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 Oh boy... now what?? Group hug, anyone??

Phew... did we all make it thru yesterday still in tact?

There are times when I'm coaching a football game that even tho we may be up by a touchdown, I feel like we're behind by 2 scores... and even tho I'm no longer the one on the field, the sidelines can still be as stressful. Just less bruises and blood.

Thats how yesterday felt to me.

I just want to say a few things... a few observations... a few thoughts... maybe a few things to meditate on... maybe a few things to completely dismiss...

What makes this forum unique is it's people. Everyone here is different. I've never met one person here with whom I agreed with 100%, but at times this place is beautiful and colorful. Ever look at a bouquet of flowers? 12 dozen red roses is nice, but ya know what my wife likes? Bouquets that consist of many different flowers... all different colors and shapes... and in my eyes that is more beautiful. The diversity of it is astounding, and only God could mix things up like that and have it look absolutely stunning.

Thats how this forum is. People from all over the world. Different walks of life. Different callings. Different ways of looking at things.

Sometimes it's frustrating too, make no mistake about that. But I think when we begin to feel that frustrations, perhaps we need to look more at ourselves than at the other person. More or less, that was really what I was trying to get at yesterday, but that kinda got lost.

We need to learn to appreciate one another, and understand that that goes for me as well. I dont always appreciate each of you like I should. I know when I see my words getting misunderstood or twisted around, I dont feel like loving or appreciating that person. But the Word of God tells me that if I say I love Christ, yet hate my brother... I am a liar. 1 John chapter 2.

It's been said before, it bear repeating now... and again, this is more for myself than y'all... if we even have the slightest inkling that we may not understand what someone is saying, we should ask that brother and sister for clarification before we jump the gun. Lately I've seen a lot of misunderstandings going on, and I've been involved in some of them... and we really need to get control of ourselves and of the conversations before they get beyond the point of no return.

But here's the thing... we (myself included) need to learn to appreciate each other, and appreciate what each one of us has to add to this forum. My goodness, if we cant get along here, what are we gonna do in glory? What?? I have to spend eternity with this guy?? lol...

If someone comes on here and promotes a doctrine that you think is off base, challenge them on it. I will. But I think there is no need to blast a person and condemn them (as I know I have in the past). I know some topics will get heated, and I think thats healthy... but we need to be sure that things are done correctly.

At the same time, some of us can be too sensitive. And rebuke at all sends us over the edge. Thats not proper either. I've been painted lately as "not being able to take it", but folks, let me tell ya... I've taken some pretty sharp rebukes here. Some from Mike. Some from Ron.... etc. You just dont always know they happened. If someone justly rebukes me, I'll take it.

But sometimes, and I know I'm guilty of this too, we give a rebuke... but it's so dog-gone strong that it comes across as condemnation and judgmentalism. We should not expect that that type of "rebuke" will be accepted.

I guess what I am trying to say is that if we say we love the Lord, yet we hate our brother... we're a liar. What does it mean to hate? What does love look like?

Would I be willing to lay down my life for anyone on this forum? Thats a hard question to answer. Those of you who find it hard to stomache me sometimes, would you freely and willingly die so that I might live? Would I give up all that I have in this life in order to save your's?

If we say that we love one another, I think we would do those things for one another. So I ask again... do we love one another?

When we offer rebukes on this forum... do we have the other persons best interests in mind? Or are we more interested in telling someone off?

I know that there have been times in the past where my passions took over, and I wanted to tell that person off much more than I wanted to see them come to the truth of a matter. I wasnt loving that person, I was loving myself. Praise God I believe He has helped me to overcome a lot of that pride and arrogance, but I aint 100% yet.

When we begin to write that rebuke on this forum... we need to ask ourselves... whats my purpose? Why am I doing this? If it's for any other reason other than to see this person come a greater understanding of scripture... we should hold our peace.

And I want to come to a place where I exercise that kind of control all the time.

