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reformer wrote:
Strangely, I find myself in the situation of not having a local church right now, after more than 3 years of going to the same one in this area. A couple of weeks ago the Lord made it clear that the time there was ended, but so far has given no direction as to where to go now.

I will be praying for the Lord to bring you to where He needs you to be. It is a hard thing to leave a church, you build loving relationships, you are faithful to the church. Its hard to leave, but it should be hard; though I have learned, if it wasn't hard, you wouldn't care about the Lord. I would be concerned if it was an easy decision and just could leave without concern.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst...for they shall be satisfied.


Thankyou Mike

Especially for
I will be praying for the Lord to bring you to where He needs you to be.

A certain friend doesn't understand at all and is praying that He will bring me to where [i]I[/i] need to be, in order to get good teaching, fellowship etc. She keeps focussing on what she thinks my needs are, instead of the Lord's purposes.

Pray also that I'll be patient with her!

in Him


 2007/11/18 14:41

Joined: 2007/9/22
Posts: 8
Middle Georgia (backside of desert in the Bible Belt)

 Re: Let us be Valiant for the Truth!

What is really going on in the churches? Have they strayed and/or swerved from the Truth of the Word? Why isn't the Gospel truly preached? Why isn't Jesus enough? Why isn't there true worship in Spirit and in Truth? God help the church in America and the gospel that America has given to many countries of the world. I have cried out to God continually regarding these issues which have greatly troubled me. The other night I was dreaming and in my spirit greatly troubled and speaking with God. I spoke to God and said "God, your church is in big trouble!" Immediately He spoke back (in my dream), "This is not my church". Wow.

 2007/11/18 15:09Profile



blessed050 wrote:
What is really going on in the churches? Have they strayed and/or swerved from the Truth of the Word? Why isn't the Gospel truly preached? Why isn't Jesus enough? Why isn't there true worship in Spirit and in Truth? God help the church in America and the gospel that America has given to many countries of the world. I have cried out to God continually regarding these issues which have greatly troubled me. The other night I was dreaming and in my spirit greatly troubled and speaking with God. I spoke to God and said "God, your church is in big trouble!" Immediately He spoke back (in my dream), "This is not my church". Wow.

Not only in America!

Yet remember His word to Elijah, there are still the "7,000" who have not bowed to "Baal".



 2007/11/18 15:13


Not only in America!

So right about that, but sadly I wonder how much influence "American Christianity" has had on other countries? Paul Washer said about a Chinese missionary who came to America, was asked about our Churches, he said...It amazing what American churches can accomplish without God. (paraphrasing, sorry)

Keep searching, don't give up Jeannette :-)


 2007/11/19 18:10


So right about that, but sadly I wonder how much influence "American Christianity" has had on other countries?

America has spread more false teaching around the world via false teachers, misisonaries and evangelists, using modern media such as television then ever in history. America truly is a reprobate nation and the North American Evangelical Church is handed over to strong dellusion.

Revelation 18:3 For all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her delicacies.

 2007/11/19 22:37



reformer wrote:
Keep searching, don't give up Jeannette :-)


Thanks Mike, but "keep searching"... for what? Keep waiting is more the need at the moment - the hardest thing to do!

I know that searching for a local church where I can feel at home would be the logical thing to do, but I can't until the Lord releases me.

The word the other day, re this, was from Hosea 2

[color=990000]14 ¶ Therefore, behold, I will allure her, [i][b]and bring her into the wilderness[/b][/i], and speak comfortably unto her
15 And I will give her her vineyards from thence, and the valley of Achor for a door of hope: and she shall sing there, as in the days of her youth, and as in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt.[/color]

At this time it's right to be in the "wilderness", and I need to be able to just "be" with Him, which is very difficult - I will keep going off on tangents...

Thanks for your concern and prayers, much appereciated.

Any further news re your situation?

in Him


 2007/11/29 18:18



Good to hear from you. may the Lord continue to bless and enrich your walk with His Holy Spirit.

I just received in email from one of the pastors in leadership. He apparently had lunch with my sunday school leader and explained why I left the church. I don't know what he said, but I wonder if it was taken wrongly. you know how a story starts, before it's over it's so far out in left field.

this is the email:

I had lunch with Ruben today and he shared with me a little more about your search for a church. TSC is definitely different in its Celebrative Worship, Preaching style and heart to reach the lost and to Connect with the people that God is sending to our Community. It is our heart to become more intentional in our Discipleship Process in order to track what is happening in the body as it is Reached, Raised up, Refined and Released into ministry.

If the Mosketti family does not find what they are looking for out there I pray that you will know that there is always an open door for you at TSC. You were a huge encouragement and provided much needed consistency and leadership with Ruben and Ruth as they launched out with the new class start a year ago at the 10:45am hour. Your children have been led by some of our best at TSC and I know that you were a member of one of the best Care Connect Ministry adult classes there is.

I have not yet responded, I want to think about what I want to say. I don't think he at all was being cold or unpleasant. i just feel like I should be given a fair understanding coming from me.

4 ¶ Therefore, behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfortably unto her
15 And I will give her her vineyards from thence, and the valley of Achor for a door of hope: and she shall sing there, as in the days of her youth, and as in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt.

