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Joined: 2003/10/15
Posts: 1632

 Satisfied in Him Alone

If anyone was wondering where I got the phrase 'satisfied in Him alone'- this is where: :-)

[b]Satisfied in Him Alone[/b]

We've got to get to the point in our lives
where we actually believe that God
and His desires for us are truly the things
that are going to make us the happiest,
give us the most peace and satisfy our
souls deeply.

We talk about this and we know in our minds
that it's true, but somehow these beliefs-
they don't make their way into our everyday
lives. If they did- wouldn't we be different,
wouldn't we act different, wouldn't we talk

I don't think it's because we don't want to be happy,
or we try to sabotage our own lives.
Maybe we just don't REALLY trust God.

We've got to decide that no matter what the
cost, we want to be satisfied in God alone-
in Him alone.

Aren't you tired of reading your bible
because you feel you have to?
I want to WANT to love Jesus. I want to long
to spend time with Him. I want to get up in
the morning and can't wait to be with Him.

Anything in my life that is more important,
more exciting and more valuable to me than
God- that thing is an idol. I don't want it to
be like that. I want to be like John Piper said in
"The Pleasures Of God" :
"God is most glorified in us
when we are most satisfied in Him."

I want God to be glorified so I want to see
what I can do to be most satisfied in Him.

~Jeff Deyo~
Saturate c.d.


 2004/5/28 11:47Profile

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