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Joined: 2007/10/30
Posts: 172

 Historic Foreshadowing...Repeating Solomon

Devotional: "Ecc 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and [there is] no new thing under the sun." Imagine beginning to move in a certain direction and seeing your footprints two or three “steps” ahead. As you continue, you see stumbling points, changes in course, pausing…etc. In your vision, it is possible to “alter” the future by not actually walked where the footprints go. In reality, it is wise to adjust our steps based on the paths of those who have “fallen”….in front of us. Thus History is our teacher. Those paths which have been frequently traveled due to ease, comfort, pleasure, and sin…are well marked and…obvious. But when we refuse our history lesson, we cannot see the painfully obvious scars along the way…already recorded. Where the road is both challenging yet blessed, is the road “less traveled.” Demons do not frequent such paths but attempt to divert our progression back to the roads which the world’s unbelieving masses are on. Therefore, do not engage a path which is well worn and filled with suspect servants of fruitless faith. That’s were the demons run…and that’s where we – as GOD’s childen – must heed HIS foreshadowing. Amen and amen.

Historic Foreshadowing

What if your steps only followed
the path of your footprints – ahead…
where no mark would be left by progression
but created before it…instead?

Yes, what if the impact were known
ere your feet touched the sand – below…
where proactively – changing direction
you could alter where “Self” was to go?

As though History preceded “Now”
then Error could be avoided…
where obvious pains are ne’er given life
and their imprints – never recorded.

“What if” then is finally re-birthed
for nothing is new ‘neath the sun.
As Solomon said, thus HIS insight we have
to not walk where the demons “now” run.

As HIS servant in your service,
W.V.W. Jasnoch (11/21/07)


 2007/11/21 19:43Profile

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