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Joined: 2007/10/30
Posts: 172

 Memo to the Masses

Devotional: 1Cr 14:40: “Let all things be done decently and in order.” Given to reflect prophesy and speaking tongues, so this also applies to our every action for the LORD. Let us be desirous of tasting the greatness of GOD so much so that we are willingly consumed by HIS love…regardless how often the world rails against our faith! Amen and amen.

Memo to the Masses

Let all things be displayed in view,
those which the Darkness hides with malice.
Let naught be held away from Light,
those which are pow’red by sin.
Let all things done be for HIS NAME,
those bringing HIM all glory due
and may we quickly choose the Son
to be consumed HIS love.

As HIS servant in your service,
W.V.W. Jasnoch


 2007/11/24 10:29Profile

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