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 Model Husband!

Instructions and promises for husbands. "Husbands love your wives, and be not bitter against them"(Col 3:19) You must realize that after all your wife is a human being. She may make mistakes but you must show kindness and love even when your wife makes a mistake. 1.Due benevolence’s Cor 7:3. It is true that the husband is the head of the family. But you should not use your authority to destroy the confidence of your wife. You must love her help her when she is in difficulty. 2.Fear the Lord. Psalms 128:3-4. Some men blame their wives when something goes wrong at home. But if you fear God, He will bless your wife and she will be fragrant and fruitful at home. 3.Make provision.(I Timothy 5:8) You should work hard and meet all the needs of your family. 4.Live joyfully.(Ecclesiastes 9:9) You will not live in this world for ever and therefore it is your responsibility to make your wife happy. 5.The head of the family.( I Cor 11:3) You must realize that Jesus is your head.Similarly,you must take responsibility to be head of the family. It is not enough that you play a leadership role in managing the things of the world. You must be spiritual head of the family. In other words, you must lead your wife and children to eternity. 6.Exercise authority.(Gn 18:19) If you want to enjoy the blessings that God promised to Abraham, you should exercise spiritual authority over all the members of your family as Abraham did. 7.Honour your wife.(I Peter 3:7) You must realize that your wife is weaker than yourself.Therefore,you should support her and honor her so that the spiritual atmosphere of your home is not spoiled.

 2007/11/18 7:58

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