Poster | Thread | hmmhmm Member
Joined: 2006/1/31 Posts: 4994 Sweden
| The great benefits of prayer! | | [i]The following is from Jonathan Edwards sermon, "Hypocrites Deficient in the Duty of Prayer"
Consider the great benefits of a constant, diligent, and persevering attendance in prayer.
Prayer is one of the greatest and most excellent means of nourishing the new nature, and of causing the soul to flourish and prosper.
Prayer is an excellent means of keeping up an acquaintance with God, and of growing in the knowledge of God.
Prayer is the way to a life of communion with God.
Prayer is an excellent means of taking off the heart from the vanities of the world, and of causing the mind to be conversant in heaven.
Prayer is an excellent preservative from sin and the wiles of the devil, and a powerful antidote against the poison of the old serpent.
Prayer is a duty whereby strength is derived from God against the lusts and corruptions of the heart, and the snares of the world.
If prayer is constantly and diligently attended to, it is one of the best means of leading not only an amiable and pleasant life; but also a life of much sweet fellowship with Christ, and of abundant enjoyment of the light of his countenance.
_________________ CHRISTIAN
| 2007/11/22 16:35 | Profile | hmmhmm Member
Joined: 2006/1/31 Posts: 4994 Sweden
| Goy Guide To World History Part 1 - 7 | |
With the triumph of Jewry comes the subjugation and enslavement of the entire non-Jewish world. Christianity becomes the first casualty, the family unit the second... Homosexuality and radical feminism become more strident in their attitudes and more extreme in their demands, opening up a Pandora’s box of evils: the push to normalize pedophilia, for example, and the systematic corruption of children through the promotion of child porn in the classroom...
We are in a critical situation... It was never Palestine on its own that organized Jewry wanted. Palestine was simply to be their base of operations for the conquest of the rest of the world... According to Israel Shamir:
"Palestine is not the ultimate goal of the Jews; the world is. Palestine is just the place for world state headquarters. The Jews intend to turn Jerusalem into the supreme capital of the world, and its rebuilt temple into the focal point of the Spirit on Earth. Christianity will die, the spirit will depart from the nations in our part of the world, and our present dubious democracy will be supplanted by a vast theocratic state. De-spiritualized and uprooted, homeless and lonely, yesterday’s Masters of the World [WASPs] will become slaves in all but name…."
The Jewish universe is good for Jews. It is a curse for others. In the US, as Jewish influence has grown steadily since 1968, the lives of ordinary people have worsened... A good time for the Jews is not a good time for mankind...The blessing of the Jews is a curse for others. The regimes that are “good for Jews” are rarely good for anybody else... _________________ CHRISTIAN
| 2007/11/22 16:37 | Profile | hmmhmm Member
Joined: 2006/1/31 Posts: 4994 Sweden
| Goy Guide to World History 2 | |
In Part 2 of the Goy Guide to World History, E. Michael Jones compresses hundreds of pages of his book, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History, into a few words and phrases: the necessity of understanding 'usury' and what its elimination would mean; the cultural propensity for the Talmud-Tanach propagandized Jew to mistrust and exploit the Goyim; the subsequent destruction of the Church and the public commons (focusing here on England); the toleration and then triumph of usury; the guilt and cover-up culture of the new 'owners' of the Commons; the 'triumph' of state socialism (lottery & football mayhem); the inability of the Goy to recognize the Jew (goy blindness) and its affects; the corrosive effects of the loss of trust in our economic and political system. (part 2 of 6) _________________ CHRISTIAN
| 2007/11/22 16:39 | Profile | hmmhmm Member
Joined: 2006/1/31 Posts: 4994 Sweden
| Goy Guide to World History (3 Spain Holland Slavery Poland & the Pale | | Goy Guide to World History (part 3): Spain, Holland, Slavery, Poland & the Pale _________________ CHRISTIAN
| 2007/11/22 16:39 | Profile | hmmhmm Member
Joined: 2006/1/31 Posts: 4994 Sweden
| Goy Guide to World History (4 Frankfurt School, ISR | | THE BATTLE FOR THE SOUL Using Byron Jost's unfinished film, 'Minority Report', part four of Goy Guide to World History documents the caustic impact of Freudianism, the Frankfurt School, and Boasian anthropology on America's mind and soul. _________________ CHRISTIAN
| 2007/11/22 16:40 | Profile | hmmhmm Member
Joined: 2006/1/31 Posts: 4994 Sweden
| Goy Guide to World History (5: Sicut Jadaeis Non | |
Part 5: Some Characters in the History Drawing from his book, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on History, E. Michael Jones touches on some of the characters in the story, including Ayn Rand, Philip Roth, Marx, Trotsky, Freud, Daniel Goldhagen, Madison Grant, Pat Buchanan, Kevin B. MacDonald. Have the Goyim so internalized the values of Jewish commissars (Jews and Junior Jews) that we can no longer think properly? Has Jewish-dominated mind control robbed us of our intellectual heroes, such as Hilaire Belloc and yes, Henry Ford ? But, Jones says, "white power" (or rallying around 'whiteness') is a false identity (like Naziism), relatively easily directed, controlled, Jones makes the case that the otherwise atomized Goyim's only coherent identity vis-a-vis the Jew, who has an intact, vibrant identity, is Christianity, and more specifically, Catholicism. The Catholic Church's historic modus vivendi in dealing with 'the Jew' is summed up in the words, Sicut Jadaeis Non: Don't harm the Jew, but don't let the Jew harm your culture. The second half of this equation is virtually ignored by the Church, partly because it has internalized (is internalizing) Jewish values. _________________ CHRISTIAN
