Brothers and sisters,I invite you to share how this message has ministered and impacted your life to go deeper with God. And also to share any more nuggets that you gleaned from it. [b]The Compromising Church[/b]Keith Daniel (Video) have had the blessing of hearing it preached twice this fall, first at Maranatha Baptist Church, and the second time at the Revival Conference. I have compiled my notes from both times and am sharing some of them here. If you have not listened to this message, I highly recommend it. It is a staggering message and very challenging for us to examine our lives for [i]any[/i] compromise in the areas of our eyes, thoughts, lips, or reactions that is a grief to God.[b]Compromising Christianity[/b][i]Keith Daniel[/i]The greatest tragedy of today is compromising Christianity.Break up your fallow ground that enables you to live a shameful life of compromise.Expose your heart carefully and prayerfully to what this holy Book declares of when a Christian lives in a continual state of compromise:When a Christian continually fails God with his:1. Eyesa. I made a covenant with my eyes to not look upon that which would defile me.2. Thoughts a. Your thoughts determine your life. What you think you are.b. Whatsoever things are pure Phil. 4:8, allow your mind to be occupied with.c. What are you filling up in the reservoir of your heart?d. You can bring every thought into captivity.e. You are as holy as you want to be.f. Is being entertained worth being defiled?3. Lipsa. Lies do these lips lie in prayer? If you are not faithful in your private prayer, your public prayers are evil hypocritical lies.b. Oathsc. Blasphemy Dont ever use Gods Name irreverently.d. Filthy communicatione. Murmurings in everything give thanks, not for everything but despite everything 1 Thess. 5:18. It is in the midst of the hardest time that it is the sacrifice of praise. Are you a perfect murmurer or perfect worshiper? Dont stop thanking Him if you have one problem.f. Whisperings Proverbs 10:18g. Endless Babbling empty talk.h. A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth (Prov. 15:23). The Holy Spirit has joy when you past the test. There is grief on the face of a person who fails continually with his mouth. With God its joy unspeakable and it is possible with Him.i. If you have no control with thy tongue you have no victory in any area the devil wants to come into.j. Psalm 141:3 Set a watch cry this every day to God.4. Reactionsa. The evidence that the Holy Spirit is in you is self-control. Prov. 14:29; Eccles. 7:9The greatest single tragedy this world faces is compromising Christianity, beginning in your home. It will undermine the effect of the Gospel in the world.Dont allow other peoples failures to cause you to be an even greater failure. O to be like Jesus, for apart from that I have nothing to offer others apart from Christ.Christians must (the bulk are compromising, the world looks at what weve got and they dont want it) seek God for this standard, and change. Christians on their knees is the only hope America has.If the Christians turn back to what they should be, then the world will tremble. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[i]I hope to do this with all the Keith Daniel messages I have heard over the past couple of months. And it would be wonderful to see discussion on all the messages from the revival conference, especially now that they are available for downloading. :)[/i]
Here are some reviews on this message: Razor Sharp Wounds In My Heart (November 26/2007) Reviewed by: dying2self The Holy Spirit brought strong conviction, ripped open and exposed all that was hidden in my heart and left me with no excuses. I am wounded and left with no place to hide. I suggest that everyone listen to this sermon. Video-13 Keith Daniel (November 22/2007) Reviewed by: HIServant Excellent display of the knowledge of HIS WORD absent of sugar coating what our sins really looks like and the subtleties of such. Engaging and penetrating. Set aside time to watch it in its entirety. It was very uplifting in person. The Compromising Christian (November 21/2007) Reviewed by: notmyown Keith Daniels quotes scripture after scripture from memory tackling basic issues of our walk with God. our eyes, thoughts, tongue, reactions. Humbling stuff. Can't recommend highly enough. Sets out the biblical standard for our christian lives plainly and powerfully. This is one sermon I will have to listen to over and over agin til it really sinks in!