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Discussion Forum : Miracles that follow the plow : Earthquakes

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Joined: 2007/11/3
Posts: 33
New York


I don't know where to post this, but I figured here would be as good as any.

Last night, I was getting ready to fall asleep when I felt convicted in my spirit to get up to pray in my prayer closet. So, I went with little hesitation. Once I got into my prayer closet I sought the Lord and felt his presence come upon me immediately. I just spoke to the Lord, Here I am Lord, what is it, I felt a sense of urgency.

As I waited, I heard a whisper of simply "Earthquakes" at first I tried to fight it off and clear my head, but this thought kept coming back to me. I kept praying God is this you, or just my flesh. I went to stand up, but as I did, God just moved in me, and I couldn't stand, his presence was just holding me their. I got back down to the ground and just prayed for God to protect my family and loved ones, and to remember mercy in his Holy Anger.

Again I tried to stand, and again the same happened, his presence just consumed me and I got back down to the ground. I then waited on God for a bit longer and continued praying for mercy. After awhile, I heard him say go back to bed, do not fear, everything is in his hands. So I did.

I didn't know what to do with this, but I felt I needed to share it with someone. Something like this has never happened to me before, so I feel a little inexperienced about how to respond except to tell people about it.

I'm not trying to promote any ministry or person. I am a "nobody" in Christendom in that I'm not a leader of any church or am I trying to proclaim myself as anything. I'm not trying to add anything that happened to me, of course my mind can start going on a bunch of different paths after experiencing this, but I only share just a word spoken, "Earthquakes" beyond that I have nothing more to say.

The only reason I bring this hear is for us to simply pray. Worst case scenario is that we seek his face together :-P


 2007/11/12 9:58Profile

 Re: Earthquakes

Hi Mr. Nobody.

I'm Mrs. Nobody.

Reading The Bible NOW-a-days - is like reading a Newspaper.
HEY - "Exciting Times".

So we'll pray with you. I have friends in earthquake areas - so yes, we'll pray and have been, because we know they'll come, because the Bible says so - even if our "feelings" don't.

I'm very sceptical of "experiences" - so no matter how strong I feel or hear something - I still "wait" and [u]pray[/u].

But I'm glad you posted this - we'll just pray a bit harder now, for the Saints living in these areas, etc..

Thanks for sharing!

 2007/11/12 14:27

 Re: Earthquakes

The thoughts that I am having regarding this subject whether they be spiritual or not is that physical Earthquakes are definitively on the horizon, especially those places that are not considered earthquake central. New England has a fault line, and the last tremor we felt was in 1982 and before that, never!

The other kind of earthquake is a national upheaval of a country. Civil wars, unrest, riots etc..

Another kind that I have been thinking of lately is the upheaval of ministries. God is turning over the earth to expose the roots of these ministries. What has been hidden is now being declared on the roof tops.

Thanks for sharing that Soulrider, and don't ever call yourself a nobody. Jesus is the LORD of Lords and the KING of Kings. Lord's and King's are not nobodies.

 2007/11/12 16:28

Joined: 2006/1/19
Posts: 1406


Thanks for sharing that Soulrider, and don't ever call yourself a nobody. Jesus is the LORD of Lords and the KING of Kings. Lord's and King's are not nobodies.

Amen, and pray we will.

 2007/11/12 17:53Profile

Joined: 2007/11/3
Posts: 33
New York


yes, well better for one to humble himself and be exalted by God :)

Please pray for Chile


 2007/11/14 12:39Profile


Amen brother.

I keep this as a desktop shortcut -

edit to add: the link to the 'lists' and maps are on this link above.

Here's just the list for M5.0+

 2007/11/14 16:10

Joined: 2003/7/31
Posts: 2850
Phoenix, Arizona USA

 Re: Earthquakes

Perhaps this is the "earthquake" that is coming...


According to the Center for the Study of Global Christianity, ten thousand Chinese become Christians every day. That’s 70,000 a week or 3,650,000 a year! At the time of the Communist takeover in 1950, there were less than 2 million baptized believers while today it is reliably reported that there are as many as 130 million believers!
The Asia Times reporter Spengler recently wrote that China may soon occupy the role the United States has filled for the past 200 years as the major center for mass evangelism and missionary activity. He adds that “if this occurs, the world will change beyond our capacity to recognize it.” He uses the word “earthquake” to describe the impact on Asia, the 10/40 Window and the Chinese Diaspora scattered in every nation of earth.
Rather than being concerned that the USA will probably be replaced as the major missionary sending nation in the world, we should give ourselves more earnestly to prayer and throw our resources into the battle for the soul’s of lost people. Chinese training centers are located in many areas of China and Asia where valiant men and women are being prepared to penetrate the strongholds of Satan. Chinese workers are already in several limited access countries living their lives for Christ in most dangerous situations- and doing so joyfully as bond slaves of Jesus Christ.

-from Intercessors Network Mailing #549

Ron Halverson

 2007/11/14 18:26Profile

 Re: Earthquakes

Brother soulrider,

I am very touched by your account of how God led and spoke to you. I believe there has been prophecy of serious disruption to life, not necessarily only in earthquake areas, which could mean there will be natural earthquakes in unexpected places. The world's focus on terrosism may be a red herring by comparason.

Since the tsunami which hit Thailand, Sri Lanka and other shores, I have been expecting some reciprocal upheavals to be reflected by other parts of the earth's crust, as this would be only natural. At the same time, we know God is able to preserve us for His purposes, and we trust Him to bring us through either way, according to His good pleasure for which [i]all[/i] things were created.

After awhile, I heard him say go back to bed, do not fear, everything is in his hands.

Amen. Thank you for this encouragement to childlike trust.

 2007/11/16 9:28

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