Its funny you said this, I started a thread about being in the wilderness. I was thinking today maybe the Lord doesn't want me to find a church home yet. I have always been spoon feed to believe what comes out of the pulpit. I just started these past several months having strong convictions about the Holiness of God and His word. I can't articulate many theological issues from my own heart, not that it makes me a better Christian. I need to have my own beliefs, not others opinions. I wonder if God just wants me to focus and devour His word, before I find a church. I am not going to give up in looking though. I have been thinking about 1 John 2:27 His anointing teaches us about all things.


 2007/11/29 18:54



reformer wrote:

Good to hear from you. may the Lord continue to bless and enrich your walk with His Holy Spirit...
4 ¶ Therefore, behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfortably unto her
15 And I will give her her vineyards from thence, and the valley of Achor for a door of hope: and she shall sing there, as in the days of her youth, and as in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt.

Its funny you said this, I started a thread about being in the wilderness. I was thinking today maybe the Lord doesn't want me to find a church home yet. I have always been spoon feed to believe what comes out of the pulpit. I just started these past several months having strong convictions about the Holiness of God and His word. I can't articulate many theological issues from my own heart, not that it makes me a better Christian. I need to have my own beliefs, not others opinions. I wonder if God just wants me to focus and devour His word, before I find a church. I am not going to give up in looking though. I have been thinking about 1 John 2:27 His anointing teaches us about all things.


Bro Mike, I'm so glad I looked at your post before going to bed (well after midnight here!)

It seems the Lord is doing something similar with many of His servants these days. Not becasue of problems in the local church as such, or even because of false teaching and practices creeping in, but because of a specific call of God.

I believe it has something to do with the fact that the Lord is preparing His people for the coming storms.
For example, you said:
I was thinking today maybe the Lord doesn't want me to find a church home yet. I have always been spoon feed to believe what comes out of the pulpit.

This is a time of [u]weaning[/u] for many of us, when we learn to walk with the Lord, and feed on Him ourselves instead of depending on others so much to tell us what to do and what to believe (I've been shocking in this, because of having had almost no confidence in my own relationship with the Lord)

Maybe it should again be made clear that this is NOT the same as withdrawing and "forsaking the assembling of ourselves together". Rather it's a specific call of God, in preparation, as i said, for a specific purpose and probably only for a season. Unless persecution etc becomes so bad that it will become impossible to meet together as we've been used to.



 2007/11/29 19:44


100% agree with you LittleGift.

Though I'm in a Church now, wasn't for many many years and that's exactly why. I prayed for all those years for a church to attend, but He kept me in the wilderness to make me dependent on only Him.
Whether in a Church group or not - all that you said is exactly right. And yes, have been seeing this with so very many over these last years also.

 2007/11/29 20:00



reformer wrote:

I just received in email from one of the pastors in leadership. He apparently had lunch with my sunday school leader and explained why I left the church. I don't know what he said, but I wonder if it was taken wrongly. you know how a story starts, before it's over it's so far out in left field.

this is the email:

I had lunch with Ruben today and he shared with me a little more about your search for a church. TSC is definitely different in its Celebrative Worship, Preaching style and heart to reach the lost and to Connect with the people that God is sending to our Community. It is our heart to become more intentional in our Discipleship Process in order to track what is happening in the body as it is Reached, Raised up, Refined and Released into ministry.

If the Mosketti family does not find what they are looking for out there I pray that you will know that there is always an open door for you at TSC. You were a huge encouragement and provided much needed consistency and leadership with Ruben and Ruth as they launched out with the new class start a year ago at the 10:45am hour. Your children have been led by some of our best at TSC and I know that you were a member of one of the best Care Connect Ministry adult classes there is.

I have not yet responded, I want to think about what I want to say. I don't think he at all was being cold or unpleasant. i just feel like I should be given a fair understanding coming from me.

This dear man probably has what he imagines are your best interests at heart, and is being very "gracious" re your leaving. But he obviously hasn't a clue where you are coming from. I've had the same sort of misunderstanding from the church I left.

He seems to imagine you left because their church just didn't suit your personal "taste" any more. He wishes you well, but doesn't have the faintest idea that there may be something wrong with the church, and that this is the reason you left!

You will no doubt pick up much more than I did from this mail, but even not having been in the situation it's obvious that this man isn't really listening at the moment, so there's probably no point in saying much in reply.

Pray that the Lord will open his eyes, becaus no-one else will get through to him.

Yet there must be some, (as you said about the group you used to teach) who is hearing what the Spirit is saying to this church.

I suppose the only way that anyone can avoid the challenge that your leaving represents is to persuade themselves that you were simply there for your own and your family's benefit, and to make your contribution towards the work of that church.

What the Lord really wants to do is to turn it upside down and inside out, to cleanse His temple and refine His people. But facing that fact is too costly and unpalatable for most.

There seems quite a bit of a "Purpose-Driven" or similar flavour to part of the mail{
TSC is definitely different in its Celebrative Worship, Preaching style and heart to reach the lost and to Connect with the people that God is sending to our Community. It is our heart to become more intentional in our Discipleship Process in order to track what is happening in the body as it is [i][u]Reached, Raised up, Refined and Released into ministry[/u][/i].

The emphasised words are typical of this style of thing - heard similar in the church I just left...

Yes, you had no choice but to leave...



 2007/11/29 20:04

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