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Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779

 Re: my Recommendation! ...

Thank you!

I am recording several of these suggestions and sending them to the pastors after much prayer. I am keeping a list of which pastors receive which messages (so as not to repeat them in the future). I've also designed a nice little label with the name of the message, the name of the speaker, and a few other things (including the url of SermonIndex).

Please pray that these messages are both effective and thought provoking for each minister who receives them!



 2007/12/4 12:29Profile


Judgement Seat of Christ - Leonard Ravenhill.

Left me almost speechless when I first heard it.

 2007/12/4 13:00

Joined: 2003/11/23
Posts: 4779


Thank you!

I have already burned a couple dozen audio CDs. Please keep this endeavor in your prayers. I am praying that these messages will have a mighty impact on the hearts of ministers around this area! All of these messages are powerful and have tugged at my heart. It is my goal that these ministers will feel that same feeling of God speaking directly and inwardly to us.



 2007/12/10 10:49Profile

Joined: 2002/12/11
Posts: 39795


For the past few years, I have used the Christmas holiday as an opportunity to burn some of the powerful messages contained on SermonIndex onto CDs. I then label these CDs with the rightful information (the author of the message, and the web address for SI). Thereafter, I package them in Christmas wrap and send them to various pastors in the region.

That is such a great vision, I hope many more catch this vision to send cds to their pastors in their areas. Please share some of the sermons you are distributing here dear brother.

SI Moderator - Greg Gordon

 2007/12/15 14:23Profile

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