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Joined: 2002/12/11 Posts: 39795 Canada
Online! | How Much Time do You Spend in Prayer Daily? | | Just curious if anyone would be willing to share how much time (on average) do you spend praying on a daily basis?
This is not to measure how "godly" or "sanctified" we are but to challenge ourselves and check our hearts and see how we are walking with the Lord. I have been traveling alot lately so I have personally found it hard to have a consistent prayer time but I have been convicted that this needs to be "guarded" beyond all else.
May God burden us to "slow" down and spend time with him early or late but time "set aside" for Him. _________________ SI Moderator - Greg Gordon
| 2007/11/14 23:37 | Profile | Compton Member

Joined: 2005/2/24 Posts: 2732
| Re: How Much Time do You Spend in Prayer Daily? | | Thank you Greg. _________________ Mike Compton
| 2007/11/15 1:04 | Profile | jordanamo Member

Joined: 2006/11/23 Posts: 397
| Re: How Much Time do You Spend in Prayer Daily? | | I think this is an improper question to ask.
Matt. 5:5 And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. 6 But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. (ESV)
I'm not pointing any fingers. These passages don't refer directly to this, but it is a cautionary warning. Then Jesus went on about not praying in "empty phrases" as the Gentiles do, who think they'll be heard for their "many words" (Matt 6:7)-- another warning. Jesus then went on to give an example of the type of prayer we should pray. You all know that (Our Father who art in heaven, etc), and it was short, to the point. Not long-winded.
God knows how much you pray. That's what matters. One's amount of praying is no measure upon their spiritual life, and asking that-- to even want to know something so personal-- is odd to me.
Jordan |
| 2007/11/15 2:31 | Profile | rookie Member

Joined: 2003/6/3 Posts: 4821 Savannah TN
| Re: | | Much of my day is spent meditating on the things of God, Scripture, seeking how God is working around me and in me. There have been times where prayer has come from my heart's cry for another person...and He has answered those prayers. Yet there is in me still a sense of not praying in total submission to Him. I asked Him a long time ago, to "show me how you save me." And at times I have asked Him, am I missing something...and He brings back to the prayer, and says, 'I am showing you how I save you....
Be still and know that I am the Lord...
In Christ Jeff
_________________ Jeff Marshalek
| 2007/11/15 3:20 | Profile | enid Member

Joined: 2006/5/22 Posts: 2680 Nottingham, England
| Re: | | I don't think it is improper or odd to ask about one's prayer life, in a sense.
In a sense, it is improper to ask.
What I mean is, in private, it's ok, in public, it's questionable.
I wouldn't say in public, but if someone were to ask me privately, and if it is for their edification, then yes, I would say.
It is also a question to ponder.
How much time DO we spend in prayer daily.
Are there other things that supersede the time we should spend in prayer. Think about it.
TV instead of prayer Internet instead of prayer Sports instead of prayer Entertainment instead of prayer
The list could go on.
So, we could ponder the question.
God bless. |
| 2007/11/15 4:23 | Profile |
| Re: How Much Time do You Spend in Prayer Daily? | | I'm so glad you asked this Greg, I was wanting to ask the same thing :-) . I start my day in the morning with prayer and usually I am led to pray different times throughout the day. There are times at work where I am so burdened I have to take a break to pray. Most of the time I spend just letting God speak to me. At first years ago when I started doing this it was hard to stop what I was doing to hear God. I thank God I have perservered because I am learning to hear His voice more than ever before. I hear God speaking to me all day long. Actually I have realized He has been speaking to me all the time but I did not recognize it as His voice. All of the little occurances that happen throughout the day are not a coincidence. That is God speaking to me and I recognize it as such.
I respond to that voice and the more I respond the more in tune I become to His voice. I have learned though that prayer is not one way. I have recently spent alot of time just being still and letting Him speak to me. When God speaks to me I don't always hear specific words but He places burdens on my heart and when I recognize that I am being burdened He will give me the faces of people or things that are going on around me that I need to pray about, specific things. It always starts off as a burden though.Once I know specifically what it is I pray until I have peace in my heart. It may even be something going on with me that I need to draw attention to.
I find though the more problems that arise thorughout the day the more time I am drawn to prayer. I never set aside a specific time to pray except for in the morning and at night before I go to sleep when it's quiet. I have learned that when He draws me to pray that is when I need to pray. I'm wondering though if it is different for everyone? What works for one person may not work for another but God knows your need.
| 2007/11/15 7:19 | | dohzman Member

