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 I decided to leave my church.

I have not been on SI that much, I have been spending time in prayer and study, I appreciate all the prayers and concerns from everyone.

My wife and I decided that we need to leave our church. We can't continue to be apart of there vision. I don't agree with the seeker friendly style, the lack of the word being preached. I knew that the church is part of the Willow Creek Association, but it has been steadily getting worse. That style of church might be sufficient for others, but we can no longer endure it. Once, they played a film clip today from the movie, 9/11 Twin towers, I finally gave in and said it is time to go. I thought Gods word was enough to save and to teach? I feel like the Lord has been dealing with me on this for a while and I ignored and tried to get others to see my side without trying to be divisive and offending. I seared my conscience for the sake of those we are close to in Sunday school class...I finally realized that too was wrong, I should never go to church because of my friends. I realized if they are truly my friends they will still continue to be my friends. We should go to church for the whole reason to encounter Jesus through the study of Gods word. I justified myself because I was afraid and scared of what others might think. I couldn't ignore the conviction any longer and I think what I have been going through personally is a result of my disobedience to the Lord in not leaving sooner and justifying staying for my friends. God has pretty much forced hard issues to come against us, because of my disobedience.

God has shown me that the most important thing about His church is not the people we meet or fellowship with or the size of the building. But is my Word being declared without compromise, expositionaly preached? Is there a sense of holiness and reverence before the Lord in prayer and worship? Mark Dever has written a book called "Marks of a healthy church. It has been a great comfort to me. I was fearful that I was becoming prideful and haughty. I confess that their was times I did. But this book helped to see that I wasn't crazy and I was expecting better because Christ is worth that and more!

In closing, I am going to announce this tomorrow at mens bible study I have been leading. It will not be easy, I know that others have already distanced themselves from us because I don't agree with many things going on in the church. I know that we will loose friends and my wife is taking it hard already, she has already lost a close friend in the class, because we have been thinking about leaving. Please pray for my wife, Connie. Pray that we will find a church home.

Thanks so much for all the prayers and concerns.

 2007/11/11 18:39

 Re: I decided to leave my church.

I can very much sympathise, Brother. I've had several experiences of leaving churches or Christian organisations. Not because of wanting to, but because of the call of God, and often because I could no longer go along with what they were doing and teaching.

One of the hardest things is that they tend to criticise you as a "spiritual gypsy" or a rebel.

When forced to leave a certain Christian organisation (they too were going the way of error, and even the leaders seemed to have no discernment), I was given a scripture that you may find helpful. It was when Ezekiel dug through a wall and took his bundle of possessions as if going to exile - it was a sign to them that Jerusalem would go into exile in the near future.

So may your departure be a sign and a warning to them, for you have not taken this step merely because of being "fed up" or having a quarrel with any individual, but because the Lord has made it clear that the time has come.

Sadly it may be for most as it was for Ezekiel, he was told to speak and warn the people whether they were willing to receive his word or not, "for they are a rebellious house".

I have found however, that sometimes actions do indeed speak louder than words.

Another scripture given more recently, concerning another "coming out", was John 10. Jesus said that His sheep follow Him, and He leads out His own, calling them by name. Also that they "go in and out and find pasture".

Even though you go out, like Abraham, not knowing where you are going, yet He will lead you into green pastures and beside still waters, because you are of His sheep.

For Connnie I can understand that it would be especially hard. We women tend to put down very deep roots, make a home wherever we are, and usually find it very difficult indeed to tear up those roots and move on.

Has she received a personal word, or heart-conviction from the Lord, or is she simply leaving because of your shared unhapppiness with the church situation and from loyalty to you? Maybe she needs to hear from Him individually...

Praying for you as you take this important step in obedience to Him.

in Him


 2007/11/11 19:10



LittleGift wrote:
It was when Ezekiel dug through a wall and took his bundle of possessions as if going to exile - it was a sign to them that Jerusalem would go into exile in the near future.

So may your departure be a sign and a warning to them, for you have not taken this step merely because of being "fed up" or having a quarrel with any individual, but because the Lord has made it clear that the time has come.

Sadly it may be for most as it was for Ezekiel, he was told to speak and warn the people whether they were willing to receive his word or not, "for they are a rebellious house".

I have found however, that sometimes actions do indeed speak louder than words.

Another scripture given more recently, concerning another "coming out", was John 10. Jesus said that His sheep follow Him, and He leads out His own, calling them by name. Also that they "go in and out and find pasture".

