Poster | Thread |
| Re: | | Quote:
Will there be kittens in heaven?
Jack Van Impe was heard saying that your pet might be in the rapture.
At a theatre near you! :-P |
| 2007/11/15 20:44 | | pastorfrin Member
Joined: 2006/1/19 Posts: 1406
| Re: Holiness: It's Conditions | | Holiness: It's Conditions
No man imagines it is possible to live the holy life if he is resolutely keeping sin in his life, something in his habits, his home, or his business. We know that these things grieve the Lord. We excuse them, and holiness is never perfected, and we lack the grace and loveliness of character which ought to be the testimony to the power of our Lord because we have not yet begun to be determined to renounce the hidden things of.darkness and to put out of our lives the things that are unlike our Master. Do we desire the holy life? Here are the conditions. Conviction He gives. That we are to respond to by the faith that renounces evil, puts away sin, abandons the life to Him. Holiness is not realized by my endeavor, but by His working in me, when I have given Him His chance. May God lead every one of us not merely to conviction, but to the faith that renounces the things He disapproves, and surrenders to Him all that is His by the indwelling of His Spirit.
G. Campbell Morgan |
| 2007/11/15 20:48 | Profile | awakenwithin Member
Joined: 2007/1/31 Posts: 985 AZ
| Re: Judgementalism will eventually KILL this forum | | Brother and sister Please stop and think what we are doing. If you want to talk about a subject fine, but when you bring names in you are gossiping and tearing a brother down. This is not biblical way to deal with a hurt.
Please read and apply to those who need to. For me this has been life changing in these few weeks, seeing the great importance to why Jesus say these things.
A Message that Tim Referred to by Ken Sande on Church Discipline: 1.
Look up..the main principles from the "Peacemaker" book by Ken Sande to help in dealing with Conflict Resolution in a Biblical way. This how we should be DOING IT>>>>>
But I must beg all, whenever we are angry with another brother and sister lets be biblical.Stop gossip. STOP!!! STOP and GO TO HIM> Frist and ALONE..
MAYBRE you have misunderstood a brother? who is one to speak in a wrong way,, GO TO HIM>>
"If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector." -Matthew 18:15-17
When I first entered upon the work of the ministry among you, I was exceedingly ignorant of the vast importance of church discipline. I thought that my great and almost only work was to pray and preach. I saw your souls to be so precious, and the time so short, that I devoted all my time, and care, and strength, to labor in word and doctrine. When cases of discipline were brought before me and the elders, I regarded them with something like abhorrence. It was a duty I shrank from; and I may truly say it nearly drove me from the work of the ministry among you altogether. But it pleased God, who teaches His servants in another way than man teaches, to bless some of the cases of discipline to the manifest and undeniable conversion of the souls of those under our care; and from that hour a new light broke in upon my mind, and I saw that if preaching be an ordinance of Christ, so is church discipline. I now feel very deeply persuaded that both are of God that two keys are committed to us by Christ: the one the key of doctrine, by means of which we unlock the treasures of the Bible; the other the key of discipline, by which we open or shut the way to the sealing ordinances of the faith. Both are Christs gift, and neither is to be resigned without sin. - Robert Murray MCheyne
What is Biblical Correction in the Body of Christ? There has been many times over and over we come to this. People say anything against us, or we say towards someone else the wrong way. We go behind there back, or email or prayer against them in from t of others. I am guilty as I am sure many us are. Looking at Matthew 18.. these are just the notes I took from this sermon
I am seeing that When we go a brother or sister with correction it is a gift if done in a right way, when done wrong it is a sin, and bring pain and hurt to the body.
- When a brother sins against us, we are to go the them alone..
Please lets do it the bible ways. This seems to the most saddest thing when do not obey the bibles ways. So lets encourage each others, to go first to the person. Lets stand up against this brothers and sister. If a person come at us saying something about someone lets be quick to point them to go to that person and speak with them. Don't LISTEN!! Tell them to go to that person and if the person dont listen then they may come back. Let help the body by not LISTING
are we not Guilty? Of going behind others back and speaking about them? Don't we know how hurtful this is to the body? Don't we know this not love at all? loving the body my beloved when we going behind others to tear them down is not love. I have done this am I guilty? May God help me to speak with pure lips at all times. So this dear sister came by tonight to say she was sorry she heard a person belittle me telling to careful, saying I was off. Now this sister has something towards, me. She went behind my back to tell others, yet never told me. When we do this beloved we only bring greater broken to the body of Christ. Awake Beloved this is wrong, and it must hurtful to many. God say go to them alone.
We are called to love one another, but how can we love when we are tearing each other down? We most not let sin destroy us. Let go to each other.