Joined: 2004/10/13 Posts: 2132
| Re: How Much Time do You Spend in Prayer Daily? | | That's funny because when I was going for my credientials I asked the same thing of the men who were bishops in the fellowship I attended. I wanted a line of measure I could strive for or pattern myself after. I think we all go through stages in life. For instant as a young christian I spent 6hours a day in prayer and intercession, that lasted for the first several years after my conversion or new birth experience. I do make a difference between prayer and intercession though. It was in those days that I read a little book by "Brother Lawrence" Practicing the presence of God". I determined to put it into practice and when I did so it was a for life decission until death in this mortal frame. Years latter as my life situation changed, courtship, marriage, children, job changes etc... my prayer life has changed as has my study times because of the increasing demands. I am generally not far from prayer throughout the day and night, but I have seasons of intercession where I seperate for night watches with fastings of various types for various reasons. All that said this is how the Lord has fashioned me, this is my experience, not yours or anyone elses, 2Co 10:12 For we do not make bold to rank or to compare ourselves with certain of those commending themselves, but they, among themselves measuring themselves, and comparing themselves with themselves, are not wise, I say that because someone who spends 10 mins with the Lord in the mid day may be more effective in thier prayer life than me. And while I see prayer as important I think the principle thing is faith and it takes more than just prayer to protect ones faith, it takes godly character, time with God's Word in His presence where we can hear the voice of God and be quickened to effective christian life w/prayer and intercessions. Godliness = character/ sanctification = holiness. I know most probably disagree, but it takes time to become godly or have solid godly character, takes patience and life experiences. Sanctification or holiness, I believe that when we are born again we are as holy as we will ever be(its a pronouncement from our great High Priest), Jesus said what is better the gift on the altar or the altar which santifies the gift. Consecration however is another story, that is a purposeful act of seperatness, sometimes we initiate the action (conscience)and sometimes God does by His Word or His Spirit. I see many who use vain repetions and think that much of what they are saying is effective, as if they can talk God into a course of action, people will use the Word of God to try to instruct God or direct God, they chant the Word they resite the Word they do everything except wait on the Word and submit to it, now waiting on the Word can take several forms, wait like a waiter does, that's life full of action, one hand on the task at hand and one eye on Jesus, waiting, or it could be being still and waiting, a well balanced life has both. I have again strived to employ both of these principles, but again it still takes faith, faith says I don't need to chant the Word of God in vain repetions or exercise my own rights or directives over the Will of God, faith is love and a good conscience walking hand in hand as a verbal expression, upward, toward God alone, the man or woman that does this, walks with God and knows what season it is and prays as lead by God's Holy Spirit. Sometimes a prayer life like that doesn't look very pretty but it's always very effective. May our lives be lives of prayer w/ godly character. _________________ D.Miller
| 2007/11/15 7:24 | Profile | BVO Member

Joined: 2004/10/6 Posts: 114 ohio
| Re: How Much Time do You Spend in Prayer Daily? | | this is a question that I have often thought I would like to ask people and never had the courage or not sure if it would be accusatory. Keith Daniel said that the depth our spiritual walk would be in direct proportion to the amount of time we spend alone with God. Denny Kenaston said once that if we aren't spending an hour alone with God daily our walk is a joke. This isn't to put me under the law as much as it is to confirm scriptural emphasis on prayer and fasting. I often wanted to ask people (especially obese christians) "do you ever fast?", but this falls into the same category of doing it between you and God and not before men. The problem to me is that nobody wants to talk about prayer and fasting because of the private nature, but we assume alot. Everyone else must have either a great prayer life or a poor prayer life, and mine will never be enough. It is good to realize that we all share similar struggles and by discussing these areas in love, we keep satan from singling sheep out to accuse and tempt. Thank you for the question put out. The answer for me is that my prayer life is sporadic. I pray and meditate much through the day, but alone time in the closet goes in seasons. I will have times layed out on the floor for half an hour, and some time just a quick thank you. I know that God is calling and saying "come" and many times like the guests invited to the wedding I have a reason that I can't. God, please help us to take prayer out of the theoretical and make it normal and real. Barry
_________________ Barry Voss
| 2007/11/15 7:29 | Profile |
| Re: How Much Time do You Spend in Prayer Daily? | | Not enough; I do my best to get up early, I try to spend about two hours in prayer and study daily. It may very a bit, times I may get up late and a not have enough time as I would like. My biggest problem at times, is that I don't make myself better prepared the night before. I may stay up to late that night and be tired and fight rolling out of bed. 4a.m. comes early and I should make better choices the night before. Show me your Glory by Gareth Evans
My Godly Father by Keith Daniel is a great encouragement and testimony on his fathers prayer life.
Reading diaries from David Brainard have also been encouraging too.
"Oh brother pray; in spite of Satan, pray; spend hours in prayer, rather neglect friends than not to pray, rather fast, and lose breakfast, dinner, supper and sleep too-than not to pray. And we must not talk about prayer- we must pray in right earnest. The Lord is near. He comes softly while the Virgins slumber." Andrew Bonar
Blessings Mike |
| 2007/11/15 8:00 | |
| Re: How Much Time do You Spend in Prayer Daily? | | Three times a daily.
Prayer is an appointment with God.
More prayers less problems , less prayers more problems.
| 2007/11/15 8:37 | |