad, an American History buff took me along on a trip back east from the west coast to walk in all the places that were of note or importance in America's history..he was very thorough. Among the many places we went,where my feet trod,was the Statue of Liberty and we climbed up all the flights of stairs to the crown,where I danced across the area singing for joy.I believed in Jesus then but did not know Him yet.I can remember how 'neat' it was to thrust my head out the window,long hair flying in the wind and crane my neck to look along the lines of her upraised arm to where the torch burned on as a beacon of hope,not diminishing. I feel sometimes like much of what I have experianced as an American ,as a believer,as a child of the Living God..all those things you've mentioned in your synopsis of the vicious and brutal works of darkness,have been poured out upon this me already...I have been guilty of so many sins myself that I can only stand in awe of the grace of God to restrain me from what may have only been a thought once resisted but under strain succumbed to..and it is only by the blood of our precious Savior that am alive and well,being allowed to endure so many evils perpetrated against me and to be filled with a heart of forgiveness and compassionate understanding...crying mercy for all...especially the deeply corrupt,so lost and frightened, those who considered me an enemy because I could expose them...or a threat because how God's presence accompanied me and moved through me in ways I was not even aware of.These knew far before I did..I was kept like an innocent child going where He said and doing what He asked,aware of the danger but not mindful of it.At other times I have not been expediant with some aspects of my liberty but God has been in essence I am representative of all the selfish and all who would steal or want someone dead...even the wanting it makes you a know.And all those who have been decieved or will be and those who use liberty wrongly unwittingly or on purpose. And so we pray for mercy.

I believe their are lots of wonderful people who give all they can and even some who give more than they can afford..I have always wanted to help everybody you can see my problem here..I hear the mercy call and maybe I am merely frustrated with myself that I have not found the way to be a more tangible help in my life/efforts so far well. My apologies if I seem to be too upset by these inequities.

These are a few of the things I see concerning Lady Liberty and what you shared...I am trained to look closely at things the details are present for a pupose...something odd about it...puzzling... concerning the treatment..abusive violence on that level towards a woman by an angel...perhaps it has something also to do with how people spend their liberty upon themselves...their free time ,their free will...and what that liberty has become,a license to do whatever seems right. Jesus said the truth would set us free.and this makes us free Deed so when the deeds are so evil for so long does it have to take a severe beating of man's icon idea of freedom...what she bring Americans to see how their judgements have left them with only judgement as a just they have measured out with no sign of Grace and Mercy?

An angel beating a woman does not speak of mercy ...I have been beaten almost to death many times by fallen angels in man,demons..but to wrap my mind around the angel who has never fallen as to use seems strange....Fallen angels are not allowed to touch Spirit filled Christians unless they are given permission from God..but this is only a statue representing a woman not an actual woman.

Yesterday I was reading a statement of Jesus Christ Himself in John 5:24..Most assuredly,I say to you,he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life and shall not come into judgement but has passed from death into life. No judgement for those who hear and believe.....Boy...that really makes the case for really hearing what Jesus says. Acting as if you believed it...doing what you hear. No judgement..None means no...not some or a little saved up for later ..none...think about it. This is a promise that I choose to recieve! So when we read in revelations that a type of people will be kept from the trouble of the tribulation..perhaps this judgement does not effect us the same way because we are already not attached to the material possessions others have to lose..they've already been shaken loose from our grasp and those who have been walking away from brutal rapists and murderers for years already are primed for what's coming...the only time I've suffered someone getting close enough to hurt me was when I 'd compromised myself somehow. Even then the angels stepped in to save the day...hallelujah!

Some may object to me sharing these truths with you..I read one person say we shouldn't speak of the mighty exploits of is God who gets all the credit...we are nothing...but if my people do not begin to know the Lord as Divine Protector...I do not wish to think along these lines very far..because it is painful to remember what I've seen..I will believe for them..I will speak up and say Consider this!...even if it seems foolish to others...why should they try to muzzle me? Do not tell us what you've seen..I believe the more you speak of the mighty ways God is present to save answer prayer and protect etc. the more He gives you to share...I have seen this brings increase...if you keep it to yourself this is what keeps it from running out all over like the rivers of living water...He says we are not resevoirs but rivers...and yes there are some things that are so sacredly intimate or deeply personal between Him and myself that I would need His direct command to share such things with one and all.

A few times it has seemed as though I was murdered but after my spirit hovered for a while above...waiting for the coast to be clear maybe...I just went back into my body and was alive...other times when I was sick unto death with exposure from homelessness in the dead of winter,or from visiting a gathering where while ministering I did not know to guard my cup against the flies that were landing in poorly maintained latrines nearby and then resting on the rim of my cup which went into my mouth..very very sick and the same thing happened...My spirit rose out of my body,shining golden like and there were those standing around me to see this gaping mouths and popping eyes..suprising but true nonetheless. Other times I've been purposely poisoned and yes...alive! not witnessed but prophesied beforehand.

There have been times when God has made me invisible to thwart the plans of bad guys who sought to kill me..with witnesses...and times when He did this just to spend the time alone with me..because He was speaking to me about something important and did not want to share my attention..some are sorta scary stories some are funny stories but they are true and shared briefly here to give a boost of faith to God's people who do not seem to know from where shall their protection shall come.Do not be afraid because you have been the messenger...I remember one young man fearing for his family say what if they take it out on me and my loved ones? If you are supposed to go,to leave the planet will go and glory to God you'll be glad..But I wouldn't count on getting the easy way out..ther is work to do...God says when you leave your body because you just don't die..we live when Christ lives in belong to Him don't you? Has He not triumphed over death ? most assuredly!

Someone foolish enough like me who will believe simply because He says so ,may have to be used to confound the oh so wise...if they can even hear me while they argue about who is still saved or under the Blood of Jesus and who they are gonna break covenant with next because they cast out demons differently...or had an actual visitation ,can you imagine of Jesus! or were given a sign in the heavens and believe it was of God or for a time have a portion of truth but have seriously messed up another area this time of great deception let us open our hearts to love those who are being misled,pray for them night and day..for years if necessary ..if we don't it will be us next. it is mercy that will endure forever not judgement for those who believe and call upon His Name ...the Name Above All Names!

G.M. (Destiny) Sweet

 2007/12/18 18:40Profile

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