In the meantime tho, to those who feel that I havent done that... and may have caused you hurt, or caused you to have hatred in your heart toward me... I want to apologize right here and right now, and ask that you forgive me.

2 people called me out yesterday and felt I was slandering another forum memeber. While I disagree with that, I do want to say to Julian that if it was perceived that way by [b]him[/b], I offer my most sincere apologies. My intentions were not to embarrass him or hurt him. I truly feel I had the right to respond to his public statements publicly, and I feel that I did so without smearing his character... but my intentions are not whats important. Whats important is that Julian understand that I repent of ever mentioning his name or his statements if it caused him hurt. I love you, brother.

Anyway... enough rambling. I'm sure some will understand this mess of a post, just as I am sure everything I wrote will be misunderstood too... lol. It's the nature of the beast around these parts.

But please know one thing, y'all... we are a family. As Charlie Daniels once sung:

"We may have done just a little bit of fighting amongst ourselves / But you outside people just best leave us alone..."

Much love


 2007/11/16 7:40

 Re: Oh boy... now what?? Group hug, anyone??

All Glory to God.

 2007/11/16 7:43


Just wanted to add one more thought... yesterday a brother accused me of being guilty of the same things that I was addressing on that thread.

Yep... he's right. It's no secret, and I've admitted many times that I struggle with these things just like everyone else. I want to apologize if I came off yesterday as not including myself as being guilty of judgmentalism. Many of the things I wrote yesterday were directed at myself... but I'm quite certain that it wasnt conveyed in that manner.

I appreciate him pointing this omission out. I ask y'all to forgive me for any hypocrisy that you may have seen in my words yesterday. I am painfully aware of my many shortcomings.


 2007/11/16 8:15

Joined: 2004/10/13
Posts: 2132


I think we all have problems in one way or another with judgementalism, by degrees thats why its a spec in the eye, just a little thing that seems to cause us such irritation, and in the same way it's the Little Foxes or sins that eat up all the fruit. God bless your Brother in Christ Daryl


 2007/11/16 8:46Profile


I agree, bro...

I was changing the oil on my Jeep a few weeks ago and ended up with a tiny little spec of dirt in my eye... it's amazing that such a small spec of dirt could be so debilitating.

There is a spiritual lesson there...


 2007/11/16 8:52

Joined: 2007/9/13
Posts: 1752


I was served a dose of humble pie yesterday, and rightfully so.

I am sorry for my actions against fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I am an imperfect man with a perfect Lord, striving to achieve where He wants me to be. I fall daily, but I get back up, make amends, and move forward.

Forgive my immaturity friends. I am always learning and yearning to grow to become perfected.

In Christ,



 2007/11/16 10:25Profile

Joined: 2004/3/24
Posts: 1374

 Suck it up like a Good Christian Soldier and Drive On ...

"Bro Krisp you wrote;
"But I think when we begin to feel that frustrations, perhaps we need to look more at ourselves than at the other person."

Perhaps bro? ... Jesus said "ourselves" is the "first place to look" ...

[3] And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
[4] Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
[5] Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.[/b]

... i know in my own life Holy Spirit has been whittling down my "self", shaving off first "feigned humbleness", then "forced humbleness", now to just "plain humbleness", as in WWJD in the view of "He held His peace", and also of Pauls admonotion that "we that are strong (mature in Christ) must bear the infirmaties of the weak (those who are not) thereby as [b]2Cor.6 points out ...

[3] Giving no offence in any thing, that the ministry be not blamed:
[4] But in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses,
[5] In stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labours, in watchings, in fastings;
[6] By pureness, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned,
[7] By the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left,
[8] By honour and dishonour, by evil report and good report: as deceivers, and yet true;
[9] As unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and, behold, we live; as chastened, and not killed;
[10] As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.[/b]

Tough to do? ... Yep when "self" is always at the fore ... Easier to do? ... Yep, when pleasing Jesus is always at the fore ... So that now when i get angry (and yep i still do-tho by God's grace not as often) at someone taking a shot at me on Forum my next action is to search myself as to why i'm allowing the upset ... It's always comes back to "self" ... Like Jesus, and because of Jesus, we can "hold our peace" if we choose to ...

