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Joined: 2006/1/31
Posts: 4994



(see Matthew 23.37-39; John 3.17; Jeremiah 29.11; Ezekiel 33.11; Proverbs 24.17,18)

I've been watching from here

looking out over your life

even though you may not remember My love

I'm longing for you like you're My own

I'm not longing to kill you

I'm not longing to destroy

I'm longing to take you under My wings

I'm not hoping you'll suffer

I'm not happy when you do

I'm longing to take you under My wings

Though all will fall short

of the glory that I planned

your weakness and sin is the "why"

I'm longing to show you My love

My enemies seen and unseen

surround you and plan your fall

they do not speak for Me

I've already sent you My Word

Job had a time of suffering in life

it was not Me that he cursed

and I did not forget about him

The Father loved the world

and He sent me here for love

that no one should perish alone

that's the kind of love you should know

I hung on a cross

such agony endured

to wipe every tear from your eyes

to take away the sin of the world

The world as you know it

it's groaning and confused

its house is desolate and cold

it's not the world I had in mind for you

God did not send His Son into the world

hoping to condemn the world

but hoping to save the world


 2007/11/24 15:49Profile

Joined: 2006/1/31
Posts: 4994

 Re: Where else could we go?

[url=]All I once held dear ~ Robin Mark[/url]


 2007/12/4 3:54Profile

Joined: 2006/1/31
Posts: 4994

 Re: Where else could we go?

[b][url=]I Sought the Lord by Jeff Wooldridge[/url][/b]

I sought the Lord, and afterward I knew
He moved my soul to seek Him, seeking me.
It was not I that found, O Savior true;
No, I was found of Thee.

Thou didst reach forth Thy hand and mine enfold;
I walked and sank not on the storm vexed sea.
’Twas not so much that I on Thee took hold,
As Thou, dear Lord, on me.

I find, I walk, I love, but oh, the whole
Of love is but my answer, Lord, to Thee!
For Thou were long beforehand with my soul,
Always Thou lovest me.


 2008/2/5 3:47Profile

Joined: 2006/2/11
Posts: 2895
Philadelphia PA


[url=]Grateful Tears by Canaan Hymns[/url]

I think some of the words of this song are translated in English [url=]here[/url] under "Canaan Hymns #303 Tears of gratitude"

Christopher Joel Dandrow

 2008/2/5 4:19Profile

Joined: 2006/1/31
Posts: 4994


[url=]With HIS own blood[/url]

Hebrews 9.12

It was not with the blood of goats and calves
It was not with the blood of goats and calves

With His Own blood
He entered the Most Holy Place
with His Own blood
He entered the Most Holy Place

Once and for all
having obtained eternal redemption
once and for all
having obtained eternal redemption


 2008/3/11 7:08Profile

Joined: 2006/1/31
Posts: 4994

 Re: Where else could we go?

Our dear brother Pauls videos has blessed me, i like such music for meditation and just lifting my heart to the Lord.

[url=]Lord, we confess our numrous faults[/url] Isaac Watts

And the lyrics and words are worthy of much meditation,
Lord, we confess our numerous faults,
How great our guilt has been!
Foolish and vain were all our thoughts,
And all our lives were sin.

But, O my soul! for ever praise,
For ever love His Name,
Who turns thy feet from dangerous ways
Of folly, sin and shame.

’Tis not by works of righteousness
Which our own hands have done;
But we are saved by sovereign grace
Abounding through His Son.

’Tis from the mercy of our God
That all our hopes begin;
’Tis by the water and the blood
Our souls are washed from sin.

’Tis through the purchase of His death
Who hung upon the tree,
The Spirit is sent down to breathe
On such dry bones as we.

Raised from the dead we live anew;
And, justified by grace,
We shall appear in glory too,
And see our Father’s face.


 2008/3/11 16:19Profile

Joined: 2006/1/31
Posts: 4994

 Re: Where else could we go?

[b][url=]Where Are The Reapers ?[/url][/b]


 2008/3/27 10:15Profile

Joined: 2006/2/11
Posts: 2895
Philadelphia PA

 Re: Where else could we go?

Hi everyone,

There are two songs of worship and praise in this recording beginning at 21:50.

I wanted to share them with you all.

I'm not sure of the titles. The chorus of the first says

You are the source of my strength.

You are the strength of my life.

I lift my hands in total praise to You.

[url=]The Great Future of Pentecost by Jim Cymbala[/url]

Psalm 149

Christopher Joel Dandrow

 2008/4/2 23:20Profile

Joined: 2006/1/31
Posts: 4994


[b][url=]Blessed are they that dwell[/url][/b]
Psalm 84.4

Blessed are they that dwell
in thy house
in thy house

Blessed are they that dwell
in thy house
in thy house

They will be still praising Thee

They will be still praising Thee


 2008/5/1 17:52Profile

Joined: 2006/1/31
Posts: 4994

 Re: Where else could we go?

[b][url=]Cry for humility by Christ our Life[/url][/b]

Cry For Humility

Lord I Cry For Humility

Crush the pride that has blinded me

Forgive my hidden faults and bring the fear of God

Until Your dread’s in me

I will worship in Spirit and in Truth

Teach me discipline, to meditate on You

You gave up Your life, I must give my all to You

Remove the veil so I can see

Grant me grace to see my wickedness

You must increase while I become less

Keep Your servant from wilful sin

So I’ll stand blameless before Your throne



 2008/7/31 13:54Profile

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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