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Joined: 2005/2/24
Posts: 2732


It's good to see you here again.

good to be back


Mike Compton

 2007/12/2 23:16Profile

Joined: 2007/7/3
Posts: 162
The Earth


I've been living in Hong Kong for over a month now. And have been making many trips into mainland China. It truely amazes me how ripe the harvest is here in China. And how open and hungry so many chinese people are. There is such a great need of laborers over here. O, if you could see precious soul after soul as I have seen today in China. Multitudes and multitudes who have not yet heard the gospel. Just recently I went to someones home and my friend played a video about God/Jesus. The two people want to believe. They mentioned about being the first in there family to believe. Possibly back to Adam and Eve there entire family up until them had not heard about Jesus Christ. It is not a cliche, this is a reality. There are billions of people who do not know Jesus. Are you called? Why are you hesitating to go? What is holding you back? God wants to call you out to be a laborer in His harvest field amidst the multitudes who do not yet know Him. Will you answer His call for Jesus sake? This land is so ripe and ready to receive Christ. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Please come and serve Jesus in Asia. People are dying without Jesus. Many multitudes have not yet heard the Gospel. There is alot of work to do. Will you join me here in China for the sake of the Gospel?


 2007/12/3 4:02Profile

Joined: 2007/11/6
Posts: 191



jarona wrote:
I've been living in Hong Kong for over a month now. And have been making many trips into mainland China. It truely amazes me how ripe the harvest is here in China. And how open and hungry so many chinese people are. There is such a great need of laborers over here. O, if you could see precious soul after soul as I have seen today in China. Multitudes and multitudes who have not yet heard the gospel.

Hi there reading your post jorana made me smile of what God sense of humour RN (registered Nurse) at work told me when that she just flight back from sydney finished sharing about the work needed in china it echoed more in what i have read here :-).She saying many other missionary come in china trying to do this and that but unable to share the Gospel, most missionary go there is doing some english teaching or doing medical reach out, organising orphanage, but not able to speak out the Gospel of Christ, she saying China needs people that willing to speak the Gospel of Jesus Christ outside than doing so many things ... while she speak of this it reminds me of the sisters Mary and Martha.
Gospel of Christ is what they need as this chinesse Nurse had said.


 2007/12/3 9:01Profile

Joined: 2007/7/3
Posts: 162
The Earth


One of the greatest needs of the people of China is having the written Word of God. There are millions of believers in China who still do not have a Bible. And thousands of pastors who do not have a Bible. I work with a group called Autumn Rain. A guy received a Bible through this ministry. He prayed for a Bible for 40 years.

40 years.

Could you even imagine trying to do the will of God without a Bible? It is hard enough to do the will of God by His grace with a Bible, let alone without one. These people are coming up against the powers of darkness, the temptations to live for the world, etc. and do not have a Bible. The one thing we can do to help aid the Church of God in China is take Bibles into China so that the believers can come to know God and fulfill His will for there lives.

At the very least every single believer in Jesus Christ should own there own Bible. There is such a need for laborers here. People can come and do a short-term or long-term trip and take Bibles across the border from Hong Kong into mainland China.

Earlier today I hauled Bibles with a 58 year old man. Praise God! He flew out earlier this evening and plans on making another short-term trip here to take the Word of God into China. I met a woman earlier today who looked like she was in her 70's that was hauling the Word of God. That is awesome! There is such a great need for people to labor for the Kingdom of God over here, it is a reality.

The biggest revival in history is taking place in China, and it has been stated that thousands are coming to Christ every single day.

These people need Bibles!

There is still over a billion people in this land who have not repented and turned to Jesus Christ. How will the church in China do the will of God and advance the Kingdom without a Bible?

Will you come and labor?

Are you open to seek God as to whether He wants you to be a part of this work so that His people can advance His Kingdom throughout China?

Pray to God, He is able to provide for you a way to come and do His work in China so that multitudes can be brought into the Kingdom for all of eternity.

Not every one that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven.

Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

- The words of Jesus Christ found in Mathew 7.

Seek Him and have an open and willing heart to do the will of the Father.


 2007/12/3 10:15Profile

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