[b][url=http://www.christourlife.ca/Live%20Worship/Ive%20Been%20Purchased%20By%20The%20Blood%20(Live).mp3]Ive been purchased by the blood of the lamb by Christ our Life[/url][/b]Ive Been Purchased By The BloodIve been purchased by the bloodIve been purchased by the bloodIve been purchased by the blood of the LambFrom an overwhelming flood, Ive been rescued by my GodIve been purchased by the blood of the LambChorus:Alleluia, AlleluiaIve been purchased by the blood of the LambIve been ransomed by my Lord, now Ill live forevermoreIve been purchased by the blood of the LambIm redeemed and Im free from a life of slaveryIm redeemed by the blood of the LambIm redeemed and Im free from a life of slaveryIm redeemed by the blood of the LambNow the Spirits leading me in a life of victoryIve been purchased by the blood of the LambEvery principality was disarmed at CalvaryIve been purchased by the blood of the Lamb
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbwyOfgfVBk]set my faith on fire (bond family)[/url]
Holy OneHoly OneHoly OneHoly One
_________________Christopher Joel Dandrow
What profit is the image,that its maker should carve it?the molded image,the teacher of lies?that the maker ofits mold should trustin it to make...Woe to him who says to woodawaketo silent stone...arise, it shall teachBehold it is overlayed with gold and silverand in it there is no breath at alland in it there is no breath at allBut the LORD is in His Holy TempleLet all the Earth keep silence before HimBut the LORD is in His Holy TempleLet all the Earth keep silence before HimThe fig tree tree may not blossomand the fruit be on the vinesor the labor of the olive failand the fields yeild no foodor the flock be cut off from the foldand there be no herd in the stallyet I will rejoice in the LORDI will joy in the God of my salvationthe LORD God is my strengthand He will make my feet like hinds feetHe will make me walk on my high hillsthe LORD God is my strengthand He will make my feet like hinds feetHe will make me walk on mountain heightsfull song...[url=http://www.scripturesongs.net/mp3/ss5/01Habakkuk.mp3]Let all the earth keep silence[/url]