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 Re: I decided to leave my church

Jeannette said

I believe it has something to do with the fact that the Lord is preparing His people for the coming storms.

reformer said
Its funny you said this, I started a thread about being in the wilderness. I was thinking today maybe the Lord doesn't want me to find a church home yet.

Ho Mike and Jeannette,

I believe there is a very credible and relevant word coming out of Times Square Church (Interesting that you attended a church with the same initials), and that you could do worse than allow yourself to be fed by the brethren there. Doesn't mean you won't have questions, but it is interesting that these words are preached to about 8,000 attendees every week, and we out in this wilderness are just as included in the body, even from this distance and without their knowing about us individually.

I don't think Carter Conlon feels equal to the task at all, judging by how he prayed before he preached last Sunday, but, he is giving what God gives Him and both he and we may find it enough.

I would recommend one old sermon in particular, called [url=]When Death hears the Voice of God[/url], which definitely spoke life into my desert.

Despite the little scripture he used when he spoke to the Revival Conference, his normal style is expository - directly from the word. He feels like a safe pair of hands to me.

I'm going to answer in your other thread, bro.

By the way, in my case, Linn, which is Old Scots for 'waterfall' is a sister ;-)

 2007/11/29 20:17


Jeannette I did respond back to him with hopefully good intentions. I felt that I needed to give him a reason why I left, not to hurt or cause harm. but I felt it would be better coming from my words than someone trying to explain it for me during a lunch.

yes he is such a dear man and very compassionate, I hope it doesn't sound hard but just truthful.

I would love to know what you think.

Thank you for the kind words and encourage. I trust the Lord is doing something in our family and know that He has a grand plan for us. My hearts desire is to be obedient to Him over everything else, though some things I may not fully understand I know that He does.

I do want to make sure there are no miss understandings in why we Ieft, though I have been blessed with wonderful fellowship at TSC, we know longer could agree with the methods. Yes I agree that TSC is definitely differnent in its style in manying aspects, I am not opposed of reaching the lost, worship or preaching by any means. But, when that begins to be watered down in order to appeal to the community by worldly methods, thats where I have my disagreement.

I want to make sure that you know , that I don't have any problem with anyone in leadership, we are not upset or angry with anyone; we, as a family just don't fit into that kind of church growth, seeker-sensitive model.

We will continue to pray for TSC and will continue to fellowship with friends we have meet. My hope is that in everything we do brings honor and glory to the One that Died, Christ Jesus.

Blessings and grace to you and yours

Romans 1:16


get some sleep!!


 2007/11/29 20:56


I believe there is a very credible and relevant word coming out of Times Square Church (Interesting that you attended a church with the same initials), and that you could do worse than allow yourself to be fed by the brethren there. Doesn't mean you won't have questions, but it is interesting that these words are preached to about 8,000 attendees every week, and we out in this wilderness are just as included in the body, even from this distance and without their knowing about us individually.

I don't think Carter Conlon feels equal to the task at all, judging by how he prayed before he preached last Sunday, but, he is giving what God gives Him and both he and we may find it enough.

I receive their letters in the mail, I so much enjoy listening to Carter Colon. Its ironic that I just started to listen not more than a couple of weeks ago. I would love very much to sit under his teaching.

yes your right though we are not members of TSC, we are in the body of Christ. Only if some of these godly men new how much they have been a mentor to me.

I have read some of your posts, and I really enjoy reading them. I look forward to more fellowship brother.


 2007/11/29 21:02

Joined: 2006/12/31
Posts: 196

 Re: I decided to leave my church.

Your heart is right and you are leaving with the right spirit.
I do know how difficult it is to leave, but how much more difficult it would be to stay.

You may find it interesting to Google: Willow Creek a first hand statement made admitting their "mistake"...


 2007/11/30 23:30Profile



reformer wrote:
Jeannette I did respond back to him with hopefully good intentions. I felt that I needed to give him a reason why I left, not to hurt or cause harm. but I felt it would be better coming from my words than someone trying to explain it for me during a lunch.

yes he is such a dear man and very compassionate, I hope it doesn't sound hard but just truthful.

I would love to know what you think.

Hi Mike

It seemed best to send you an email about this.
No, it doesn't sound hard, rather the oppoisite!


 2007/12/3 19:53

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