Devotional: GOD is both perfectly righteous and unchanging. Therefore, when HE comes to rapture HIS church, only HIS own will see and be drawn to HIS eternal rest. When the godless and the Lost die, they view HIS scepter, HIS hand approaching .with sheer terror for the time .is too late. HE is unchanging. Hence, when both the just and the unjust bow before HIM on that day in Heaven the extremes of emotion will be at their opposite peaks. Therefore, Choose Life by surrendering your own .to the LORD GOD your maker! For to decline brings about terrors unimaginable. Amen and amen!Scepter PerceptionsThe scepter of the LORDstretches cross this open sky to correct those whom HE calledand redirect the countless Lost.Hence, tis reviewed by somewith regret yet thankfulness,whilst the others now recoil by Terrors demons surely tossed.Thus, what see you, dear Child?Is there fire in HIS eyes?Is HE focused on Hells host thereby protecting you from them?Or is this your vision plagued having sided with such sin so that HE against you comesdown from the realms of Heaven?HE is indeed unchangingthus the differences here penned whole depend on nothing else but what you choose to do with Christ?Yes, your choice will make that differencewhen the trumpet calls at last and you see HIM as your Saviouror as HE who judges Life!Drawing you through Glorys cloudsor through Hells burning gatesso the choice remains in handfor you to make within these days.Judge nothing save your actionsand none other than your soulfor not another can redeem youshould your choice decline HIS ways!As HIS servant in your service,W.V.W. Jasnoch11/25/07