[b]All the whys and wherefores[/b]
(Susannah Spurgeon, "A Basket of Summer Fruit")
"The Lord your God turned the curse into a blessing unto you, because the Lord your God loved you." Deuteronomy 23:5
Here, my soul, in this most sweet assurance, you will find your Lord's one reason for all His dealings with you--whether tender or severe.
In this earthly pilgrimage, you do meet with so many experiences and providences that are inexplicable and mysterious, that you are apt to say, "Why this trial, Lord?" "Why this affliction?" "Why this disappointment of all my hopes and plans?"
Blessed be the Name of the Lord for such a full and amazing answer as is this precious verse--to all the questions with which a doubting heart or a feeble faith can vex me! It must needs be that my finite mind fails to understand the ways of God; but if I can believe that He loves me--this is faith's sufficiency.
My heart, until you have learned the lesson of perfect trust--doubts and misgivings are sure to arise, and cloud your fairest prospects. The darkness looks impenetrable when you do try to peer into it--the rough places seem impassable when your weary feet stumble over the big stones in the pathway--the mountains of difficulty appear inaccessible when the mists of unbelief veil their true proportions. Truly, the Lord is a God who hides Himself; and, oftentimes, His purposes are carried out on our behalf under cover of the thick clouds, in which He enwraps Himself.
But what a bright star amidst the darkness, what a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path--are the blessed words of this Divinely-illuminated text, "Because the Lord your God loved you!" This verse . . . completely solves all doubts, wipes away all tears, is a remedy for every fear, and a refuge from every distress! No sweeter assurance could fill my trembling heart with joy, no softer resting-place could be found for a weary, heavy-laden sinner!
To know, of a surety, that all God's dealings with me are those of a loving Father towards a dear and well-beloved child; to be absolutely certain that every sorrow conceals a blessing, because He has appointed it; to look upon pain, and trial, and bitter experiences as the outcome of a love which is so infinite that I cannot fathom it--this is to live in "the secret place of the Most High," this is to "abide under the shadow of the Almighty!"
If we would but meet every affliction, be it small or great, with a brave confidence in our Father's mighty love to us, and an unquenchable faith in His power--our trials would either vanish altogether, or be transformed into triumphs which would bring honor to our King!
"My heart melts within me, Lord, when, by Your Holy Spirit's aid, I can get even a glimpse of that wonderful love which You have for me--so undeserving and so vile! It does seem "too good to be true," sometimes, that I, notwithstanding all my faults and failings, and despite all my hardness of heart and guilty indifference, should be the recipient of such free, unmerited favor! Lord, open my understanding as well as my heart--that my love may sun itself in Yours, and have a blessed realization of what Your grace really means to my poor soul!"
Now, my soul, from this time forth, decide to answer all the whys and wherefores which perplex your life, by the simple response, "Because the Lord loved me!" Can you imagine a condition more blissful--than that of being so sheltered and surrounded by God's wondrous love?
_________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon