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Joined: 2006/2/11
Posts: 2895
Philadelphia PA

 Every good and every perfect gift. A Thanksgiving Day meditation.

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”

- James chapter 1 verse 17(KJV)

Brothers and sisters,

Do we love? Is it good or perfect? Then it was given to us by God.(Rom 5:5)

Do we have faith towards God? Is it good or perfect? Then it was given to us by God.(Rom 12:3, Php 1:29)

Is our will yielded and submitted to Him? Is that not good? Then was our yielding not of God?(Php 2:13, 3:21)

Do we have knowledge? Has God and Christ been revealed to us? Is that not good? Then was the revelation given to us by God.(Matt 11:27, 13:11, Eph 1:17-18, 1Jn 5:20)

Have we come to Christ, and is that not good? Then is this not also of God?(Jn 6:37-40,44, 17:6-11)

Or if we sorrowed unto repentance, or if we have turned from lies unto the truth, and it was good that we did, then was our turning not of God?(Rom 2:4, 2 Tim 2:24-25, Acts 11:18)

What do we have that we did not first receive? (1Cor 4:7)

Be it strength and might(Ps 68:35) or comfort(2Cor 1:3-5) or patience(Rom 15:5) or power, whether of authority or privilege(Rom 13:1), or power that is spiritual(Acts 1:8) all comes from above, from God. Do we have wisdom? It comes from God(Jas 1:5). And He has given to us the words of eternal life(Jn 6:68, 17:7-8) and He has given to us eternal life(1Jn 5:11-12). And He has given to us His Holy Spirit(Acts 2:38).

He has given to us grace

and He has given to us peace.

(Rom 1:7, 1Cor 1:3, 2Cor 1:2, Gal 1:3, Eph 1:2, Php 1:2, Col 1:2, 1Th 1:1, 2Th 1:2, 1Ti 1:2, 2Ti 1:2, Tit 1:4, Phm 1:3, 1Pe 1:2, 2Pe 1:2, 2Jn 1:3, Rev 1:4)

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above.

And if it is from above, and has come down, then did it not come from us. It is good, and it is perfect, coming down from God, from above.

Christopher Joel Dandrow

 2007/11/23 0:21Profile

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