Gary Wilkerson had a word from the Lord that the church in America will go into exile. I have spent most of my christain life in a homechurch.

I will keep you and your wife in prayer.

 2007/11/11 19:21

Joined: 2007/1/31
Posts: 985

 Re: I decided to leave my church.

brother where do you live, maybe say your city and maybe we look up Church in that area people know of. Some on here, help me.


 2007/11/11 21:07Profile


For Connnie I can understand that it would be especially hard. We women tend to put down very deep roots, make a home wherever we are, and usually find it very difficult indeed to tear up those roots and move on.

She would get uncomfortable about many things at church. She is a reformed catholic, she has been born again for a few years now, she still is taking baby steps, but I do know that she also has been convictions during church services. We have talked about it many times and the other reason I kept going was because she was building friendship's and that was very important for me, but she did later begin to feel that it might be wise to leave. She was desiring to be feed and so she started a Beth Moore class, but she started to here somethings that were not really in line with scripture and some of Beth's philosophies made her uncomfortable. Some kind of chant or cheer they did in the beginning of class? Not really sure


 2007/11/11 22:54


No chants or cheers are necessary...

Just a penitant heart throbbing for the Lord of Glory!

And my heart goes out to you folks.

 2007/11/11 22:59


I live in Spring Hill Tennessee. Their is a church we will visit next week, it is a small rural church. There website recommends readings from Spurgeon, Martin Loyd Jones, and they even had John Macarthur visit to preach. I have to confess, we went to visit a few years ago and my pride kept me from going. It wasn't a "mega" church, I am so embarrassed and shamed, I judged the place by looking physically at it. I was so different then, I was always a seeker friendly church member, its funny how God gave me what I wanted, and then turned everything upside down and showed me His TRUTH. I thank the Lord for His mercy, I so don't deserve it.


 2007/11/11 23:05

 Re: I decided to leave my church

reformer said

It wasn't a "mega" church,

It is really encouraging to hear of your growth in the Lord... that He has been drawing you on into deeper truth and filling you with desire for better things. To hear that you and your wife are in agreement is also a blessing.

A long time ago, in response to my expression of disappointment about the church leadership under which I sat at the time, the elder to whom I was complaining shared a homemade proverb which had helped him to hope in God alone: Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he cannot be disappointed.

I know it sounds a bit wry, but it has helped me to divide more honestly between God and man, and not to hold man's inadequacies against him. I have come to understand that it is God who puts the pressure on a man's weaknesses, in order that he may find himself strong in the strength which Christ supplies.

After the difficult decisions surrounding leaving friends and brethren, maybe that thought above is a balance. Someone has to go first. Maybe, if you've been leading something (men's Bible study), others will want to follow you, and you might feel responsible for that or them. But if they leave under God, as you are doing, then even if you find yourself still leading some of them, you won't expect too much of yourself, and you can help them look to the Lord for themselves, as you are doing.

 2007/11/13 10:45

Joined: 2007/1/31
Posts: 985


PLease let us know after this SUnday how it goes.
God is loving Father, you for a Church that honors I know he will open a door
I will pray if this the Church you are to go at.

Keep seeking, everyday even more
Don't let the worry of life take you dowm
Even when you are unfaithful to your KIng
Trun to your loving, dig deep in the word, don't be hand fed your growth, Let His words show and teach and guide you.

My brother I pray for you, To my Most wonderful God, i as you Father to come and take hold of my brother and his wife, move stir them with a heart that is love with you, a heart that understands the love you have for them. Open there eyes to great love, Open their eyes to God richness in everyday life. Open theie eyes to amazing words in bible, let them jump out and change them give them joy and hope. Take hold of their live, indeed daily expose sins, daily confessing, but daily waling in the power we have over sin, Joy in knowing Christ. No other, No other means but Christ alone. Let there hearts fall in love, Let there hearts be passionate for Christ, Let live the life God ask of His children. Let them die daily to flesh but walk in the spirit. Bring older godly men and womene in their lives. Sin has no power them, SO we ask you give them more grace to see sin, and know it has no more power over them. Let them grow in the Grace of God. Joy would spring from their hearts. Today they will have peace. Today you will speak to them through your word Amen

Keep eyes on Christ. Be with Him, Love Him... don't give up keep praying, the more we pray the more we can pray

In his love


 2007/11/13 11:36Profile


Amen brother... there is a time to stay and a time to go.


 2007/11/13 12:04

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