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Joined: 2005/4/8
Posts: 220
New England USA

 Is heaven still?

I know that many of us are feeling alittle anxious about what is coming over the horizon.
I listened to Carter Conlon's last sermon and I know exatly what he is talking about. A few days ago my 10 year old son, Luke told me that the Lord told him that judgment is not coming, but is here. He said that whatever it is that is going to hit us is here, then he just repeated, "it's here, it's right here, it's here." I just feel in my spirit like, I don't know like "uuuggghhh." I don't even know how to pray these days and when I do I feel that all of heaven is still. Does anyone else feel this way?? I have this expectancy and groaning in my spirit, yet when I get into my pray closet, I feel like everything is still and quiet.

In HIS love,


 2007/11/18 19:48Profile

 Re: Is heaven still?

Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people.

 2007/11/18 20:40

Joined: 2004/6/15
Posts: 1924

 Re: Is heaven still?

sis Tina Greetings in Jesus' Name by Whose Blood we are Saved.AMEN.

you said:


tinluke wrote:
I know that many of us are feeling alittle anxious about what is coming over the horizon.
I listened to Carter Conlon's last sermon and I know exatly what he is talking about. A few days ago my 10 year old son, Luke told me that the Lord told him that judgment is not coming, but is here. He said that whatever it is that is going to hit us is here, then he just repeated, "it's here, it's right here, it's here." I just feel in my spirit like, I don't know like "uuuggghhh." I don't even know how to pray these days and when I do I feel that all of heaven is still. Does anyone else feel this way?? I have this expectancy and groaning in my spirit, yet when I get into my pray closet, I feel like everything is still and quiet.

In HIS love,

i have had a sense of knowing something is about to burst forth, i couldn't put it into words till yesterday after i talked a bit with bro Rahman. He worded it like this, we're in labour and whatever we're about to birth is either of our Lord, Live, or of ourselves and stillborn. as i listen to the news, it seems we're about to witness the finacial/economic calamity i believe our Lord has been telling me about over the last 2+ yrs and not only me but many more before me have been given this same word. i don't know what to pray aside from whatever is lacking be filled up, whatever needs to be purged be purged and that we have Grace for what is ahead.

i had a dream today, at first the enemy threw a curveball in there, some weird nonsense but thereafter our Lord came through. i was laying down and i saw what i believe to be my inner man trying to sit up and move around unbound to my body, i guess unhindered by my outer man. Thereafter i'm unsure if this was a dream or not but i saw nothing, heard nothing but felt like something in me was about to burst out, i was groaning because of it.

we're about to find out if our concerns are real and thus of God and Vindicated by Him, or we're about to find out we're in need of being put in a loony bin.

sis i bear witness to what you feel, i'm there with you as are some others out there. EDIT: i guess there's not much else to say, now we wait.

Grace and Peace are ours in Jesus.AMEN.

Farai Bamu

 2007/11/18 22:20Profile


Sometimes I feel like I am holding on for dear life. It's not the same feeling for me as far as giving birth to something. For me I feel like everything is going crazy on the outside but inside I am clinging to the cross. The only safe place for me is at the feet of Jesus. So much is going crazy on the outside. It's like a bad storm you just hold on and hope it will soon pass over.

As far as everything being still I feel like time is standing still while the devil is raging and I am left clinging to Jesus. There is alot going on in the spiritual realm, time is short. I constantly feel driven to my prayer closet.I have anticipation but not anxiety. I feel like the holy spirit is constantly telling me to just hold on it won't be long, be at peace and just rest.

 2007/11/18 22:50

Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132

 Re: Heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people.

Isa 26:20 Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.

Sometimes that place is still on the earth.


 2007/11/19 7:23Profile

Joined: 2006/5/22
Posts: 2680
Nottingham, England

 Re: Is heaven still?

Matt 24v22, 'And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved, but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened.'

As it is, we should not be getting ready, we should be ready for whatever comes our way. It should not take us unawares.

Mark 13v37, 'And what I say to you, I say to all, Watch.'

God bless.

 2007/11/19 7:41Profile

 Re: Is heaven still?

Tina said

I feel like everything is still and quiet.

Surely the Lord is inviting you to rest in Him and it is wonderful that you have entered into His rest. Many have not, yet.

Two nights ago I listened to Carter Conlon's 'When Death hears the Voice of God', and one of the points he makes, is that only the dead are able to respond to His voice, to let Him take the stone(y heart) away, and arise in resurrection life.

Your question also reminds me of these thoughts by Oswald Chambers:


[i]"When He had heard therefore that he was sick, He abode two days in the same place where he was." John 11:6[/i]

Has God trusted you with a silence - a silence that is big with meaning? God's silences are His answers. Think of those days of absolute silence in the home at Bethany! Is there anything analogous to those days in your life? Can God trust you like that, or are you still asking for a visible answer? God will give you the blessings you ask if you will not go any further without them; but His silence is the sign that He is bringing you into a marvellous understanding of Himself. Are you mourning before God because you have not had an audible response? You will find that God has trusted you in the most intimate way possible, with an absolute silence, not of despair, but of pleasure, because He saw that you could stand a bigger revelation. If God has given you a silence, praise Him, He is bringing you into the great run of His purposes. The manifestation of the answer in time is a matter of God's sovereignty. Time is nothing to God. For a while you said - "I asked God to give me bread, and He gave me a stone." He did not, and to-day you find He gave you the bread of life.

A wonderful thing about God's silence is that the contagion of His stillness gets into you and you become perfectly confident - "I know God has heard me." His silence is the proof that He has. As long as you have the idea that God will bless you in answer to prayer, He will do it, but He will never give you the grace of silence. If Jesus Christ is bringing you into the understanding that prayer is for the glorifying of His Father, He will give you the first sign of His intimacy - silence.

[i]My Utmost for His Highest, 11th October[/i]

 2007/11/19 7:47

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