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Joined: 2007/8/15
Posts: 190
Cache Valley, Utah

 Re: I decided to leave my church.

Hi, I don't know you and I am leary of even asking these 2 questions. I hope you will understand and concider the sincerity of them.

1) What scriptures can you look to for confirmation to leave the church? Which ones would you look to to reconsider and stay?

2)If you and your wife leave, who will be there to disciple the Christians that are there and who will be there to reach those that simply attend but are not saved?

Alan Taylor

 2007/11/13 12:24Profile



alan4jc wrote:
Hi, I don't know you and I am leary of even asking these 2 questions. I hope you will understand and concider the sincerity of them.

1) What scriptures can you look to for confirmation to leave the church? Which ones would you look to to reconsider and stay?

2)If you and your wife leave, who will be there to disciple the Christians that are there and who will be there to reach those that simply attend but are not saved?

Let me first say that I am leaving the church, i am still part of the body of Christ.

Roman 1:16 "For I am not ashamed for the gospel, for it is the POWER of GOd for salvation...," For me when a church looses site of this verse it is a dangerous situation. We don't need books and programs to save people. We have taken power of God out and replaced it with 12 easy steps.

2 Cor 6 speaks about being yoked unbelievers and separating ourselves from them.

2 John 1:10 "If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching..."

Those scriptures don't , say to leave a church, but do explain reasons why it is justifible to leave. I am not to save those in church, I can share my believes, but if they are content in that style of church, then they are responsible. When we begin to neglect the expository preaching of Gods word, and encourage emotional driven worship and entertain the those that think they are saved. Its time to go. We can't run our churchs, like the world and expect God to move.

My wife and family are more important to me than those that would rather stay under this type of seeker friendly church. It is a form of idolatry. Romans 10:14

I considered this for several months and it was hard to leave. But i feel I must be obedient to what I feel God is telling me to do. I can think of many reasons stay, but its my flesh. I can't stay any longer because of my friends. I should being going to church to worship the Lord and biblical study and to serve, when those things are not there then its time to go.

I suggest reading, "Nine marks of a healty church, by Mark Dever.

 2007/11/13 12:52

 Re: I decided to leave my church.


alan4jc wrote:
Hi, I don't know you and I am leary of even asking these 2 questions. I hope you will understand and concider the sincerity of them.

1) What scriptures can you look to for confirmation to leave the church? Which ones would you look to to reconsider and stay?

2)If you and your wife leave, who will be there to disciple the Christians that are there and who will be there to reach those that simply attend but are not saved?

HI Alan

I believe you were right to ask, because these are important questions!

1. We can trust the Lord to speak to us in a way that we can personally relate to. Scriptures (I can think of more than the ones the Lord used to speak to me). He also speaks through circumstances, such as (in this case) being unable to go along with doctrines and practices of that church any more. Even the words of others can be confirmation of what you already know in your heart.

2. We can trust Him for those we leave behind, as long as we are going at His command and not in self-will. I found this very difficult the first time, because of being a Presbyterian minister (the Lord wouldn't let me do infant baptism any more). I felt like a mother abandoning her children, but in the end had no choice but to leave!

Abraham illustrates both those questions: the Word of God, and abandoning someone who relies on you and with whom you have a deep bond:

1. The Lord told him to leave his home and kindred and go to a place the Lord would show him

2. Abraham had to send Hagar and Ishmael away (they went, not him but it's the same principle). It broke him up - especially as Ishmael was his firstborn son, and he loved him and pleaded with God for him. And, even though Hagar was a slave, she was still his wife, and he was in effect divorcing her. But God told him to do it and he had to obey.

Mike, He has called [i]you[/i] out and you must obey...

Another point is that even if you [i]were[/i] in disobedience (personally I don't think so, but even if you were...) and the Lord was actually telling you to stay, you would soon know it!

Again I speak from experience. I had an argument with a very difficult elderly man in the church I was in from 1983 to 2002 (only leaving because of a move - the church was then too far to go regularly). It upset me so much that I didn't go to meetings for over 2 months. At first I tried to persuade myself that this was of God, but all the time I felt like a cut off limb, and couldn't go anywhere else. In the end I had to humble myself, apologise and ask if I could return.

Strangely, I find myself in the situation of not having a local church right now, after more than 3 years of going to the same one in this area. A couple of weeks ago the Lord made it clear that the time there was ended, but so far has given no direction as to where to go now.

But unlike the previous time there was no quarrel, and I know this is of Him.