When we fail to go we come to all kind of false ideas of that person. I ask the question how many times have we thought someone meant this or that, and when you get all the fact you are WRONG. I know I have been many times. Lets be wise and ans ask lots of questions first. Misunderstanding do come, that is why we are to go to them first and alone.. Lets be wise and truly love one another. When speak against another behind there back, it is not love.
When a person see another in sin the most loving thing we can do is to go to them, with a loving and gentle spirit to show them hey you are off. It is Gods way of using the body to kill a sin that could grow bigger. So when we dont go we fail to express our love for them. - But we must go with first looking at self, log in own eye. and with a humble spirit. We need to go with a humble spirit and we need have a humble spirit when another comes at us. are we willing to expect the corrections? - We need Gods grace to be humble. - We need a right picture of Sin. Sin is evil wicked the thing that brought Christ to the Cross. Sin is no small thing. Sin is huge. Sin is what brake fellowship, when we are unwilling to obey and turn from sin. When you want to be right. We are blind to our blindness we need each other to show us, where we are getting off. - What lies do we believe that we are unwilling to go and tell another their sin? - its unkind - God will change them - Its risky - I am I willing to take the chance of losing a friend, to more loving and show them where they are off.
Think on this, Jesus Christ came to the world to point out Sin. James 1:9 when bring a brother back from sinning cover many sins...- it is seen as compassionate and kind to go and bring correction to a brother.
But why alone? How often do we follow this? Do we go to the person first? I need to repent of not going to them first. Or not going to a brother who is in Sin. It say in Gal 6.. if brother in sin, he who is spiritual , to correct with gentle spirit?
-Gods order is we go first to our brother alone..
If we dont repent, or listen then we go to get others.
It seen has a case Prov 9:8 porv 29:5 Rebuke better hidden love
Peace makers- say that they see as someone is in great need and are going to save them. They take the risk. Our love is not deep if we are not willing to go and bring correction when a brother has sinned towards you, or you see on the path of sin. You are no help to them, if they blind are about to walk in the water and you say nothing. We are blind. We need each to point out our sins.
If they dont listen to others, then to the Church. If they dont repent then we see as unbelievers
In Christ _________________ charlene
| 2007/11/15 20:54 | Profile | awakenwithin Member
Joined: 2007/1/31 Posts: 985 AZ
| Re: | | "I know it is hard to ask forgiveness when you know that you have been wronged by another person." Brother, what bitterness and anger is in your heart? Never have I never seen any post by whom you have said that if son't do this you are not saved, this way you took,. I am sorry you have missunderstanding, I think it will be best to go and talk alone with these brothers. Do we need to this letter? No not at all, it between and a brother. "It is true that in your letter or post I sensed an attitude of judgment that is not good for a believer to have. Unfortunately it is very normal when conflicts arise that Christians go to attacking each other on moral grounds as if they had declared a Holy War. What often is behind these conflicts is misunderstanding and even different directions in God's calling, like Paul and Barnabas. On the mission field we know there are hundreds of cases where fellow workers go to fighting and cutting down one another just because of a personality conflict. This is where the grace of God really needs to be spread on thick, because the Devil loves to see us hurting one another's reputations and ministries." Be careful brothers and sisters what we are agreeing to and talking about. You have made claims about some brothers without knowing them. Be careful what we are saying..
"Instead, we need to all look inside and see our own serious faults - we need to take the LOG out of our own eyes. "I imagine that the Lord looks at his people much as I see totterers in a nursery. Each child is so consumed with his own interests and desires that there is endless struggling, fighting and crying! They value their own happiness so much that there is not the slightest interest of making others happy. When a conflict arises within the church it really is an opportunity for ministry to others, but we so often blow it and exaggerate the issues at hand.Who wins when Christians accuse each other of evils beyond what they actually have done? Satan is the accuser and we without knowing it become his helpers! The world mocks a church that claims to have God's love and yet spends so much time tearing each other down. How sad!"
But on the other hand when we do handle issues as God would have us, we are a shining light to the world. Everyone else faces conflicts as well, but when the see love, appreciation and forgiveness within the Body of Christ it is an attractive thing! We shouldn't strive to humiliate a brother or sister by what has offended us - often we are off base in our judgements anyway. SO maybe alot of this is missunderstanding and look how we are accuses a someone, when in the end is most likly misunderstanding? why then do we go shooting them with both shotgun barrels?"
" We need to keep other's good in mind during any conflicts and try not to spread accusations that will run down the entire reputation of God's people. In my opionin, only outright heresy, going against the gospel of Christ, immorality or financial misappropriation should be censured among the believers. Issues like yours where you sensed pride, were offended by words and so forth should never go beyond dealing with person to person. We will never iron out all these wrinkles, since as we try to work on one we make a few more, right? Instead we need to fix our eyes on Jesus, love each other and walk in humility of purpose. Be content that the Lord is working in this man's life as well as in your own. Guard your heart against personal offenses as they are many."