On your other thread (which i just noticed was locked) where you said "judgmentalism would eventually kill the SI Forum" i thought to myself, "Nahhh ... it'll kill you first" because you will allow it by reacting out of "self" to what someone may have posted ... Bro Krisp i have noticed that some of your responses egg on to even worse counter responses, when a "kind word", or even "no word at all" would nip it in the bud ... Since you've made this public i have to say that sometimes you can give as bad as you get, but then you'll turn right around and react out of hurt feelings ... We'd all do well to to tape the following scripture above our monitors in participation on this Forum ...

[8] Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous:
[9] Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing.[/b]

i remember a while back when Holy Spirit made it plain to me that He's not brought me to SI to teach anyone anything, but that i might be taught ... One of the main things He's taught me regarding communication, and interaction, on SI Forum is to be far removed from my "self" because as a "follower" of Christ, let alone my believing myself to be a "minister" of His, like a "Timex" i'm supposed to be able to "take a lickin' and keep on tickin" without ever missing a beat in continued display of His love ... Problem is most of us "feign" the humility of a "working class for Jesus-Timex" but react to the slightest abuse like an "ostentatious status symboled-Rolex" ... Why? ... Point blank, because either the love of God ain't in us, or if it is then it's still being totally eclipsed by our own "self" love ...

[1] Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.
[2] And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.
[3] And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.
[4] Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
[5] Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
[6] Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
[7] Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
[8] Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
[9] For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
[10] But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.
[11] When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.[/b]

To finish up in a phrase that i'm sure will bring my points home to you bro. Krisp (and hopefully to all we Christian men) ... [b]"Jesus is looking for a few good men" ... [/b]

Blessings in our "Commander in Chief"! :-D ...

 2007/11/16 10:35Profile


Forgive my immaturity friends. I am always learning and yearning to grow to become perfected.

I forgive you, bro... and I love ya, too.

I hope you will forgive me if I've ever said anything to offend you as well.


 2007/11/16 10:39

 Re: Suck it up like a Good Christian Soldier and Drive On ...

Bro Krisp i have noticed that some of your responses egg on to even worse counter responses, when a "kind word", or even "no word at all" would nip it in the bud ... Since you've made this public i have to say that sometimes you can give as bad as you get, but then you'll turn right around and react out of hurt feelings ...

Yea... this is true, as Jim appropriately pointed out yesterday. Again, I sincerely apologize for doing this. I ask for folks to pray that I will not do that in the future.

I will say this, however, my intention yesterday was not to react out of hurt feelings toward what was said to me by another brother. Somehow a few folks interpretted yesterdays thread that way... but in all honestly, I only started that thread as an effort to further clarify my position on why I speak frankly about different issues. It was to point out that we all (myself included) draw conclusions about people whom we really know nothing about. I never itended that thread to be me railing against Julian... but unfortunately it came across that way, and my heart in the message was lost on some.

Some got it... others didnt... and it's my fault because I failed to communicate my heart. Those who really know me, and can see beyond my failings, and understand my heart for the most part... are the ones who got it, and understood what I was trying to get across. But in retrospect, I can see how those who dont know much about me could misunderstand.

I think I assumed to much.

But at any rate... what you said, Rahman, is true. I wish to repent of that.


 2007/11/16 10:52


How do christians have unforgiveness towards each other? That is not the fruit of a christian because we are family. Naturally we have love for one another because we love God and we recognize the fact that we have ALL THINGS COMMON INCLUDING WEAKNESSES.

The more I have recognized this the greater my love is for my brother because if I do not have the same weaknesses that he does I know I have atleast been there at some point in time in my life and I want to extend the same love and forgiving grace that God has given me.

My heart is burdened for him/her because I have been there so my response is to reach out not hold back.

 2007/11/16 11:03

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