| 2007/11/22 16:41 | Profile | hmmhmm Member
Joined: 2006/1/31 Posts: 4994 Sweden
| Goy Guide to World History 6) "Russian" Revolution | |
GOY GUIDE TO WORLD HISTORY: THE "RUSSIAN" REVOLUTION "There's never been a revolutionary movement that was all Jews. But the Jews invariably assumed a leadership role in this [Russian] revolutionary movement - because they were taught to be ruthless. Against whom? The goyim. It was a virtue to be ruthless to the goyim. You can say, okay, it was just cheating them economically. But that's a form of aggression. And you were taught if you cheated the goyim you didn't have to feel guilty. And so it's only a step there from taking, you know - to executing the goyim. Salo Baron, after the Revolution, talked about the Cheka, which was the secret police - Lenin staffed it with Jews. Of course he knew the Jews would be merciless. A Russian might have qualms about killing another Russian but a Jew wouldn't have any qualms about torturing Russians -- because THOSE PEOPLE TREATED MY GRANDPARENTS BADLY. You find this throughout Jewish history. It's always the rationalization - whether it's usury, whether it's on Wall Street. Goldman Sachs shorting stocks that they just sold to somebody, the Greeks for example. Or whether it's the Cheka torturing Russians - the Jews in the Cheka torturing Russians. It's always this rationalization, 'You people treated my people badly.' It's in Philip Roth, where he's 'shtupping the shiksa' because he's 'getting back for the way they treated my grandfather in Russia. It's this type of asocial behavior that creates this animosity. It is something that goes deep, this Jewish hatred of Russia."
Illustrating E Michael Jones' observations, part 6 quickly reviews (via photos) the Jewish "leadership role" in the "Russian" Revolution. The photos note the cause and date of death of individuals. Counted also among the 'leadership' are not just important Jewish Bolsheviks, but key Mensheviks, Social Revolutionaries, and significant assassins. And most importantly, the financiers: Schiff, Warburg, Rothschild - and the fixers such as Parvus (Helphand), Ganetsky, et al.
The story of London Times journalist Robert Wilton (author of the 1920 book, The Last Days of the Romanovs) demonstrates the insidious capitulation by the British goy establishment. The highly-respected correspondent in Russia was not allowed to tell the story of the Jewish-dominated 1917 revolution. His insightful reports were rejected as anti-semitism. The story is told in Douglas Reed's The Controversy of Zion. Wilton personally investigated, under war time conditions, the Romanov murders, reporting on it in his book: "...deliberately planned by the Jew Sverdlov...and carried out by the Jews Goloshchekin, Syromolotov, Safarov, Voikov and Yurovsky, is the act not of the Russian people, but of this hostile invader."
Similarly, other observers, such as ambassadors to Russia, David R. Francis (US) and William Oudendyk (Netherlands) warned their respective governments of the "alien invasion," views reflected by the great Russian writer, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: "The leading Bolsheviks were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse..."
And Winston Churchill, in 1920, bravely called attention to the power and prominence of Jews in the leadership and institutions, singling out the dreaded Cheka as an example.
Scenes from Alexander Rogozhin's 1992 film, "The Chekist" demonstrate the power of ethnic identity and/or ideology in "rejecting Logos" -- or inuring groups of their natural compassion for others; or inducing psychopathy.
Henry Makow calls attention to Estonian filmmaker Jyri Lina who demonstrates, in his book, "Under The Sign Of The Scorpion", that the orders to kill the Romanovs came from Schiff in New York, not Lenin and Sverdlov in Moscow. Soros knows he who pays the piper calls the tune. For a while. _________________ CHRISTIAN
| 2007/11/22 16:41 | Profile | hmmhmm Member
Joined: 2006/1/31 Posts: 4994 Sweden
| Goy Guide 7 Hillary's Libya | | The PNAC by 2009 morphed into the FPI - Foreign Policy Initiative . With a few shabbos goyim, the FPI Jews were the lead warmongers for killing Muammar Gaddafi and destroying Libya, stealing Libya's gold, exacerbating the massive migration to Europe, and providing in Libya a base for extended Wahhabi (ISIS) terrorism. With its gold-backed dinar, Gaddafi had posed a dangerous threat to Rothschild-dominated Jewish fractional reserve banking and financial fraud. _________________ CHRISTIAN
| 2007/11/22 16:42 | Profile | hmmhmm Member
Joined: 2006/1/31 Posts: 4994 Sweden
| | 2007/11/22 16:45 | Profile | hmmhmm Member
Joined: 2006/1/31 Posts: 4994 Sweden
| E. Michael Jones on Neoconservatives, CIA, Cold War and the Catholic Church | | Dr. E. Michael Jones returns to discuss Neoconservativism, it's origins and takeover of US foreign policy. We also delve into the CIA's efforts to undermine the presidency of Jimmy Carter, the October Surprise, David Rockefeller's machinations, and the infiltration of the Catholic Church by organized crime and Western intelligence agencies during the Papacy of John Paul II. _________________ CHRISTIAN
| 2007/11/22 16:46 | Profile |