Blessings All,Maybe you've seen this in the news this past week, this was in our newspaper today. Jail for parents who haven't vaccinated their children, I thought Americans have the right to refuse on the belief of Religious Convictions? Does anyone have some fact or info on this topic?
I might be wrong but I suppose that it would indeed be against the law to not have your children vaccinated IF they attend a public school. If however your children are homeschooled, it isn't against the law.On a personal note, I don't believe in vaccinations. Its just chemical after chemical being injected into you.
Here in Michigan, they just went through the school records and sent out notices to parents that didn't have their kids' shots up to date. I have two children, 1 homeschooled for most of the day(she takes 2 electives in middle school), and the other does full-time school. My son, who is full-time, has not had the chicken pox shot. I submitted an exemption form (crossing some things out I didn't like the wording on and initialing it), and as far as I know, all is well.Every state is different, though, on what kind of exemptions are acceptable. If I had a problem with the school on this issue, I would take my kids out of school---period.
Thanks, I was wondering if it is different from State to State or was is Federal thing. But yes here in Texas you do have a few more right within the public schools. I not sure but I think that you can be exempt based on relgious conviction.I don't have kids school age, mine are adults so I'm not up of the "new" and changing school policies.Sharlene