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Joined: 2007/10/30
Posts: 172

 Praise Warnings...those which are often more apt to catch the ear of the Lost!

Devotional: If my audible words are consumed with earthly longing of want, which betrays a spirit of poverty focused primarily upon perceived Lack, then there is no reason given to the Lost to change course. If my actions are steeped in reactionary cycles of faithlessness, where I am simply wading through the battle as though I have no Victory, then how shall the dying be given notice of Eternal healing and rescue? What lengthy dissertation or verbal discussion of pain or discomfort will persuade the thief who is also on a cross like us…to say, “Remember me this day, LORD!” What, I ask, shall suffice… other than unceasing praise! Lift HIS NAME, Beloved…with far greater daily frequency than to speak of your earthly measures and logic which see only the dark cloud and not the rain HE brings! Amen and amen!

Praise Warnings

Rejoice ye saints whose breath remains!
Praise GOD within this present hour!
For all HE planned ere Time was birthed
is soon to be revealed!
Rejoice as such, ye heavenly host
for HE who ye behold has power!
HIS might – no boundary – can deny
nor any part…conceal!

Shout thanks this day to CHRIST our LORD!
Forget the lack your flesh defines….
for we shall walk on streets of gold
thus leaving all these things behind!
Yes, lift your cry for all to hear
so that they too might call on HIM…
before HIS Rapture so they might
repent in Faith whilst there is Time!

As HIS servant in your service,
W.V.W. Jasnoch (11/21/07)


 2007/11/22 0:02Profile

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