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Discussion Forum : General Topics : Do you have any giants in your life?

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 Do you have any giants in your life?

Do you have any giants in your life?
Do you have any giants in your life?
It could be a habit, a sin, a person, a situation, that is bullying you around and taking control of your life?

It could be worry, or smoking, or cursing, or bad behavior, or temper, or alcohol, or illicit sex, or pride or gossip, or money, or a friend that influences you to sin, or any number of giants that tend to dominate you!

It could be that this giant, or these giants have been harassing you for so long, that you have given up hope of ever being delivered from their influence.

 2007/11/16 9:25

 Re: Do you have any giants in your life?

Thanks for responding this thread.

 2007/11/16 21:12

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