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Joined: 2007/10/30
Posts: 172

 Beyond Gibraltar: Standing Still for CHRIST!

Devotional: In ancient times, the Rock of Gibraltar marked the limit to the known world and to pass beyond it was to sail to certain destruction over the bottomless waterfall at the edge of the world. Today is no different in the figurative sense. We see huge tidal waves of oppression, criticism, doubt and opposition rising against us. It is human nature to rise up and take action against the threat. Our visible, immediate response…fighting for our freedoms to pursue the increase and maintenance of moral standards…is a worthy action. Many such attacks against Christianity and our individual lives require a rapid reaction from us. So often, knowing these things are against us, we proactively prepare ourselves against the onslaught of the demonic.

But there are also times when we are called to stand. Just as the Israelites were at the Red Sea….with Pharoah’s ‘tidal wave” of opposition coming against them. It would have been natural for the history books to read how the Israelites gathered weapons and defended themselves. But that wasn’t what GOD had brought them out for. HE didn’t bring them to the edge of an “impossible situation” in human terms…just to have them fend for themselves. NOR IS IT WITH US. Your situation is not so you can show up each day with shield in hand to battle the demonic hoard. NOT EVERY DAY. Why? Because just as GOD taught the Israelites at the Red Sea…being still and watching the hand of GOD has a profound effect on our faith. Are you struggling? Does the tidal wave of the world’s attack seem crushing and only inches away from devastating your frame? Be sure that you are waiting for HIS voice and not just proactively trying to defend yourself by attempting to cross the Red Sea on your own. Be still and through fervent prayer… expect the hand of Almighty GOD! Regardless what human sight told the Israelites, their Deliverer was already there and was proving HIS point. So I state aloud! Stand in faith and fearlessly….for Calvary has ensured your Victory! Amen and amen!

Beyond Gibraltar

When one chooses to prepare
in advance of the spotlight
when all of Attention
is placed upon them…
then how strange is the contrast
being told to stand silent…
and wait with Expectance
till summoned from Heaven.

Yes, till CHRIST HIMSELF calls
through HIS SPIRIT within us…
as the tidal wave crests
only inches away;
for HE purposes Action
to come from HIM solely
when we are too busy
to pause or to pray.

Hence, Stand strong! Child of GOD!
Shrink not back from HIS thunder
or the Lightning displayed
nor this towering flood!
Rather! Face first those storm clouds
and each gust – confronting
for your stance is made sure
Yes! Secured by…HIS blood!

As HIS servant in your service,
W.V.W. Jasnoch (11/24/07)


 2007/11/24 23:36Profile

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