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Joined: 2007/4/17
Posts: 299

 Don'ts for Doubters

Don't waste precious time arguing with Satan.
Don't make your emotions the standard by which to measure your experience.
Don't say, "I can't"; that belongs to those who have no Christ.
Don't measure your salvation by some wonderful experience someone else has had; measure by the New Testament.
Don't depend on your conscience; live by the Bible.
Don't get discouraged; it will be of no help to you.
Don't be a baby all your life; learn to be strong.
Don't make rash vows. "Trust in the Lord, and he shall bring it to pass."
Don't shed tears to please the devil.
Don't believe that God does not hear you; if you are seeking Him earnestly, His ears are open to your cry.
Don't let Satan make a speaking trumpet to your ears.
Don't testify for the devil; tell what God has done.
Don't try to feel as you think somebody else feels.
Don't follow every impression; use your common sense and follow the Bible.
Don't let Satan make you believe that you have harder trials than anyone else on earth.
Don't look for trials and discouragements; let your expectation be from the Lord.
Don't help the devil to make you miserable by bringing up the past.
Don't pray for blessings and then refuse to endure temptations. James 1:12.
Don't accuse yourself; be as good to yourself as you are to others.


 2007/11/22 9:04Profile

 Re: Don'ts for Doubters

Don't shed tears to please the devil

Probably should have been, "Don't have a pity party to please the devil". Because tears must be shed. Weeping releases so many things out of a persons life, there is freedom after a good cry. Those who shed tears in prayer are not pleasing the devil but weeping over souls, or themselves or perhaps in intercessory.

What do you think?

 2007/11/22 9:11

Joined: 2006/5/22
Posts: 2680
Nottingham, England

 Re: Don'ts for Doubters

This list would be better with the use of more scripture, otherwise it could simply turn into self-help, self-discipline etc.

Like for the first one, I think of James 4v7,
'Therefore, submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you'

The second one I think of James 4v8, 'Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you ...

As we draw near to God, guess what, He does what the scripture says, without thunder, lightning or emotions. He's there.

I could go on, but I'll end with, God is good.

God bless.

 2007/11/22 9:36Profile

Joined: 2007/4/17
Posts: 299


Yeah Brother, I agree with you. Tears do make a person feel better, and tears must be sheed for the lost, and that defenetly tears in prayer are not to please the Satan. But I think that within the context of this Poem, if we can call it such, that the author ment somthng Like this:

Don't fail God so that afterwards the Devil would say that he won over you, Be strong in the power of his might, so that we would not have to cry because we where defeated.

That's just my interpretation of it, I blesses me in that way.

Hope this helped in some way. God Bless


 2007/11/22 13:07Profile


If this world is not your home, don't act like it is!

 2007/11/26 1:14

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