 2007/11/13 15:46



LittleGift wrote:
...2. Abraham had to send Hagar and Ishmael away (they went, not him but it's the same principle). It broke him up - especially as Ishmael was his firstborn son, and he loved him and pleaded with God for him. And, even though Hagar was a slave, she was still his wife, and he was in effect divorcing her. But God told him to do it and he had to obey.

I'm not of course saying that divorce is the right way of obeying the Lord - Abraham's situation was exceptional and unique!

Reread the post and realised it could be interpreted that way!! :-o

 2007/11/13 15:50



reformer wrote:
Let me first say that I am leaving the church, i am still part of the body of Christ.


That's the key to it all. If anyone leaves a local church without knowing themselves as still part of the Body then they are likely to be astray.

Bless you, Brother Mike, that's wonderful...

 2007/11/13 15:54

Joined: 2007/1/31
Posts: 985


suggest reading, "Nine marks of a healty church, by Mark Dever

indeed a good Book

I know for me it wasn't easy leaving the Church I was in for 2 years, I loved them I can say I still do. I think it is not right because you are upset or don't agree with something to just, but with talking the pastor and others there unbiblica things they are doing. I think there is much grace need for Pastor who love the Lord and growing, and same in some Churchs, But no all. Things happened in the Church I was in, God it was time. But it was after months of praying and talking to others about. But I do thank God for putting me there, it was hard and he used to show many things. So Mike thank God, he has a greater plan.. Leaving a Church based on the word, not how one feels is not a bad things.

In his love


 2007/11/13 17:11Profile


moe wrote: Reformer I am convinced that if you follow God's promptings and having no concern about anything other than your obedience to HIM you will have peace with your decision. A little advice, don't wait until Sunday to start Bible Study. Bible study starts in the home with the husband leading and initiating the studies. With prayer and Bible study in the home, your path will be revealed. Lean not to your own understanding, in all your WAYS acknowledge HIM and HE will direct your path.
I will be in prayer with you and yours.

 2007/11/13 18:47


This is actually really refreshing, statistics in evangelical community state that most people leave church for reason that are full of the flesh; the nursery is to small or not big enough, this person didn't say hi to me. The carpet is wrong, someone sat in my seat. This is why we have this epidemic of churches to surveying the community, and what has it got them? From what Willow Creek said, there programs have not worked, the surveys taken only fulfilled lust of the flesh. But what I have been reading in this thread, is very much to the contrary. The desire for the God and His word has been the focus. God honors this.

Psalm 94:16 "WHo will stand for me against evil doers? Who will take his stand for ME against those who do wickedness?"

There is one thing leaving for the color of the carpet, but it is completely different when you leave because of the Love for the truth of God. I look at it this way, if someone one's dishonoring my wife and children i would not stand for it. No one would. Why should this not be any different for Christ.


I have been encouraged so much through everyone's comments. :-)

 2007/11/13 20:52


Strangely, I find myself in the situation of not having a local church right now, after more than 3 years of going to the same one in this area. A couple of weeks ago the Lord made it clear that the time there was ended, but so far has given no direction as to where to go now.

I will be praying for the Lord to bring you to where He needs you to be. It is a hard thing to leave a church, you build loving relationships, you are faithful to the church. Its hard to leave, but it should be hard; though I have learned, if it wasn't hard, you wouldn't care about the Lord. I would be concerned if it was an easy decision and just could leave without concern.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst...for they shall be satisfied.


 2007/11/13 20:58


I don't think I gave an update on how it went on monday night. I told the guys in the class, they were really responsive and excited to see that God is doing things in me. They understood why the reasons I was leaving, it wasn't a secret to those I was really close too. I do still plan to go to the Monday night study. I just hope that we all will still be friends. I know that only time will proof this. They were not upset, they knew I wasn't happy. However they are not ready to leave yet, even though they disagree with much. I am excited for one friend , because I see that the Lord is really drawing him into the word. That is how it began with me and I know he is also struggling with things there. but I know God is faithful to those who seek.

We sent out an email to the rest of the class and just typical response from most. Some we called us and they shared somethings with us and understood what we were going through. Now we didn't tell the class why, only those who we trusted on new us well. The one's that called, that didn't know why we were leaving were beginning to share some concerns they have. Some have been confused and perplexed, I believe only because they see the "success" of the church and the new growth happening. God must being doing something, we are adding on eleven million dollar building. Children are being baptized every week, people are receiving Christ. We have 30 minute worship service and 20 minute sermons with movie clips once while, its great! Right! they are confused. Why would you leave? For some I think it has caused them to look a little deeper. I believe we left with honor and respect for those around us. We weren't divisive or Pharisaical in leaving. Our best efforts were to be kind and loving.

Someone said on this thread that actions speak louder than words...I believe it did!

With love

 2007/11/13 21:20

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