There is no life in the Scriptures (part two)
I am the Bread of life. Joh 6:49 Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and died. Joh 6:50 This is the Bread which comes down from Heaven, so that a man may eat of it and not die. Joh 6:51 I am the Living Bread which came down from Heaven. If anyone eats of this Bread, he shall live forever. And truly the bread that I will give is My flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.
Then Jesus said to the Twelve, Do you also wish to go away? Joh 6:68 Then Simon Peter answered Him, Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the Words of eternal life.
When Peter says that Jesus has the "words," of eternal life this can also be translated "has the commands of eternal life." We know that it is not the hearers of the word that are commended by Scripture, its the doers. But become doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
Jam 1:23 For if anyone is a hearer of the Word and not a doer, he is like a man studying his natural face in a mirror. Jam 1:24 For he studied himself and went his way, and immediately he forgot what he was like. Jam 1:25 But whoever looks into the perfect Law of liberty and continues in it, he is not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work. This one shall be blessed in his doing.
There is no life in knowing the sermon on the Mount, the life lies in the obedience to the commands of Jesus. And of course there is only one way to be obedient to these commands because these commands cannot be carried out in the flesh, only by the Spirit for they are supernatural, they go against nature itself. So in order for a Christian to live this supernatural life, life that actually does and not just hears and learns, you must come to Jesus to be fed. His very presence , manifest presence, conscious presence is the food of life.
It is not enough to talk about Jesus, it is not enough to learn about Jesus, you must come to Him. We can accept Him as Christians, receive His Spirit and begin the journey but if we are to move forward we must "come to Him." For in Him is life and sustenance.
Yet what would stop disciples from coming to Him? Why would we turn back and not come and be fed? In order to take Jesus into us we must consume Him. In order to come to Jesus we must come to Him with the mindset of giving everything up for Him. We are pursuing perfection, we are seeking to be like Him.
The more that we are like Him, the more that we can fellowship with Him. Men know that instinctively. Yet right here is where the problem lies. Christians try, in the flesh, to be like Him in order to get closer to Him. IT NEVER WORKS, IT ALWAYS FAILS, IT HAS A 100% FAILURE RATE.
It cannot work. The better men make themselves, the fouler the stench becomes. There is pride in the flesh and the more "moral," and "Holy," a man becomes the more self-righteous he becomes. There is only two results that come by trying to live a Biblical Godly life according to our own efforts, complete failure or foul smelling self-righteousness. Most Christians today are somewhere on the self-righteous scale.
There is one way alone to become more like Him, it is by coming to Him, coming into His manifest presence. When you are in His manifest presence, you receive Him into you through your pours, through your senses, through your spirit through every particle of your being right down to the very molecules that make up who you are.
You are infused by Him and by being infused by Him, by consuming Him, by being consumed by Him, you are changed by Him. And you become more like Him and worship Him more and you read the Word more and you pray more and you weep more and you live more and you love more. You are more compassionate and you are more joyful and more grateful and more thankful and you witness more, not out of compunction, but out of necessity because your bones burn within you. Your heart is on fire, your whole body glows in the residue of your encounter. You are infused by Him and it makes you diffuse the fragrance of His knowledge in every place(2 Cor 2:14)
So men choose their own strength to try and achieve everything that can only be achieved in His presence because to come to Him, to come close to the light, it illuminates our dark deeds. Have you ever saw what happens when you lift a rock? The bugs run for the cover of darkness. Cockroaches do the same. The next time you have a spare ten minutes, go stand in a totally dark room. First of all you will not be able to see one inch in front of you. Yet slowly, gradually, your eyes will become accustomed to the light and you will be able to move around the room and not knock things over. Now open a door that leads to the outside. You will get a shock. Pain will rip through your eyes and your hands will instinctively go up to cover them.
Coming from that room into the light is like coming from the court of the gentiles into the inner sanctum. It is easier to dwell in the darkness, in the shades of gray. Yet oh the beauty of the light for the dwellers of the light. They have decided that dwelling in the light is worth giving up their anger, their bitterness, their sense of justification, their past hurts, their deliberate sins. It is a sore pain to forgive, not just seven times seven but continuously.
It is a sore pain to bring all these things to the light and we in the flesh instinctively draw away, as a hand withdraws from the flames of a fire. The one who seeks Jesus will push on through the pain, right into the heart of the fiery furnace if that is what it takes. Others will look at him in the midst of his circumstances and be able to see the Son of man in the fire. God will be glorified and men will testify that surely this is the true God and will be drawn to Him.
The only thing of the devoted servant that is burned in the fire is his sin, his unbelief, his lack of faith, his Luke warmness. He does all that to dwell in the light. Most draw back into the room. Are you in the dark room today? Is He calling you out? Is He saying "Come to me." "Feed on me, consume me, be consumed by me." Is He asking "Do you also want to go away?" Will it be said of you "from that time you went back and walked with Him no more."
Its all about walking with Him. That is why you were created. Do not let anything stop you from walking with Him. If He is calling on you , do not hide behind the tree. Do not let your sin, as a Christian, keep you in the dark room or hiding behind the tree. Push on, press in, for He has the words of Life and they are Spirit, if we follow Him and what He tells us to do, then those Words are eternal life to us.