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 Who was it said we should take a serious look at Ron Paul?

I tried the link and it indeed was broken. I will explain, the article was about a bunny ranch supporting Pauls' campaign. The reason they were in support of him was because even though he said he disagreed with prostitution he would not interfer in anyway with laws to forbid or control it. Man, if anyone has a passion for something and have been given a seat to speak and have an impact, you would think a person's passions for the Lord and HIS things would drive them in all things. Of course in my opinion this is what you call lip service when it don't drive you. That was my point. I'm sure we have many other candidates that are even farther from the truth in deeds, works and heart than Paul, but that don't make him totally right. A person in my opinion who does anything in a separate sense, in their weekly life than their church life they have a word for them. We all fail and have to ask forgiveness for our failures and ask for HIM to work in our lives. If don't even know what to ask for, how well are we communcating with HIM.

 2007/11/26 20:49

Joined: 2005/2/8
Posts: 112

 Re: Who was it said we should take a serious look at Ron Paul?

post removed.

 2007/11/26 23:59Profile

Joined: 2005/2/8
Posts: 112


Your link is broken.

However, I imagine you are referring to the story that a brothel owner in Las Vegas "endorsed" Ron Paul.

Here is the entire story, if you feel compelled to read:


The Associated Press carried a story about how a Nevada brothel owner had "endorsed" Ron Paul, downplaying the fact that the "endorsement" was actually arranged by the media.

The AP story began: "Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, an underdog Texas congressman with a libertarian streak, has picked up an endorsement from a Nevada brothel owner," Dennis Hof.

"Picked up," however, is the wrong phrase, since it implies, incorrectly, that Ron Paul had solicited Hof’s endorsement. In actuality, it was a member of the media, MSNBC’s Tucker Carlson, who had done the soliciting. Carlson not only contacted Hof to ask him to check out Ron Paul while Paul was in Nevada, but he even arrived at Ron Paul’s Reno news conference in the company of Hof and two of Hof’s prostitutes. Hof’s presence, which surprised the Ron Paul campaign, then gave Hof the opportunity to be interviewed by the media.

Tucker Carlson's involvement is acknowledged by AP, though not until the end of the story. The AP story notes that "Hof was accompanied to the Paul news conference by television news personality Tucker Carlson." It then finally quotes Carlson as admitting that "Dennis Hof is a good friend of mine, so when we got to Nevada, I decided to call him up and see if he wanted to come check this guy [Ron Paul] out." The AP article, though, fails to point out that the Ron Paul campaign was surprised when Carlson emerged from a limousine with Hof and two of Hof’s celebrity prostitutes to attend the news conference. (That part of the story was covered by the Reno Gazette-Journal.)

 2007/11/27 0:15Profile

Joined: 2005/2/8
Posts: 112


Here is the campaigns response:

Regarding Ron Paul’s position on prostitution, the AP article quoted Paul spokesman Jeff Greenspan as saying: "On a personal basis, he doesn't condone those things. At the same time, from his campaign perspective, it’s not the role of federal government and it's not in the Constitution for federal government to regulate these things."

Essentially, criminal laws such as these are handled on a state basis, not federal basis, exactly as the consitution describes.

I feel the story is intentionally misleading by associating Paul with a Pimp. It fails to mention he has been married for 50 years, his brother is a pastor, he is a Baptist, and he is the most honest man running for president out of the whole lot (that certainly includes Huckabee also).

 2007/11/27 0:18Profile

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