Run from temptations that capture young people. Always do the right thing. Be faithful, loving, and easy to get along with. Worship with people whose hearts are pure. Stay away from stupid and senseless arguments. These only lead to trouble, and God's servants must not be troublemakers. They must be kind to everyone, and they must be good teachers and very patient. Be humble when you correct people who oppose you. Maybe God will lead them to turn to him and learn the truth. 2Timothy 2:23-25 CEV)
On base of Holiness, there is nothing wrong with speaking truth you may agree, but the Lord say you shall be HOly as He is HOLY. WE are called to hate sin, even if you love it, do not the things of the World. This a matter of do you want to die and deny yourself or keep your ways, Christ say to give it all and die to all. It isn't a matter of what we think we die to all, to fix our eyes on Christ, We are be HOLY and Hate sin. Why because we love God, and when we sin he don't get the Glory. It all about him I too ask are we willing to go to the cross and die, willing to be wrong. We can't see all our sins, that why we need each other, to help us. We need to be humble. I talk with a friend today, a couple of weeks ago I brought somthing up to her I was worried about, she got mad and said I was wrong, well today she said you know God showed I was just fighting to keep my own way thats way I was upset at you. Don't fight God, Let grow to more like him.
In Christ charlene
_________________ charlene
| 2007/11/15 21:20 | Profile | awakenwithin Member
Joined: 2007/1/31 Posts: 985 AZ
| Re: | | Holiness: It's Conditions
No man imagines it is possible to live the holy life if he is resolutely keeping sin in his life, something in his habits, his home, or his business. We know that these things grieve the Lord. We excuse them, and holiness is never perfected, and we lack the grace and loveliness of character which ought to be the testimony to the power of our Lord because we have not yet begun to be determined to renounce the hidden things of.darkness and to put out of our lives the things that are unlike our Master. Do we desire the holy life? Here are the conditions. Conviction He gives. That we are to respond to by the faith that renounces evil, puts away sin, abandons the life to Him. Holiness is not realized by my endeavor, but by His working in me, when I have given Him His chance. May God lead every one of us not merely to conviction, but to the faith that renounces the things He disapproves, and surrenders to Him all that is His by the indwelling of His Spirit.
G. Campbell Morgan
thank you brother _________________ charlene
| 2007/11/15 21:20 | Profile | HisDaughter Member
Joined: 2007/10/1 Posts: 24 God's preappointed dwelling place
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Perhaps you could have taken some time to get to know me or understand why I wrote what I did before publically assigning motive to my writings?
Brother Jim, please forgive me if you took this as an attack on your person. Indeed I do see through this thread and the one you referenced that there is something other than "brotherly love" going on, and only wanted to encourage you both to let any differences be resolved and to love one another. I never intended to put you on the offense.
The bulk of what I wrote was (I thought) in tune with the original post and thread, and not at all directed toward you. (Perhaps I should have divided my post better). Rather I was speaking of my observations in general. When I wrote of the abuses in these forums, I certainly did not mean to single you out as I wrote those sentiments. I had many many examples in mind, of which you were not a part.
I have not been here from the beginning, but if I were to guess, I would say that the heart behind the forums on this site was to be a community of believers who are encouraging one another in the faith, and driving each other towards Jesus as we intend to run the good race; seeking God, desiring to know Him more, and helping others as God allows us to along the way. (Or if you are in my shoes, taking advantage of gleaning any and all wisdom which is in abundance on here in the hearts of many saints) It would be a sad thing indeed if debates, arguments, and hard feelings were in greater supply on these forums than love.
God help me to walk in the way that He intended me to. |
| 2007/11/15 21:54 | Profile | crsschk Member
Joined: 2003/6/11 Posts: 9192 Santa Clara, CA
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was that for me? ...cuz I was doing a lot of tongue biting right then.
No brother, it was not, the posts had just crossed at the time.
Krispy is highly thought of here, and people are more likely to take to the ideas of the "in crowd", even if they oppose the very purpose of this site.
You are mistaken and are not helping matters here at all. There is something to be said for longevity in this forum and that means there is much that has taken place in the ensuing years, much that has escaped anyone's grasp that has not been involved throughout.
This is not about setting one up above another or worse [i]setting[/i] one against another, anyone who wishes to purpose this here will be removed.
I am asking those who do not want to hear it to hold their peace, consider whether they truly know what they are speaking of, have amassed all the evidence and then most importantly prayed whether it is even of any benefit to bring it forth. This must cease.
[i]The Lords Testimony[/i]
This thread will be locked. _________________ Mike Balog
| 2007/11/15 23:01 | Profile |